Chapter Forty- Like father Like Daughter

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I sit in the apartment with the notebook my adopted dad gave me in one hand and a major decision to make in the other. Inside was my real dads name and I looked him up. He lives here in Chicago and he works in the sears tower as a business representative. I didn't just want to show up but I also didn't want to do this over Facebook. After a lot of contemplation I decided to see him first. I've met my mom a few times and I felt like my dad had the right to know.

I drive over to the tower and find myself at the front desk.

"Hello, is there a... Tyler Sherman here" I ask.

"Yeah but he's bus..." the girl trails off. Once she notices me her eyes get big. She starts squealing and I shush her.

"Oh my god I'm such a big fan. I love your music" she whispers.

"Thank you so much. And if you don't mind I could use your help right now" I say.

"Yes of course, anything" she claims.

"Tyler is my dad, at least I'm pretty sure he is, but he doesn't know it yet and I would love to meet him" I say and she nearly chokes.

"Seriously" she asks.

"Yes" I nod.

"I would love to help you. Here" she says writing something. She hands me a piece of paper with a floor number and a room number.

"You're going to need this key to access that floor" she says handing me a card.

"Thank you so much, you're so sweet" I say.

"Anything for you" she smiles.

"How about we get a picture together" I suggest and her eyes grow big.

"Really? You don't mind" she asks.

"Of course not. I love meeting fans and you're doing me a huge favor. It's the least I can do" I insist. We take a bunch of pictures and she shows me that her phone screen was of me. That was cool. I thank her a million times and get into the elevator. I press the button for the 45th floor and hold my breath. Here goes nothing.

I find his office and stand outside of it for a few minutes. I start having second thoughts and really wish Patrick was here with me right now. But he has his own things to take care of and I had mine. This was it. I knock on his door and try to even out my breathing as I wait for him. The door handle turns and it opens revealing a tall man in a suit. He had short brown hair and hazel eyes like mine. We had the same nose and lips and I didn't know how to feel. How to react. We just look at each other before he finally breaks the silence.

"You're Lizzie right? Lizzie Star" he asks.

"Ummm yeah, that's me" I say.

"My daughter loves you so much. And this is really cool but I have to admit I am a bit confused. Why are you here" he asks.

"This might seem crazy and I'm not sure how you will take this so I'm just going to say it. I think I'm your daughter" I say and his eyebrows shoot up. His eyes nearly pop out of his head as he looks around.

"Please... come in" he says pulling me into his office. He sits behind his desk and I sit across from him. He had a beautiful view in the city and the room was full of dark furniture. It was really cute actually.

"So, you think you're my daughter" he starts.

"Yeah. I guess I should explain myself a little" I laugh dryly.

"I was adopted as a baby. My mom, Josi Morton, gave me up because she was too young to raise me and didn't think she was fit to have a kid. She didn't tell you and she couldn't do it by herself" I start.

"You have her hair" he laughs.

"You remember her" I ask.

"We went to high school together. We went to senior prom together and we're together for about two years, but I never heard from her after high school" he claims.

"I was born 6 months after she graduated" I explain.

"Oh... oh my god. Then you really might be my daughter" he gasps.

"We can always get a test done to know for sure, but from the information I was given all fingers pointed to you" I explain.

"I can't believe she never told me we had a daughter. I would have helped her, I would have found a way to take care of you" he claims.

"She let us go because she couldn't give us what we needed. I get why she did it, I had to do the same thing not too long ago. Sometimes you have to let go because better things await. Sometimes you're not what's best for someone. Sometimes... sometimes things just have to happen a certain way" I sigh.

"You really are my daughter" he smiles and I smile up to him.

"You believe me" I ask.

"Yeah. I don't know why but I do" he says. I feel the waterworks start and I play with the ring on my finger. "So now what" he asks.

"I'm not sure. I didn't plan on it going this well. I had no idea how to get ahold of you, how you would react. Kind of winging it here" I shrug.

"Josi... do you still talk to her" he asks.

"Nope. I've met her a few times but she says it's too hard for her. She wanted more for me and she was upset she couldn't give it to me" I sigh.

"Well I would love for you to meet my family" he says and I smile.

"You have kids" I ask a little too excited.

"I do. A little boy named Nathaniel and a girl named Lisa. She loves you'll much by the way. She's going to freak when she finds out she's related to you" he claims causing me to smile.

"Well I would love to meet your family" I say and he nods. We exchange numbers and other information before I relax a little.

"So I'm assuming you are pretty busy right now" he infers.

"You could say that. Living with Patrick who is doing great at his job and me trying to be half as great at mine, it's been crazy. But Patrick has taught me a lot of things, and one of them is that there is always time for family" I smile.

"I can't believe you're here. This is crazy. We can still get a test done if you would like. I'm not against it" he suggests.

"I trust you. I'm told I trust too easy and am blinded with this unwillingness to understand that there are demons in this world. But I know that you're my father. I can feel it" I assure him. He pulls me into a hug and I wrap my arms around him tightly. He runs his fingers through my hair and I felt at home.

I leave his office still nervous as ever but relieved. I thank the kind girl downstairs again before heading to the studio. We record a song and have another writing session. We've come a long way, but it helps when everyone is on the same page.

I get home late and see the place all picked up. Patrick and I aren't messy, but we're busy. It's hard to keep up around here but the place was spotless, was Jonny over? I go to the kitchen and see a note that said dinner was in the oven. I got a little concerned because Patrick most defiantly didn't cook, but I find some take out in a styrofoam container and laugh a little. I warm up the Chinese food and devour it because I hadn't eaten all day. Finally it was time for me to crawl into bed. I find Patrick passed out in bed and smile to myself. I change and brush my teeth before crawling into bed next to him. I wrap his arm around me and his eyes slowly flutter open.

"Hi Lizzie, how was your day" he asks.

"Pretty cool, got another song done, started writing another. I met my dad" I say and his head shoots to me.

"Seriously" he asks.

"Yeah. I went to his work and told him everything. He said he was with my mom in high school but they went separate ways after they graduated. He never knew she was pregnant. But he has a family of his own now and still wants me to be a part of it" I smile.

"Baby that's amazing. Spectacular even" he says.

"It is" I nod. He kisses the top of my head and I squeeze him tightly. It was a long day, but happy couldn't begin to explain what I'm feeling right now.

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