Chapter 9 - WYMM?

Start from the beginning

"Or worse." Craig nodded in agreement.

I huffed, rolling my eyes, "Tequan is going to be right there! That's not a good ex-"

"You look like a hoe." Craig stated simply.

I paused for a minute. Did my brother just call me?..

"A what?!" I asked in disbelief.


I can't believe this! My own brother is calling me a hoe! And for what? Wearing a simple black dress!

"She does not!" Ashley said, coming to my rescue. She got off the couch to hug me. At least someone knows style. "She looks beautiful!"

"Don't compliment her at a time like this!" Trey told her.

I grinned, ignoring his comment. "Thank you, Ashley!"

She waved a hand dismissively, "Don't sweat it! Just don't be out  to late," She winked, "If you know what I mean!"

I didn't even have time to laugh at her joke because Craig and Trey were both in my face yelling. I simply stared boredly at them. No matter what they say, I'm not taking this dress off. Unless it's for Tequan! I won't hesitate then. Insert wink here!

"The hell you are going out looking like that!"

"I will murder him if he puts his hands on her!"

The joy.

"No matter what you two say, I'm not taking off this dress. You are just wasting the precious air we breathe."

Craig smirked and turned to my dad, "Dad, tell Destiny to take of that revealing dress."

My eyes widened. He is not trying to do what I think he is! The fucking prick! I am so putting all his unknown secrets on Twitter for the world to see. He is a dead man!

My father didn't say anything, making Craig's smirk disappear.

"B-But doesn't she look like a hoe?!" Craig stuttered.

Dad did nothing but shrug his shoulders and continue to watch the movie that is currently still playing.

That sent a pang in my heart. I knew we weren't on speaking terms, but he wasn't worried about well-being or anything. At least Craig and Trey tried to stop me but he didn't even bother. I would rather he say I look like a hoe than say nothing at all. I haven't heard his voice is two weeks and it's driving me insane.

My head lowered as I tried to blink away the tears. I didn't mean to make him that upset.

I heard Craig and Trey groan which automatically made me smile. They thought they would win but apparently they have not!

"Told you."

Craig glared, "I fucking swear, Destiny. If he puts his hands on you the wrong way, he's going to lose his fucking dick and you won't be able to fuck him anymore."

I could feel my face heating up. He's saying all this with my father in the room. I mean, we've been dating three-years so it's obvious we have sex. But that's not something I necessarily want my father to know. That's just flat out wrong.

"They shouldn't be fucking now." I heard Trey mumbled under his breath but I think everyone in earshot of him heard it.

"I am grown." I told both of them, "I can do what I please without your consent. Thanky you very much."

Ashley lifted her hand from the air, "You tell em' girl!"

I grinned and slapped her hand.

"I don't care if you are 'grown'. I'm big brother and that's not a threat, but a promise."

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