Chapter Seventy Seven- Decisions

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Playoffs were just around the corner and I was close to getting back. I can skate on my own but nothing more than that. I can't take contact yet but that's okay. I know that taking little steps now is better than waiting to take one big one. That's what this has taught me.

Until I'm released I usually just follow Elizabeth around. In a sense nothing has really changed since we got married. I'm still crazy in love with her and she amazes me every day. It's just now people ask how my wife is doing and that's a great feeling all in its own. She keeps her stage name as Lizzie Star but everywhere else she introduces herself as Elizabeth Taylor Kane and that made my heart happy.

As for today we were getting away from the farm for a little. As Jon says we need to "get out of the house" because we're becoming the couple that talks at the same time and even I'm weirded out by that. So today I was attending a band meeting as they talk plans for the release of their next album and upcoming tour.

What I misjudged was how professional the band was and we end up playing Put Put for the official band meeting. I was surprised at first that there was so many shenanigans going on then I remembered that they let my wife make these decisions so this is what you'll get.

We get our putters and hit the links as they talk. None of us were really good but everyone was competitive so naturally I was intrigued.

"Okay, release party is in one month, what's going down" Andrews asks while hitting a bright green ball way too hard.

"Lets have it at six flags" Amber says.

"Yes, nothing says album release like watching you throw up everywhere" Emily teases.

"That was one time" she whines and she wraps her in a hug.

"How about solider field? They should have something good happen there for once" Kurt jokes.

"Ouch, burn" Elizabeth laughs.

"You really want to try and fill a whole stadium" Vivian asks and he shrugs.

"What about the Pier? You can do stuff inside and outside and it's pretty cheap to rent out. Plus if you need to get away there's always a getaway boat" I joke.

"I like that. We can take cute band pictures there too. Maybe even give a performance in the arena" Amber nods.

"I like it. I vote Patrick comes to all and meetings" Kurt announces.

"You want a hockey themed album" Elizabeth asks. She wasn't wrong.

"I vote Patrick comes to all the non-important band meetings" he reiterates and I roll my eyes. He's lucky I love him.

"Okay, so release the album at the pier. We perform then sign autographs then hang out and take pictures on the deck" Emily summarizes and everyone agrees to it.

"Next order of business is the tour. What did you guys want for the world tour. And we're traveling across the globe so no live animals... sorry Amber" Lizzie smiles and Amber fake pouts.

"Just one lion" she begs.

"No" they all yell making me laugh.

These guys were like a hockey team. They love teasing and joking but when it came down to it there is no one else that would be able to fit into the band because they're that close. It's been those 7 since the beginning and it shows. They love each other so much and work so well together. It's no wonder their music is so successful.

"I want a live video board behind us. So we can matchbackgrounds with songs and stuff" Allison says.

"That would be so cool. They can be interactive and built in with choreography too" Amber nods.

"Sweet. I like it! What else" Elizabeth encourages.

"What about water like Beyoncé has" Vivian asks.

"You think I can perform like Beyoncé? You're funny" Lizzie jokes.

"Hey! You can be sexy when you want. Isn't that right Patrick" Vivian asks with a smirk.

"Choose your words carefully Mister" Lizzie jokes pointing a finger at me and I raise my hands in defense.

"Okay. No water. What about platforms for us instrumentalists. I want to play on a glowing ball of fire" Kurt claims.

"Not once in that album does it require you to be on a ball of fire" Alli laughs.

"Or maybe some fake landscape. We'll figure out the details later" he shrugs.

"Okay. We can do platforms. What else? Any more ideas my dear husband" Elizabeth asks me and everyone shifts their focus to me.

"How about moving platforms. Ones that go over the audience and to places where people with not so good seats can see can... well see" I shrug.

"Man you're on a roll today" Kurt claims patting my back.

"Sounds like a plan to me. After the meeting I'll call Tate and tell him what we figured out" Lizzie smiles.

We get to playing and quickly become a little too competitive. You see, I haven't been able to compete in some while so it was great to feel that head to head challenges. Even if it is just mini golf.

"Dang, your trash talk is so bad. How come guys don't crush you for what you say" Vivian asks.

"Can't hit what you can't catch" I smirk.

"Cocky much" she mumbles and I laugh.

"So is Tyler coming on tour with us" I ask.

"Not sure. He wants to see family after he's done so it depends on how far into the playoffs he gets" she shrugs.

"I hope he does good, not better than us, but good" I admit.

"You can't tell him this but me too. I love the man, but Chicago will forever be my team" she claims.

"Glad to hear it" I chuckle.

"So will I be cheering for you until June" she asks.

"Hopefully" I admit.

After a few very physical rounds of put put we return to our spacious farm. I kind of missed it. I've spent so much time here lately I will defiantly have a hard time leaving when it comes time.

I lay in bed with Lizzie in my arms and Precious at our feet. All the animals were taken care of and we had nothing to do the rest of the night. I watch her chest rise and fall as we lay in silence. We were both thinking which I learned is important for a healthy relationship. A healthy anything really. But taking the time to think things through and figure out what we want and need really does help.

"Can I admit something" she asks.

"Of course" I encourage.

"I miss watching you play hockey. Like a lot" she says and I smile bright.

"Hopefully soon baby" I assure her.

"Good, because no offense but they suck without you" she claims and I laugh. Such a beautiful way with words is this one.

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