Chapter Seventy Nine- Captain To The Rescue

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The first home game of the playoffs were today and I have to admit I really missed going to the games to cheer on Patrick. I miss being able to spot him in the ice at any moment of the game, because during the biggest moments he always seems to be out there.

I pull on my lucky Kane jersey and head to the United Center. I park next to Patrick's car in the back then gather my things. I walk up to the arena looking at my phone, looking at matchups and numbers to know for the game. I understand it all now and being with Patrick it's good to know these things.

I stop when I hear someone call my name but swallow hard when I see who it was. There was a mob of photographers and reporters outside the doors of the UC blocking the entrance. They all rush over to me and I quickly become overwhelmed.

"Tell us about the wedding"
"Is it true you guys honeymooned while he was injured?"
"Are your break up songs about Patrick?"
"Is it true Patrick could have came back sooner if it wasn't for you?"
"Are you pregnant?"

All the flashes and questions, it was too much. I try to smile and take it but these things they were assuming was just stupid. I'm all about the humor but this is just ridiculous.

"Patrick came back a month early, I wouldn't say I stopped him from coming back earlier. I care about him deeply and just wanted to make sure he was ready. I don't know if you have watched him play the last two games but I think he is doing pretty fine" I say.

"And are you pregnant" one reporter asks.

"Are you saying I look bigger" I laugh.

"No, but you don't exactly give us a lot to work with so we just have to assume things then get confirmation from you. It's how things work" they claim.

"It's how you work. Me? I don't work like that. Everything you need to know I have already told you. Let your imagination run wild but unless it came from Patrick and I's mouth I doubt its true" I say.

"How was the wedding" they ask.

"Its was magical" I smile.

"And the honeymoon?"

"Hasn't happened yet."

"Where are you going?"

"Wouldn't you like to know" I smirk.

"That is why I asked" they counter and I laugh.

"We're going far away from here" I assure them. Things pick up again and they get closer and closer. The questions become harder and I become upset. I don't want to be mean and tell them off but I also don't want to sit here and answer these stupid questions all day.

"Give her a break won't you" a Canadian accent says and I look up to see Jonny. I let out a sigh of relief because he can tell someone off way better than I can.

"Jonathan. Just the man we wanted to see. Are you secretly messing around with Elizabeth" someone asks and I gasp.

"Lindsey is a great friend of mine, I would never do that to her. I'm happily married to Patrick and it's going to continue to be that way as long as I have a say in the subject at hand. Jon is a great man, but I would never" I argue.

"You two seem awfully close" they claim.

"Like I said, Jon is a great guy, anyone who has ever had a second with him knows that. If you want to be the best you surround yourself with the best. And he is in a lot of senses. But he's a great friend and nothing more or less than that. He's best friends with Patrick, of course I'm close with him" I defend.

"A little too close though" another says.

"Okay I think we're done here. I'm flattered you guys think that this amazing girl would only break a rule to be with me buts it's just not true. So if you don't mind my dear friend and I are going to go to the game" Jon says grabbing my hand and pulling me through the crowd. We get inside and I let out a long breath.

"Thanks for that" I say.

"Any time. I know you're too nice to tell them off" he laughs.

"That is so not... a lie" I giggle. "Aren't you a little late" I ask.

"I uh... had business to take care of" he claims.

"Ohhh is the captain being secretive" I tease.

"Alright, you can't tell anyone this but I know you're good with secrets. But if we win the cup I'm going to purpose to Lindsey on the ice" he says and I light up.

"Oh my god no way! That's so exciting" I squeal.

"You cannot tell a soul. Not even Patrick because he can't keep his big mouth shut to save his life" he laughs.

"I got it. My lips are sealed" I say acting like I'm zipping up my lips.

I head to the boxes and find a group of people to sit with. I hang out with Dayna, Lindsey, Chaun, and Patrick's family. They were going to be here for all of the playoff games which made me really really happy. They're my family too now.

"You looked amazing at your wedding" Dayna says.

"Thanks. You looked pretty great yourself" I smile. Little Carter was the ring bearer and a damn good one.

"I haven't been out to an nice occasion in so long. I had a great time" she says.

"Well I'm glad to hear that" I nod. The game starts and the team wins easily 4-2. It was hard to watch Corey go through such a hard time right now but he's our starting goalie, we know that.

After the game I go home and make us some sundaes. Patrick joins me on the front porch still in his suit from after the game. I sit in his lap as he rocks us in the rocking chair.

"So you're cheating on me with Jonny" he teases.

"Yes, because you're so gross and I dream of being with the Canadian Earth God" I say and he starts cracking up.

"Canadian Earth God" he questions.

"Yeah, what do you got" I ask.

"Hmmm. How about Captain home grown broccoli" he jokes.

"That's pretty good" I laugh.

"You're so great" he claims.

"Eh" I shrug.

"I'm serious. Jonny told me what you did, how you wouldn't tell off the press and still defended us with their ridiculous questions. I know how much you hate the press and it's cool that you deal with them even though you don't like it" he shrugs.

"They can say whatever about me. I'll laugh it off, it's fine or whatever. But for some reason when they say bad things about you it makes me so angry. And they only say it to me because then you can't defend yourself and that's just childish" I say getting I'm mad all over again.

"Baby calm down, it's okay. I've been doing this for a long time, I've seen it all. None of it bothers me" he claims rubbing my back. I finish my ice cream and rest my head on his chest.

"Why are you tired? I'm the one who was doing stuff" he teases.

"Your playing with my hair! That makes me tired" I explain.

"Do you want me to stop" he asks.

"Absolutely not" I reply and he laughs. We sit there for a while and I end up nodding off. I somehow get up to bed and have sweet dreams of another Stanley cup.

Rising Star (Patrick Kane)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ