Chapter 53

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Its been over a month since I slept with Joe after a drunken night out for my friends birthday. Do I regret it? Kind of. But all of that's now behind me because I'm now having a big summer party at my parents private island near Barbados. It's for all my friends to just let their hair down and have some fun before we all get back to our work commitments.

I laid back on the sun lounger with Roshien to my right, while my other friends messed about in the swimming pool.
“You never did tell me who the guy was you left with at Megan's party,” she said, taking a sip of her pink-coloured cocktail.
“Do you really want to know?”I asked, sitting up to look at her.
“Yes! I really do.” She turned on her sun lounger and faced me. “Who was it?”
I took a deep breath, placing my sunglasses on top of my head, and squinted with the sunlight. “It was Joe.”
“Wait a minute. Joe? As in Joe Hart? As in your ex-husband, Joe?” She questioned.
“Yes, yes and we're technically still married because neither of us have filed for a divorce.”
“So, did you sleep together?” She quietly asked.
“What do you think?” I asked, pulling my sunglasses back down to cover my eyes.
“Oh my god. This is huge!” She squealed.
“Shout it a little louder because I don't think the paparazzi heard you,” I said, hitting her on the arm.
“It's okay.”
“Are you going to get back together with him?” She asked.
“I don't know. What's there-” I started but got cut off as one of my friends turned the music up full blast.
“I guess you'll have to shout now,” Roshien laughed.
“What is there to get back together for? Nothing!” I shouted over the music.
“You never know!” She shouted back.
“Mia! Come and have some fun,” Andrea, one of my friends, shouted at me from the pool.
“We're coming,” I shouted back.
I looked at Roshien and rolled my eyes. I got up and took my tunic off so I was in my bikini. I took my sunglasses off and sat them on the small table next to the sun lounger. As I walked over to the pool, one of the guys pulled my legs and I went flying into it.
I stood up in the water and looked at the guys who were in hysterics. “Why the hell did you do that?”
“Lighten up. We're only having a laugh,” Steven laughed from where he stood next to me.
I took the small football off Andrea that she had in her hand and threw it in the air occasionally. “You know what, why don't we make this a little interesting.”
“Oh, a bet. I love bets,” David smiled.
“Girls v boys. There's 20 of us, 10 boys and 10 girls. We win, you lot have to-” I started.
“You have to run along the beach with no clothes on,” Stephanie smirked.
“I wasn't thinking that,” I told Stephanie.
“But, if we win, you lot have to-” Andrew started.
“Wait around on us hand and foot for the remainder of our time here,” Steven finished.
“But that's almost two weeks,” I half moaned.
“Are you chickening out?” Steven asked, standing close to me to see if I would be intimidated by him.
“I never back down,” I told him and threw the ball at his head. “Serve it up.”
“Oh, she went there!” David mocked.
Roshien came into the pool and the girls moved over to stand by me and we started playing pool football.

We had been playing for about half an hour and we were winning 5-1. The guys didn't like it and were starting to become more interested in trying to pull us under the water, than play the game.
I heard the house phone buzz and got out the pool.
“Mia, where the hell are you going?” Stephanie asked me.
“Half-time. I need to answer the phone,” I answered, walking over to the house phone that was at the side of the sun lounger I was sitting at.
I heard Stephanie scream and looked up. David had pulled her under the water and was refusing to let her up for air. I laughed and looked down at the house phone. 1 new message:

'A boat has just came in with someone to see you.'

I groaned and picked a towel up and walked round to the entrance of the building. I wrapped it around my body and walked down to the beach.
As the sand and water came into view, I saw a man standing by a small boat. I took the towel off and dropped it on the sand. What the hell is he doing here? I walked closer to the man and he turned round to me.

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