--fσяту σиє--

Start from the beginning


I'm up for it bc we need it


Get off your phone gdi taehyung


Aren't you in class with Hobi? Ask him and whatever he says I'm up for.

Where's J-Hope? I muttered to myself, zipping up my bag with my eyes still on the phone. I nearly jumped when I heard Grace talk over my shoulder.

"What'cha doin'?" she asked, wearing a curious and innocent smile. I clicked off the phone, picking up my bag.

"Just scheduling some stuff." I smiled, taking a step towards the door. She followed, even jumping ahead to open the door for me. I looked out the door, seeing J-Hope talking to Suho. I glanced down at my phone, then at Jimin who sat on a bench across the room. "One second," I began, backing up and turning my phone back on.


Jimin do we have practice today?

Almost immediately after the text had sent, Jimin hopped up tiredly from his bench and made his way towards J-Hope, carefully interrupting their conversation. I looked up from my phone, nodding as Grace began walking out the door after my cue of approval.

"If... you know..." J-Hope said, glancing towards Suho for a moment, then seeing me approach. "Yeah, let's do it." he stated quickly when I was close enough to hear quickly.

I made a small nod towards him in acknowledgement, but Suho stopped me before I could open my mouth.

"I'm gonna come back to the dance room at the end of the day to practice on my own anyways, if you've got stuff to do you don't have to come or anything," he smiled, looking around at random points of the room.

"Ah, I just checked and I do have something after 7th period, sorry." I apologize, bowing my head for a second. "Maybe tomorrow?"

"Sure." Suho nodded, the bell stopping him from adding anything to his answer. The others started bustling out the door and I carefully said goodbye to everyone, making my way through the crowded doorway. Once I was out, Jimin caught up with me.

"Rona," he called, weaving through a crowd of friends. I slowed down a bit to help him out, and he pulled himself ahead by using my shoulder as a lever. "Why'd you leave me?"

"I did not," I retorted, giving him a motherly stare.

"Did too."

"Don't play this game with me."


I was surprised he dropped the topic so quickly, but I immediately changed the subject. "So for practice today, is there anything you guys want to go over?"

"Mostly Run, I'd say. I think there's more album related things we need to talk about as soon as possible." Jimin said, whispering the word "album".

"Jin told you about that?" I asked, wondering if Jin had ever mentioned who he had or hadn't told the idea to.

"Mhm, but I'm not sure who else. He's keeping it quite secretive to himself. I know he has the capability to coordinate it, but if he doesn't get everyone on board it won't get done soon enough." Jimin mumbled, turning a corner as I followed. "I'm trying to make a song now - you know, just in case."

"Oh? How's it going?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. I could just barely imagine Jimin composing a song, but lyrics I aren't hard to imagine.

"I've created a chorus already, but I'm working on the rest. Yoongi-hyung said he'd help me create an instrumental if we do go through with this solo song idea." he said.

I gave a little nod, counting the people in my head. "If he knows - and I'd assume Jin would tell all the composer-like people..."

"Don't overthink it. It doesn't matter who knows and who doesn't, in a way it's probably Hyung's way to make sure everyone knows the information but doesn't cause worry by making it official. Everyone will know by the end of the day." Jimin smiled, both of them entering the Mrs. Walby's room.

"Everyone'll know what?" Taehyung asked curiously, hearing us as we approached our seats.

"The solo thing." Jimin said simply, replied by an even more unreadable nod.


"Hey Jungkook," I greeted, the youngest now sitting down with a few heavy binders that made a loud noise as it hit the hard desk. I'd assume usually in any classroom the noise would attract attention, but no one turned their heads - at least not because of the sounds.

It hadn't changed - the stares and looks that were directed and the band, as well as me whenever I was with them. To be honest, I find that now more people are noticing me even without the group. Not quite sure if that's a good thing or not yet.

"Hey." he said simply, already opening a binder before he had sat down. He pointed at the paper, it being the same one from this morning in math.

"Oh, yeah, I've gotchu." I replied, leaning over and making an encouraging smile.

Faking positivity ought to get you somewhere.

a/n: you can smell the ideas disappearing, my lord. -1P

Teach Me To Dance (A BTS Fanfiction) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now