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Summertime, 2029

It's hard enough to take care of three kids let alone four when Patrick wants to act like a child. Luckily for me, that's always.

"Please" he begs alongside our three kids. He sits on his knees so he was closer to their height mimicking their praying hands. God these people were impossible.

Emma Star Kane was the oldest of our little trio. She's 14 now and looks just like her dad... fortunately for me she acts like him to. She has curly blonde hair and blue eyes. She is becoming quite the little right wing too, but that was a decision she made all on her own. Then again when you're dragged to hockey games for 14 years that'll do it to you. But she's big and strong and super cute, I'm hoping this whole "boys are gross" phase holds out for a while because they won't stay away for long. Not with those eyes. Patrick is fretting the day she comes home with a boy because he is insistent that he's going to have to kill him.

The middle child is Isaiah Michael Kane. A rambunctious little thing he is. Just 8 years old and already knows too much for his own good. He has short brown hair and brown eyes, looks like his grandma more than anything. He wants to be a jockey and train horseys all his life. I don't blame him honestly. He's out at the stables all hours of the day taking care of our stockpile of animals. Most of them are rescue which is why there's so many of them now. But our boy takes great care of them all and I know they're in good hands. If all else fails he can be a veterinarian because people love him but the animals love him most.

That leaves Samantha Violet Kane, she's got my music genes. A vocal little five year old who finds any reason to beat on something or talking. Loves the sound of her own voice, daddy aids that ego of hers though. You can tell she's the youngest because she hangs on Patrick and I like leeches, but secretly I hope she never grows out of that. She has greenish hazel eyes and uncontrollable brown hair like mine. She's basically my mini-me. She insists that she a part of all band meetings and has a say in all of them, even though she doesn't know how to say much. But I see her going far in whatever her little heart leads her.

And that takes us back to the present, where Patrick and the kids are begging to go riding yet again. Those horses are going to get tired of this at some point. Patrick gives me those puppy dog eyes and I break easily.

"Alright.... you can go riding but you have to be home by sun set or you guys get no desserts" I warn and they cheer.

"Told you she would give in with the puppy dog eyes" Michael mumbles to Patrick and I give him a glare. They all hop off to their horses and ride off as I shake my head. I realize that my kids are growing up just like I did, and it was a good childhood, but never would I have imagined my life being this, dare I say, perfect.

Sweetie died shortly after we got home from the world tour back in 2015. But as soon as Emma was born we got a new horse, but she was no Sweetie. Nope. She was a Lovie.

After I lose sight of them over the horizon I head inside and start cooking dinner. Home cooked meals only in this house, that rule would be great if I wasn't the only one who could cook. But secretly mommy buys food from the farmers market pre cooked because she's tired and uses the time they all run off to read a book. But shhhh, they don't need to know that.

I hear my phone ring from the island and see it was Vivian.

"How's my best friend" she asks as soon as I answer and I laugh.

"Same old same old. I sent all my kids out on the farm and just hope they all return in one piece" I laugh.

"Your house always sounds like fun" she claims.

"We keep ourselves busy. What about you? How is the fam" I ask.

Her and Tyler got married in 2017. He got traded to the Hawks that year and loved playing with Patrick again. It wasn't always easy for them but they managed. They now have two kids and live in the city. A little too far away from me but we find the time.

"We're good. They're all tired out because we played games all day which I am happy to report I won them all" she says. So competitive that one. We talk for a little before she lets me go. Her kids were waking up and she had to go fix them up.

I get dinner in the oven and set the table before cleaning up. I look at the new picture hanging up in the living room and smile. It was of my family, both real and adopted, and Patrick and his family, all at Christmas last year. This house was ripping at the seams but always good fun. We're a handful but I wouldn't change a thing. 17 years I've been with Patrick now and he still teaches me something new every day. He's just about done with hockey and I'm about done with music so we can focus on the kids. It's been a long 17 years in the music and hockey business but they've been the best. I've seen the high and lows of hockey, but Patrick is leaving with just as many rings as fingers he has on a hand. Plus his wedding ring of course. Throughout this all we had made friends who will last a lifetime. Even the ones who leave still mean the world to me. Hockey presents itself with a whole another place of opportunity that no other sport can provide. The type of relationships that will last a lifetime. I know Lindsey and Jonny are always a phone call away if I need them. And with my crazy family I will.

And as for the band, well we're still the same teenagers who just wanted to have fun and make music. Amber and Kurt got married shortly after the world tour, same with Allison and Andrew. Having the kids run around the studio is always hectic but the most fun I have. It's a lot, but it's perfect for me. We stick together no matter what and Richard never did get to us. Our love for music and it's people was far too powerful for him, he never really stood a chance.

And now I stand her about to be 39 years old, a mother to three and wife to one. And although I'm Elizabeth Kane, I will always be Lizzie Star.

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