Chapter Four- Are You an Angel?

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Oh god this headache hurts. It hurts so bad. I shouldn't have had all that beer, or the shots, or the vodka. On second thought maybe this is what I get. A wave of nausea hits me and I find a trash by me that can to spill my contents into. After I catch my breath I lay back down. I try to open my eyes but they close quickly, that didn't feel good. After a few minutes of me laying there I open my eyes again but become very confused. I'm not home. I should have figured that because I usually just throw up on the floor there. No, this place smells like eggs and bacon and coffee and syrup. It was a lot smaller than my place and felt a lot more like a home. I try to sit up but quickly fall back down with a groan. I swear if I'm in some crazed fans house I will never hear the end of this.

"You shouldn't sit up yet. It's going to take at least ten minutes for the world to stop spinning, plus your balance is still unaligned. You're going to feel like your head is foggy for at least fifteen minutes after waking because it's trying to reset. You need to give your brain time to correspond with the rest of your nervous system" a sweet voice says. I look around and find a beautiful woman incased in sunlight by a open window. Her figure curvy and tall. I don't know if I was still drunk or if this was real life.

"Are you an angel? Am I in heaven" I ask looking around. She laughs and shakes her head, her long and beautiful curls flying everywhere. I know that hair...

"I would hardly call one of the cheapest apartments in Chicago heaven" she giggles. She steps forward and I see it is a angel, but a real life one. I feel my heart rate pick up as she smiles that killer smile down at me but my smile quickly fades when I realized she probably watched me do some dumb shit last night. I close my eyes again trying to figure out what my next move is but they quickly shoot open when I feel something wet on my hand. I let out a scream drawing my hand back and she laughs at me.

"What on earth was that" I ask wiping my hand on the blanket covering me.

"That would be Precious. She's 10 pounds of pure fire and if you're not careful she'll lick you to death" she laughs picking up a small beagle dog to show me. She sets it down and it runs off in another direction. I relax and run my fingers through my hair piecing things together.

"Oh god. What did I do" I groan trying to figure out everything that's happened. This is so embarrassing.

"Nothing too bad" she claims sitting on the floor next to me. She hands me a Gatorade and a ibuprofen which I happily take. After washing it down I look back to her and really take her in. Damn, she's prettier than I thought. I didn't even think that was possible.

"Thank you" I say quietly and she nods. I sit there with my eyes closed and I feel her looking at me.

"What all did I say last night" I wonder.

"Well you told me that your name is Patty Cakes and you're from Buffalo, New York. You like my voice and miiiiight have a small crush on me" she says and I groan. Well if this isn't the definition of embarrassing I don't know what is.

"I guess I can explain some things. My name is not Patty Cakes, it's Patrick Kane. I am from Buffalo but I live in Chicago. I very much enjoy your voice and I do like you. Last night I told myself that every time I chickened out talking to you I would take a shot. I think you can figure out what happened after that" I laugh.

"Yeah, I was going to get you a hotel but you were pretty messed up and I didn't want anything to happen. So how are you feeling? Do you need anything" she asks feeling my forehead with the back of her hand. She smelled like flowers.

"I'm feeling a lot better now, thanks" I say sitting up. I look down and notice my shirt was gone.

"I didn't do anything I shouldn't have... did I" I ask.

"No. But you did throw up all over yourself. I washed it and it's as good as new" she says handing me my shirt neatly folded.

"Thank you" I say slipping it back on. I try not to think about how completely embarrassing this is as I get dressed and drink the rest of my Gatorade. She disappears and I grab my phone off the charger to see a bunch of texts from Jon. He's gonna kill me.

"I made you breakfast. After drinking a lot you're supposed to have a large breakfast and judging from you body it looks like you can more than afford the calories" she says setting a plate of delicious looking food and coffee on the end table in front of me.

"You were checking me out" I tease.

"Maybe" she smirks.  Good to know this situation wasn't all bad. I eat the food while she cleans up and mostly try to buy time to figure out what to say. Honestly I don't know what to do or what I said. I don't she even think she knows I play hockey. I finish up and take the plate into to the kitchen before rinsing it off and put it some place to dry off then turning around. I'm met with the prettiest girl I have ever laid eyes on in a oversized t shirt and shorts with no make up on. Her hair thrown up in a bun and still looking flawless as ever.

"Hey. I just wanted to apologize for doing this to you. I promise you I don't usually end up on strangers couches, my job doesn't allow it. But what you did is very appreciated and I want to make it up to you. What do I owe you" I ask.

"Nothing at all. I wanted to help, you didn't ask for any of this so I couldn't possibly make you pay" she insists.

"Okay then, how about a date" I say and that perfect smile finds its way onto her face.

"I would like that" she says looking down. I swear I saw a blush. We exchange numbers and she puts me in as Patty Cakes. I'll never be able to live that one down.

"So this kinda sucks because I wanted to make a better first impression on you. You just make me so nervous but obviously you're sweet because you did this really nice thing for me. I was freaking out over nothing. But I just wanted to say thanks again" I say fiddling with my thumbs. She grabs my hand with the brightest smile and I feel the warmth spread throughout my body. I send a smile back as she squeezing my hand assuring my everything was going to be okay.

"I can't wait to get to know you, Patrick" she says.

"And same to you..." I trail off.

"Elizabeth. Elizabeth Star" she says.

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