Chapter Forty One- Family Matters

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I pull on my best suit and throw on Lizzie's favorite tie she always picks out when I ask her which one I should wear. I fix myself up and put some gel in my hair before spraying on cologne and putting on my shiniest pair of black shoes. I check the mirror to see what more I could do and decide that I looked hot just as is. I feed Precious and let her out before bringing her back in for the night. Finally I drive over to Chicago cut for dinner with Lizzie and her family, her real family. After we eat they were all invited to enjoy the game afterwards.

I get to the diner and park myself next to Lizzie's car. I give the waiter my name and he takes me back to a table. There sat my beautiful girlfriend and a guy who looked freakishly like her who I was assuming was her dad. Next to him was a woman with curly blonde hair wearing a long red dress and two kids. One was a little boy wearing my jersey with Lizzie's eyes and straight brown hair. Then there was a little girl with blonde hair curly like Lizzie's and the cutest little ballerina outfit on. She was talking to Lizzie and was looking at her like I do, with so much love.

Lizzie gets up from her seat and gives me a kiss before lacing her fingers through mine and pulling me to the table.

"Alright guys, this is my boyfriend Patrick. Patrick, this is my dad Tyler, his wife Misty, and their beautiful children Nathaniel and Lisa" she says pointing to each person and I give them all a wave.

"And Nate here is the number one Patrick Kane fan" she informs me and I smile at the small boy. He excitedly pats the seat next to him and I sit down. He couldn't have been very old, he looked to be about 9 and really excited I was there. Lizzie sits down next to me and we all order our drinks.

"So Patrick, we've heard so many great things about you from the time we've been here to the time you've been here. While getting to know my daughter better it turns out that has a lot to do with you" Tyler starts.

"I figured out that everything I do is better when she's around. I guess we just rub off on each other" I shrug.

"Well it's good knowing she's had a man in her life while I've been absent" he smiles and I nod. He seemed like a really cool guy, I hope that holds true.

Everyone talks amongst themselves and I end up talking to her dad trying to get to know each other's even though the circumstances were unusual.

"Tell me something about my daughter that only you would know" he asks. I look at her as she talks to Misty and listens to her go on and on about Lisa's dancing. Lizzie hung in her every word and asked questions like always. That smile plastered in her face like every moment of her life was the best moment of her life.

"She's the most humble and down to earth girl you will ever meet. She's so selfless and thoughtful it's kind of hard to wrap your brain around sometimes. When I explain it she sounds fake. She's never turned down a fan when they ask for things or failed to make someone's day. She never says no to anything and she does it all with a smile on her face. Even with her busy schedule she makes time for me and I appreciate that. She just has this personality that everyone loves and it's not a front. She is genuinely like that, and it's a gift to be around. Now I'm a little biased because I love her, but everyone who ever has the slightest conversation with her loves her too" I explain.

"Wow, that was probably the sweetest thing I have ever heard. You really do love her huh" he asks.

"More than anything in the world" I smile.

We order some food and make light dinner conversations. They tell us about what's going on in their lives and we tell them about ours. I couldn't get over how freakishly similar Elizabeth and her dad looked.

"So Patrick, you've been doing pretty well yourself" Misty starts.

"Yeah, it's been a pretty amazing year" I admit smiling down at Elizabeth.

"Do you you guys think you can win it all" she wonders.

"Yeah, I do. We've been the best team on the ice at any given time and I don't see why that should stop now. We have a chance to go into the Stanley cup finals tonight and I would love to jump on that chance" I admit.

"You can do it. I know you can" Nate says from beside me, those small hazel eyes burning through me.

"Thanks little man, I'll have to make sure I get you a super cool puck" I promise and his smile turns big.

We head over to the rink and Lizzie and her family go to meet up with mine. We get through warm ups and the national anthem before it was finally time to go. I couldn't wait to get out there, do what only I can do. It was my time to shine.

Once again 60 minutes wasn't enough so we were headed to over time. And since that wasn't enough either we head to a second over time. I already had two goals tonight but I was looking for one more. That's al we needed. Eventually Q had seen enough so he sent me and Jonny out as a line. As history will have it my legacy will forever go down with my name next to his. We get a two on one and he lays the most beautiful pass on my tape.

If you could stop time you would have known it was going in. I knew it, Jon knew it, the goalie Quick knew it. It was all over and we were about to knock the defending Stanley cup champions out of contention. I makes a quick turn towards center ice and fall to my knees. I make a heart with my hands before breaking through it letting everyone know it was all over. We were going to the finals.

After the game we give interviews and wash up before being able to go. I get into the hallway and see Elizabeth talking to my family with Lisa on her hip. Lisa was almost asleep as she conversed with my parents.

"There he is" my dad says with a big smile and the group of people turn to me. Everyone comes up to give me a hug before I'm left with Nate.

"Close your eyes and hold your hand out" I instruct and he does so. I dig in my pocket and pull out he Puck from tonight and place it in his hands.

"Okay open them" I say and he nearly drops it because he was so excited.

"Oh my god! A puck" he screams.

"Not just any puck. It's the double over time western confrence final winning puck" I say dramatically and his eyes grow wide.

"No way" he yells and a I nod my head.

"This is awesome! Thank you Patrick this is so cool" he cheers. Soon after that exchange Tyler pulls me to the side to talk to me.

"Hey, you didn't have to do that" he says.

"Little boys like him is why I do this. I was like him at one time in my life. I think he would appreciate that thing more than I would" I explain.

"Well thank you, that is very kid of you" he smiles. We join up with everyone else before parting ways. My family was going back home until the finals and her family was going home until we met next. Elizabeth and I get home and I crash into our bed. She falls on top of me and we laugh a little.

"I love you so much" I sigh happily.

"Eh" she replies.

"Heyyyyyy" I whine. She rolls over so she's sitting on top of me with her hands on my bare chest. She starts rubbing my muscles and I could help but get turned on.

"I love you more than music, more than food, and more than life itself. Sometimes when I'm writing songs you pop up in my head and I smile. Not on purpose, but because all my thoughts associated with you are good ones. All my best memories involve you somehow someway. And you always show me ways you love me and it sucks because I have a hard time showing mine. There are just so many strong feelings it's got me feeling... feelings" she giggles.

"Are you sure you write songs" I tease.

"Patrickkkk" she whines.

"I'm kidding. And you do show me that you love me. It's in the way you hold me, the way you look at me, the way we make love" I joke raising my eyebrows up and down.

"I wouldn't mind showing you how much I love your right now" she whispers running her fingers through my hair.

"Show me" I challenge.

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