Chapter 4 - Moments Like These.

Start from the beginning

"Where were you?" My brother, Craig, asked suspiciously.

"I went to talk to Tequan." I responded shrugging.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Trey stiffen but I decided to ignore it. He would know what we talked about sooner or later.

"Speaking of Tequan, I have something to tell you guys..." I trailed off.

All their eyes snapped in my direction, giving me their full attention. 

"What did he do?" My dad asked.

I chuckled, "Nothing dad! I just decided that me and the kids would move in with him." I bit my lip, afraid of what my dad would say.

"We get to move in with Daddy?!" Ne'Vaeh exclaimed. Tequan's been around since they were born. They call him 'daddy' most the time, and I don't really mind because he has been that father figure for them.

Trey's eyes widened as she finished her sentence. He was clearly getting the wrong idea but it's not like I cared. Right? Maybe now he will get off my back.

"Absolutely not." My dad said firmly.

"Why not dad?" I whined.

"Because I said so, and it's final." He said firmly.

"I am twenty years old. You stopped making my decisions along time ago." I mumbled.

"Dee.." Craig started.

"I am your father and you will do as I say. You are not moving in with that boy." My father said through gritted teeth. He looked calm, but I knew better. I knew I was making him angry, but I was angrier.

"Now you choose to act like a dad? You were hardly in my life for seventeen years! After my mother died, I didn't see you anymore! How do you think that made me feel?!"

Low blow, I know. But he's being unreasonable. It's not like Tequan lives on the other side of the globe. He lives a few blocks over. Not a big deal.

"That has nothing to do with this." He stated.

"Yes it does! You never let me make my own decisions! Why can't I just move in?"

"I don't trust him!" My dad retorted.

I slammed my palms on the table and stood, "You've known him for two years! What's not to trust?! Give me one good reason!" I yelled.

My dad didn't say anything. I glanced around the table taking in everyone's expressions. Craig looked at me sympathetically, but I didn't need that. The twins and Ashley were gone, I guess she took them away before things got too heated. And Trey looked at me with anger, hurt, and confusion. I knew where the first two came from, but I didn't know so much about the last one.

"Okay, let's calm down.." Craig said, "Let's talk this through."

I sat back down in my seat, mad as ever. I crossed my hands over my chest and glared at my dad, who sat at the far end of the table.

"There's nothing to talk about. She's not moving in with him."

"You're being unreasonable."

"Dad, hear her out." Craig insisted, "Now, Dee, why do you want to move in with this guy?"

I glanced in Trey's direction, but quickly looked back at my brother and dad, "I just don't want to be here anymore. I'm going to be twenty-one in a month and I don't want to live with my dad." I replied.

"You're still not going."

I rolled my eyes, "Okay, dad. Ruin my life even more. Ruin it just like you've been ruining it since the twins were born." I said, sarcasm dripping in every word.

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