Chapter Fifty Four- The Past

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I get home after a really tough morning practice. The Winter Classic was fun and I loved that they asked Elizabeth's band to perform. They sounded killer but we lost and had a lot of things to work on, coach let us know that. I was so sore.

I get home and walk up to the elevator and wait for it to come down. The door slides open and I see Elizabeth there with tears staining her eyes.

"Woah. What's going on" I ask a bit afraid.

"I'm leaving" she claims pushing past me.

"Wait wait wait. What's happening" I ask frantically.

"I need space" she claims.

"What did I do" I yell and she stops walking away from me. She turns to me slowly, tears falling steadily. It was a sight so horrible, I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. I hate knowing I did that and I hate that I didn't know what I did.

"It wasn't a mistake you made, it was a mistake I made. I trusted you and you... you hurt me" she sniffles.

"I would never hurt you" I defend.

"Well I'm hurt Patrick, and it's because of you" she claims.

"Can you at least tell me what I did wrong" I beg.

"I don't know, go ask the girl sitting your apartment with they key you gave her and the same promise ring on her finger. You lead me to believe that you were different. But you weren't" she whispers.

"Baby I have no idea what you're taking about" I try.

"There is a girl, who just walked into our apartment. She had a ring on her finger just like mine and said that you gave it to her as a promise to treat her right. The same shit you sold to me and I bought it. I bought it because I didn't think you were the one to lead girls on, make them feel special then move on when you find something better. Is that what your plan with me was the whole time" she asks.

"It's nothing like that. I love you, so much. I never wanted to leave you. I want to make you my wife, I want to do all these great things, but only with you" I explain.

"You know I read the articles. About who you used to be, what you used to do. And whenever the journalist would say that you would hurt me or treat me as one of your one night stands I defended you. I always believed that you had changed. But maybe they're right, maybe I am just too stupid and naive to see what you're capable of. Maybe I should have seen this coming. I just... I don't know" she says starting to cry.

"I have no idea what you're taking about. This is no other girl, there's only you" I insist

"So you expect me to believe that there is a total stranger who randomly got a key to your apartment and has the exact same ring as me. Who knows of all of the same promises we made to each other" she asks. She had a point.

"I..." I trail off and she sighs.

"I'm not leaving you Patrick. I know there's two sides to every story and I know you're not stupid enough to do this. But it made me realize that you're capable of doing bad things. Things that make me feel worse than I have ever get in my life. I need time and space to think right now and you need to get your facts straight" she says going past me. I grab her wrist and she stops.

"Please don't leave me. Please Elizabeth, you can't leave" I beg.

"I'll be back tonight. I love you Pat" she says softly. She slips out of my grip and walks away.

"Please" I yell but it was too late, she was gone.

I storm up to my apartment and let myself in. I see a girl sitting at the island and slam the door behind me. She jumps a little but lights up when she sees me.

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