Chapter Sixty Eight- New Album

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Patrick was out to training camp for a few days at Norte Dame leaving me home alone with Precious. She helps me take care of the animals and we even go for a little walk around the farm. After that was all said and done I change and go out to the studio to meet up with Tate and the band. Things have been in the works for a while now and hopefully today we will get something figured out then finalized.

I get to the studio and was the first person there so I sat on my phone and went through social media. I reply to some fans and look through all the art and videos they made for us. It never ceases to amaze me how talented and creative our fans are.

I decide to do a Q and A while I wait and eventually the whole band finds me and joins in. Of course I don't answer the personal questions but I love thanking the fans for their support because we would be nowhere without it.

Finally Tate comes and I unfortunately have to put the phone away. But I had a lot of fun and should do it again sometime.

"Hello everyone. Thank you for joining me today. I have a lot for you so please bare with me" he starts and we all nod. "First things first, we want a new album. The last one was very successful but I would be stupid to expect those kinds of results again. Those kind of numbers haven't been seen since the Michael Jackson times and I don't want you guys to feel like you have to be perfect. But it would be another full length album, around 15 songs plus bonus tracks, and there's a few features if you would like" he trails off.

"YES" Allison yells and we laugh.

"Do you want to hear who I have for you first" he laughs.

"I mean sure" she jokes.

"The first one I have is Justin Timberlake. Apparently he talked to a certain singer at the AMAs" he says sending me a wink. "And the second one is Ariana Grande" he says and we all gasp.

"Some old school some new school. It's perfect" I claim.

"I'm going to meet Justin Timberlake" Vivian says with a huge smile.

"So I'm assuming you're all down for that" he guesses.

"Yes" we all answer and he shakes his head.

"It's creepy when you guys do that. Anyway. The third thing I wanted to tell you guys is that I got a world tour set up for the new album once it's done. It's September now so I was thinking to have the album released by May and start touring around June. I know Elizabeth is getting married and February and you're all a part of the wedding so I wanted you guys to have time to enjoy that along with the holidays" he explains.

"Where would we be going" I ask in pure amazement. I loved traveling and we have fans all over the world that I haven't met yet. This was so exciting.

"Everywhere. Places in Europe, in China and Japan and Indonesia. Even Australia. No stone left unturned" he claims.

"That sounds amazing. So wonderful" Vivian smiles.

"That's all I had for today, I was going to give you time to talk it over as a band then get back to me" he nods. He departs shortly after that leaving us to talk. Or just day dream as we usually do.

"I want to learn how to speak another language, then I can talk to some of the fans better" Kurt claims.

"Baby what language would you learn? We're going to hear like 20 different languages" Allison laughs.

"I don't know... I haven't gotten that far yet" he shrugs causing us to laugh. Typical Kurt.

We talk for a little and figure some stuff out. What we wanted to be different from that last album but still keeping true to our sound. We like the older style of music but with a modern twist. We use our voices and instruments different than others but that's what sets us apart. Then we figure out how to put another voice with ours once we start the collabs. We actually got a lot figured out but creativity usually doesn't come short with us. Usually we have too many ideas and struggle getting them down. After a few hours we break apart and promise to meet again to start brainstorming.

I get home and pick up some food. It kind of sucks being here by myself. This place is huge and really empty without Patrick's personality filling up a room.

About 8 pm my phone goes off and I see Patrick's id show up. I happily answer and feel relieved to hear his voice.

"Hi baby. How was your day" he wonders.

"Pretty good. Had a big meeting with Tate and it looks like things are going to start picking up again" I admit.

"Tell me everything" he says like a teenager gossiping.

"Well we have to make a new album and even get to write music with Ariana Grande and Justin Timberlake so there's that" I start.

"No way! That's so cool. I can't wait to tell Jonny that you're gonna hang out with the cooler JT" he cheers.

"Why are you so mean to him" I laugh.

"Because it's funny. I want to have some fun too ya know. So what else happened" he wonders.

"We're going on a world tour. It's not until June but it's still exciting" I smile.

"Oh I'm so coming" he claims.

"It can be like our honeymoon" I mention. We haven't figured that part out yet.

"That would be so much fun. Who knows, maybe we'll have the cup with us" he says.

"I would love to perform with you and the cup on stage. That's of course if Jimmy Buffet doesn't mind" I tease.

"I think he will let this one pass" he jokes.

"That's about it right now. We have some time to figure things out so it's not a rush" I shrug.

"Well I'm excited to hear some music. The boys here listen to Windy City every day. Sure I'm the one playing it but no one complains, in fact they sing along" he laughs.

"Well that's good to hear. How has training been" I wonder.

"Pretty good. Everyone is really hungry to win again. It helps we only lost Leddy and Bollig and all the young guys are pretty experienced to be back. The only thing that could make this team better is if we had a curly blonde American Boy who loved to score" he claims.

"Ohh he sounds interesting. If you find him send him my way" I tease.

"I'll be home soon" he claims.

"I sure hope so" I admit.

"Hey Lizzie guess what" he asks.

"What" I wonder.

"I love you a lot."

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