Chapter 2

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                              It was period one and Ruba's form were in math class listening to their 5'6, tall, lanky teacher who always wore black and chewed her hair when she thought nobody was looking. Ruba felt sorry for her and did always try her best in her math class. Students always laughed at Miss Goberry. She was a red-head and had peachy plum lips which didn’t go with her small, oval eyes. Her eye-colour was lovely though – green, though you had to look closely to see it.

Ruba felt as if time was moving by all too slowly; so she calmly raised her hand and insisted she have her math test back. 

"Oh, yes! I almost forgot! Thanks for reminding me Ruba." 

Miss Goberry mumbled underneath her breath, asking herself.  "Where did I put those papers? ... AH! Here they are!" She looked up at the class and scanned the room to look for a suitable student to hand out the papers.

Left, right, diagonal.  

"Ah... Amy." She exhaled whilst handing the papers over to her. 

"Uhh..." Amy groaned.  "Do I have to?"

"Yes, Amy. You should feel praised that I chose you!" Miss Goberry said whilst smiling.

Amy stood up slowly, not bothering to tuck her chair in. 

"Denise...?" Amy called whilst handing Denise her test back. 

"Isabelle...Kate...Sam...Jack..." And so on and so on. 

Ruba was patiently waiting for her paper back; crossing her fingers when she heard an unfavorable comment in the background. 


Ruba rapidly turned around to see who made the comment, but everybody seemed so neutral. So she looked at Naomi.

Giggling as always.

Ruba felt rage building up in her body. Her face turned red, fists clenched; she stood up, but Willow and Joseph quickly grabbed her shoulders and placed her in her seat. They told her not to get angry as Naomi Slitched was not worth her time. That and they knew what a powerful witch she was; Ruba the teenager wasn't just a teen. She was powerful. Beyond powerful. Her eyes and hair would darken, her face would pale and black veins would appear all over. Her friends couldn't possibly let her reveal herself. 

"Calm down." Michael hissed. 

"You know what’ll happen if you don’t." Willow’s voice had an edge to it.

Ruba frizzled with anger and could have burned a hole in her seat had Amy not handed her her math paper. Ruba lifted her paper up and examined the results. Her mood changed instantly.


Miss Goberry walked over and smiled. "Great job Ruba! You've been working hard! You deserve that ninety-five percent."

"Thank-you miss!"

All of Ruba's friends patted her on her back and proclaimed in unison "Great job!"

Ruba, now buzzing with new energy, navigated her eye's across to Naomi and smiled. 

Seconds later, someone yelled, "OH MY GOSH! You have a giant spot on your forehead Naomi!"

Naomi quickly picked up a handmirror from her bag, placed it in front of her and screamed. "GROSS!"

Before anyone could comment, she was out the door and speeding down the hallway. 

9:45 A.M. And the buzzer went for period two. Ruba grabbed her black back pack off the floor, smiled and walked out the room proudly. Her work was done.

                                                                               * * * 

10:35 A.M. - Break time and Naomi’s day was going horribly wrong. Her face had broken out in spots and hardly any of her friends would speak to her due to the fact her apperance was so revoltingly vile. Ruba, on the other hand, was having a great day. She was at her locker getting her blue A5 notebook out and slowly sliding it in her backpack whilst watching Naomi drowing in her world of sorrow with pleasure. 

"BOO!" Joseph shouted while jumping on Ruba. 

"What's up with Naomi today?" Willow asked. Amy and Michael joined their conversation. 

"I don't know... maybe she used foot cream?" Ruba suggested. 

Still at the lockers, Naomi was pacing up and down until she looked up and found her boyfriend Brad, standing there with a what-is-up-with-your-face expression. Brad was tall - about 5'11 - and he played for the school's basketball team. He was every girl’s dream; light brown hair, trimmed and emerald eyes that a duchess would envy. He'd always spend break and lunch with Naomi, but today he felt uncomfortable just glancing at her. And things were about to get even more awkward. A few minutes passed and all that could be heard was a load scream,  the slam of a locker door and then rattle from its force. Naomi stormed off, leaving a trail of dust; mumbling to herself, crying,  "Why me? Out of all people. Why me?" 

The corridor just froze, shocked; heads bobbing up and down in curiosity. Ruba felt satisfied with her work. Her hex spell was working a treat. 

10:50 A.M. And the buzzer went for third period - History. 

"I'll catch you guys at lunch. Bye!" Ruba closed her locker and walked off to her next lesson, still feeling valiant.

Hope you enjoyed it and will be reading on ... Please

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