Chapter 13 - Breaking The News To Daddy Dearest.

Start from the beginning

Fourty-five minutes and one hundred flower choices later, Trey and I were at the register paying for the flowers and filling out information about where to send them, what day, how many, and stuff like that.

"Is that all for today?" Dria asked smiling, revealing a set of pearly-white teeth. I could almost see the little shining star coming off of them. She was like, flawless and made me feel really insecure.

"Not exactly," Trey said, making me look at him in confusion.

Dria cocked her head to the side. "What else do you need?"

"Your number." Trey said causually, like he was talking about the weather.

My eyes widened. He wouldn't really try to get with the girl who looked older then him and lived three hours away would he?! No, he wouldn't. Wait, why do I care? Becuase I don't. Right?

Dria chuckled. "Now why would I give you that?" She looked highly amused.

"Because I'm sexy." Trey shrugged.

"You got guts, kid." Dria commented.

"Is that a yes?"


"Great you can just- Wait, what?!" Trey exlcaimed.

I causually glanced between the two as they just stared at each other. Dria looked like she would bust out laughing at any time now. I could tell she was interested in Trey, but then again, who wasn't? He was the total package. I don't blame her.

Trey, oh the poor thing, looked like he was about to have a heart attack. He was hypervenalating really bad. I silently begged Dria to give the boy his number because I didn't want to see him die. I guess the pretty boy wasn't used to getting turned down. Figures.

"I said 'Nooooo'." Dria said. She spoke so slowly that I don't think Trey could keep up with her.

I couldn't help it, I laughed, but quickly covered it up with a laughed once I saw the daggers Trey was shooting me.

"Why not?" Trey demanded.

She shrugged, "I'm seeing someone."

"Sexier then me?"



"J. Cole."

Trey scoffed, "Are you now?"

She raised an eyebrow. "You think I'm lyin'?"

Trey rolled his eyes. "I know you are. He is one of the best rappers alive and you're telling me you're seeing him, yet you own a flower shop. That's very believable." He replied sarcastically.

Dria didn't miss a beat. She had her iPhone out and on the counter within a blink of an eye. She clicked a couple of things and then the phone was ringing out loud.

After the third ring, the call was connected.

"Yo, baby. Wassup?" Came J. Cole's voice through the reciever.

My jaw dropped as I stared wide-eyed at the iPhone. I glanced at Trey to see his expression mirrored mine.

Dria smirked in triumph, "Nothing. Just got a young man here tryna lay the moves on me."

"I wasn't! I simply asked for her number."

"Better have been her shop number." J.Cole snapped through the reciever.

"Sure was." Trey replied quickly.

Dria rolled her eyes, "I'll talk to you later, baby." Then she hung up the phone. "Am I still lying?"

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