Chapter Seventy Five- Accidents Happen

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As the season moves along the Hawks hang up with the big guys. After I got married I had been playing like a superstar. We were gliding along season keeping up a good place. People were rotating in and out of my line but I was still putting up points and so was the team so I wasn't about to complain.

The game against the panthers had just started and I was trying my best like always. You never want to be the reason the team loses, it can happen so easily though and you have to stay on your toes. Nothing unusual or out of the ordinary was happening though. I am on the ice defending in our zone and trying to get the hell out of there. I go to retrieve the puck along the boards and skate in hard, but my skate gets caught in the ice and I hit the boards awkwardly. I thought I was fine until I tried to move my arm and felt such a insurmountable amount of pain. Like a knife straight into my shoulder. I fall to the ice and try to shake it off but I can't.

"Hey buddy, you good" Jon asks and I shake my head. The play is whistled dead as he calls the trainer over and they help me skate off. I'm taken straight to the training room and get examined.

"Can you move it" the trainer Joe asks. I try to move it but scream when I do. "Okay, this is going to hurt like hell, but we're going to have to get your pads and jersey off" he tells me and my eye go wide. I try to lift my arm to get the jersey off but the only thing I get off is a scream. They end up cutting off the jersey and carefully removing my pads. I get laid down on the table and they take a long look at my arm.

"It looks like your collar bone is pretty messed up. It might be broken. I'm going to have you go to the hospital for x-rays" he says.

"No way. I'll be fine" I insist. He poke my chest and I let out another scream.

"You're not find Patrick, I'm calling a ambulance right now" he insists. He leaves before I could argue some more and let out a long sigh. I change out of the rest of my hockey pads and pants and such into street clothes and jump into the ambulance. I still smelled terrible but that was the last thing in my mind right now.

In no time I got X-rays and was put in a hospital room while I waited for the results. I know it wasn't going to be good, but a part of me was begging it would be okay. Nothing felt okay though. I laid there on some mild drugs to make my arm feel better with nothing but bad thoughts going through my head. I kinda wish I was asleep right now so I would stop over reacting. Playoffs were in two month, I didn't need this. Not now.

The door opens and I was hoping it was the doctor, but it was much better, it was my wife. She was wearing my jersey and had her hair pulled back. She rushes to my side and moves some hair out of my face assuring that I'm okay. She places kisses over my face and it did make me feel better.

"Oh baby...I am so sorry" she says quietly. Her hazel eyes finding mine and I melt into them.

"I'm okay... I'm going to be okay" I assure her. She looks at my arm then points to my hand. She studies it quickly before becoming confused.

"What's on your finger" she asks.

"A tattoo. I got it today. Since I can't wear my ring when I play I got a tattoo with our initials and the date we got married on my ring finger so it's like it's still there" I explain. That smile I've come to love shows up on her face and she caresses my cheek.

"We're gonna get through this together okay" she insists and I nod. We sit and watch the game waiting for the doctor to come back. Considering it was taking him this long I just knew it wasn't good. The guys win in a shoot out and Lizzie turns the tv off before they started to talk about my injury, which was for the best.

Eventually the doctor comes back in and sits next to me. He checks some things and I try my best not to punch him in the face. Like yes its hurts when you touch it... that's what I'm here.

"So looking at the X-rays and seeing it here it looks like your collar bone is indeed broken pretty good. We can let it heal itself but that will take months and it could heal incorrectly causing long term damage. If we do surgery now it'll be around 12 weeks" he says as heart drops.

"Surgery" Lizzie asks.

"Yes. It's a pretty clean break, extremely painful to just let heal by itself" he claims.

"Then I guess we'll do the surgery" I whisper and he nods. He goes to get me scheduled and I lay on the bed staring at the ceiling. I feel a tear fall and try to sniffle it away.

"Patrick" a sweet voice says.

"Yeah baby" I respond softly.

"You're not going to give up are you" she asks.

"Of course not" I say. She returns to my side and I move some hair out of her face.

"Im gonna be here the whole time, okay? For better and for worse. I promise everything is going to be okay. We're going to get you better and you'll be out there in no time. You're gonna play for the cup again this season, I just know it" she says. And as sad and knocked down as I was, I believed her.

They wheel me back and give me a sedative. As I doze out of consciousness all I can think about was the team.

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