September 5, 2016

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Prussia decided that I should start to keep a journal because it helps to 'up the awesome factor by about 4 quadrillion!' I think that it's not that bad of an idea. At least I'll have someone to talk to who won't shoot me down the first time, right?

Either way, what should I call you? I think I'll call you diary, even though that's not very hero-like. But who cares, no one but me is going to read you anyway. So, here goes:

Dear Diary,

The meeting today went as usual. Everyone was arguing about everything, Italy and Germany ended up disappearing towards the end, and Romano was not happy about it. The BTT were flirting with the maids in the corner and messing around with Canada when Spain went to find 'his Romatomato'.

Russia was speaking with China in the back of the room whilst hiding from Korea. Japan and Hungary were fangirling about who-knows-what by the window, and England was drinking tea looking pissy at the table.

I wanted nothing to do with any of this, and I was drawing in the notebook that I now bring just for that. Thankfully, Canada saw that this was a lost cause and found a way out of his situation and dragged us both out into the parking lot.

That was probably the most productive thing anyone had done today. I've got to go and do some paperwok, so I'll talk tomorrow, maybe?

-The hero, Alfred F Jones

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