Ruka x Reader: Hug The Snowman

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"Ruka!" You called for your boyfriend.

"What? H-how long do you w-want to stay out h-h-here? It's cold." He shivers. You just smile and look around the park.

"Just a little longer. I wanna build a snowman first." You bend down and get started on a snow ball to begin with.

Ruka, yourself, and a few others are in Tokyo for the weekend. You had the day off and decided to spend it together in the capital of Japan.

"Let's get through this quick. The sooner we get it done, the sooner we get inside." Samon says as he walks ahead to help you make the snowman. Ruka glared at the back at Samon for a bit before sighing and giving in.

Soon, the rest followed. You worked on the head. Ruka worked on the body. Samon with its bottom. Kiji was getting some stones and few other things as clothing and face.

Once the parting of snow was finished, Ruka put the body on the bottom.

"(Y/n). But the head on now." Ruka calls for you.

You snap out of your daze and nod. You waddle over to the half build snowman and put the head on top.

"Now for its face and clothes." Kiji holds up a few materials and nature findings he was able to gather in the snow.

Soon, the snowman was complete.

"Now let's go inside." Kiji begins to walk away from the park. Most likely heading to the hotel the four of you are staying at.

"I was just starting to have fun." Ruka pouted. You would have giggled but you were disappointed the fun had to end so quickly.

You then take a glance at your boyfriend and smirk. He notices you look and nods with sly smile.

Together, you both pick up a decent amount of snow and form it snowballs.

"One, two, three." Ruka counted. At three, you both threw your snowballs at the back of Kiji's head.

He stops in his tracks. Ruka then grabs your hand and together, you try-with snow it rather difficult-and run as fast as you can.

"It's was Samon!" You both call.

"What!?" He yells.

"Monkey! You ruined my hair!" Kiji shrieks.

You then stop in your tracks, making Ruka stop with you.

"Please don't fight! Just hug the snowman~!" You point over at the snowman.

The three sweat drop.

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