Chapter Sixty One- Bow to the Kings

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I hang my head low as the Kings skate over to Quick celebrating right in front of us. They were celebrating the worst goal I have ever seen to send a team to a Stanley cup final. But it happened, they scored before we did in over time and it stopped us from repeating as champions. From making history. It's been them and us for the longest time, unfortunately this year it was them.

I storm into the locker room and throw my helmet down hard. I slump down into my locker and run my hands through my hair. It falls silent in the locker room as everyone filed in but no one says a word. You could hear everyone breathing as we just sit there at a loss for words. No one thought this was going to end for us tonight and we weren't sure what to do besides me upset.

"I'm so sorry" Jonny says sitting next to me. I couldn't see who said that but I know who it was. His locker was next to mine and he was probably going to take this harder than anyone else on the team.

"It's not your fault Jon" I sigh.

"It is. I'm your captain and I should have done something" he sighs.

"You did. You came into a organization at the age of nineteen and made it yours by twenty. You are consistently in contention for the Selke trophy always getting better and are the youngest member of the triple gold club. You are respected by every person who has ever played with and against you because you don't tell people how to be better, you show us and that's something no other team has. You have won every possible trophy you can possibly win gold at and have only lost like four international competitions since you were a teenager. Since you've been our Captain we've been to four conference finals and won the cup twice and it's only been six years. You've done something Jon. You've done so much for us and I'm not letting you take the blame for this. We win as a team and we lose as a team" Sharpy says.

"Thanks man" Jon sighs with a little smile. He scoots closer to me and Coach Q gives his speech. He is a man of few words but what he does say is always important. This one was a bit harder for him to swallow and I can tell he was still a little shocked too. We all were.

I wash up and change say what I needed to say to the media before heading to my car. The interviews were painful and never ending and for once in my life I was happy to get out of the UC. I had a lot to think about. Once I get out to the lot I see Jon standing there against my car and laugh because he looked like a clingy girlfriend right now.

"What, miss me already" I joke trying to lighten the mood.

"I've been stuck with you for seven years, do you really think I miss you" he laughs.

"Yeah" I tease.

"Well you're right. I'm gonna miss you, and Elizabeth. Now I actually have to go shopping with my girlfriend and have no one to talk to" he smirks.

"Poor you" I joke.

"So what are you doing now" he wonders.

"I don't know. This one stings a little" I admit.

"Don't I know it. On the bright side next season is right around the corner. We were close this year so that means we'll make it next year, I promise you that. Are you going to see Elizabeth" he wonders.

"Yeah, I'm going to join her on tour. We're going to start wedding planning and I'm gonna chill out wherever and whenever I can" I admit.

"That's cool, when are you leaving" he asks.

"I don't know. She's in Washington right now and I don't want to bother her" I admit.

"You... bother her? No Patrick, you bother me. You make her happy. Go be with her" he encourages.

"I bother you" I smirk.

"Not the point" he sing songs.

"Well as my trusty captain I've come to appreciate your opinion and what you have to say. So I think I'll go join my fiancé on tour" I admit.

"Since I'm being helpful does that mean I can be your best man" he asks.

"Maybe" I tease.

"Patrickkk" he whines.

"Wow. I feel like we're back to our rookie season where you whined, a lot. But this time you're not complaining about me bringing my pads back to our hotel to wash them like Sharpy said" I mumble.

"I can't believe you believed him" he chuckles.

"Watch it, or you won't be my best man" I tease.

"Does this mean I am" he asks like we just won the game tonight.

"I wouldn't want anyone else besides me" I smile.

We say our goodbyes and and I head home. I spend the night packing up and getting ready to leave. After finding a flight in the morning I lay in my empty bed for one last time. Precious jumps up and I realize that I can't leave her by herself here.

"Hey little girl, you want to come on tour with us" I ask and she licks my face. I pet her as she crawls onto my chest and lays there.

"Looks like we got a tour dog" I laugh. I text Elizabeth and she assures me that both Precious an I can join them. There's only a few people on each bus leaving plenty of space for us.

I lay in bed and can't help but feel like I should still be playing. That I should be on the ice tomorrow for practice. But sometimes when we're directed from something good we have a chance for something better. And traveling this great nation with the love of my life is pretty great.

I look over to the walkie talkie and decide to give it one last try before I won't need it anymore. She's probably asleep by now but I can give it a try.

"Patty Cakes to Rising Star, do you read me? Over" I say and it's quite for a little. I was about to give up hope until there's static and I hold it to my ear.

"Rising Star to Patty Cakes, I hear you loud and clear. Over" she replies.

"Hello Rising Star, I just wanted to say that I love you and can't wait to see you, over."

"I couldn't agree more Patty Cakes. This girl can't wait until she can see you again. Over."

"Until then my Rising Star" I smile.

"You didn't say over" she teases.

"What if I don't want it to be over" I wonder.

"Then I guess we just hold on forever."

Rising Star (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now