Chapter Seventy Four- A Day With the Kanes

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I sit in the feedback room of the studio listening to the music we had made. The album was finished but we just wanted to triple check that everything sounded good together, wanted to make sure the songs were in the right order and that it flowed nice. We were admittedly nervous because even though Tate doesn't expect this album to be as great as the last one, we do.

The last song finishes and I look around. Everyone was wearing bright smiles and could barley contain their excitement.

"Ohhh I'm so happy" Amber admits.

"Me too! I think this album will do great. The songs are such a great mixture of everything people of all ages can enjoy and a bunch of those songs are radio ready" Emily mentions.

We call up Justin and Ariana and tell them the good news and they were excited too. They wish us luck and we all say goodbye to them.

I skip home happily and jump into Patrick's arms when I finally see him.

"Someone's in a good mood" he observes.

"We just finished the album and it sounds amazing" I smile big.

"That's great" he says before giving me a kiss.

"Is the house ready" I ask looking around. Everything looked really great, he did a good job.

"Yup, they should be here any minute" he says.

We were giving a tour of the house and being interviewed for a ESPN segment and I was so excited. They wanted to see how we live our lives, what we were like at home and how we make it work.  Sure we enjoy our privacy but it's something we know our fans would enjoy so it was cold to do this.

There a knock on the door and I start to laugh.

"I guess any second" he teases. He grabs my hand and pulls me to the door. We welcome them in and offer them some drinks as they set everything up. They explain that we would just have a normal day and they'll follow us around and ask questions randomly.

We start by going out back and we take care of the animals. We milk the cows and collect eggs. Everyone laughs when Patrick steps in cow shit, luckily he was wearing his specially made Blackhawks boots. We go to groom the horses and I catch Patrick staring at me. I smile at him and he happily smiles back.

"So you guys do your own work around here" a guy asks.

"Yeah. When people always hand things to you it's nice to get your own stuff. We use our own milk and eggs. The cows will never go to butchering, they'll be with us the whole time. In fact Michelle is pregnant right now and we can't wait to have a little calf" I smile.

"That's actually really cool. A lot of famous singers and athletes wouldn't even imagine to do this" he claims.

"We're not like most singers and athletes" Patrick smiles.

We decide to ride around on our horses and show them around the rest of the farm. Besides the garden there wasn't much to show because we weren't growing anything. After we show them everything from outside we take them inside and warm up a little. It was nearing the end of February so it was still a bit brisk so I made everyone a cup of hot chocolate.

"Does Patrick ever cook" they ask.

"If he ever did I probably wouldn't eat it. I like being alive" I joke and he hip bumps me.

"I can make a mean bowl of cereal" he claims and I roll my eyes. We sit in the living room and drink up as they ask questions.

"You guys just got married right" someone asks.

"Yup, earlier this month" Patrick replies smiling at me.

"Did you guys honeymoon" they wonder.

"Nope. I'm still in season and Lizzie and her band was still writing so we stayed here. But every day feels like a honeymoon so I guess we did have one" he shrugs.

"You guys, on paper, are so different. You know; music and sports, farm girl and city boy, private and public, how do you guys work so well" they ask.

"Understanding. I understand that who he is is someone who is very rambunctious and outgoing and will always be drawn to the spotlight. He understands that I would rather stay home or sit at the piano. But we also want to help each other get better. I will be at every home game in my Patrick Kane jersey and he plays my music in the locker room no matter what the boys say. We just get each other" I explain.

"How do you guys keep away from media and other things that could effect your relationship?"

"A lot of trust. I'm not sure where these people get their information from but it's almost laughable at times. When they find pictures of me from before we were together and say I'm cheating or try to use my past against me. But I'm lucky because Elizabeth doesn't believe that stuff, she's a smart woman. She just wants to be with the real me and for that I'm thankful" Patrick says.

After we finish our drinks we give a tour of the house. We show them Patrick's memorabilia room. It had stuff from the cup finals to his honey baked days. It was impressive all the things he had and the people at ESPN ate it up.

"What's that puck from" someone asks to one on the wall kind of by itself. I actually didn't know what it was either.

"It's the first goal I scored as a married man" he says smiling at me and I blush. We move into my room of things and it was a bit unorganized. At meet and greets and stuff fans give me the coolest things. Clothing, pictures, funny things I tweet about, and a lot of gag gifts. And I keep them all and put them in here.

"So you have a few fans" someone jokes.

"Yeah. I like to call it being blessed" I admit.

"You're pretty interactive with your fans, why is that? I mean most people won't even give a second glance and you're on a first name basis with so many people" they say.

"Life is important, but the relationships you make is what makes your life important. These people spend so much time and money on me and I would be stupid not to do the same for them. It means the world that they use those free time to think of me. I didn't ask them to get me gifts or spend all their savings on tickets. But they do, and I want them to know that means the world to me. My fans are everything to me, they support me and that means everything to me. People like Timmy who used our music when he was depressed to reach out for help, things like that make my heart full" I explain.

"You both are very busy people, how do you find time for each other" they ask.

"When you can't love more, love harder. The time we have together is always special. We go on these dates that are always memorable. We never miss a chance to tell each other that we love each other. When he's gone I can feel that he misses me and I know he feels that I miss him too. But then he gets home and we get to fall in love all over again. It's the greatest feeling knowing that" I smile.

We finish giving tours then it comes time for them to leave. We say goodbye and fall into the bed. It's been a long day and I'm tired.

"I love you so much" he reminds me.

"I love you too" I smile.

After everyone leaves he pulls me into his side and I get comfortable. I stare at the ceiling and think about what just went down. People are probably going to think we're faking and that our life isn't actually that good. But it is. It's perfect and I wouldn't change a single thing.

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