Chapter 5

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Joe opened the door and stepped into the house first, still holding my hand. My heart began to race faster as different scenarios flashed in my head as to how this may go down.
"Joseph, where have you been?" His dad asked him.
"I was out..." He pulls my hand slightly so I could step into the house with him and he held onto my waist tightly. "...with Mia."
His mum dropped a can onto the floor and stared at him. His sister stared at me while his dad looked to be getting angry.
"Do you even know this girl, Joseph?" His dad's stern voice asked him.
"I do. I've known her for a year," Joe stated.

His dad turned his attention to me. "And who may you be exactly?”
Joe spoke before I could even get a word out, "This is Mia girlfriend."
"Wow...I did NOT see that one coming!" His sister said, leaning against a worktop.
"Chloe, don't." His mum said to her. She turned and looked at me but her question wasn't directed at me. "Since when did you have a girlfriend, Joseph?"
I looked up at Joe who nodded slightly.
"Since last year," He quietly responded.
"WHAT!?!" Chloe shouted.
"Chloe, out. Now!" His dad shouted at her. Chloe groaned and walked out the room with no questions asked.
"I think we should sit down and talk about this. Don't you think so Charlie?" Joe's mum said clearly.
"I think we do. Joseph, would you very kindly take Mia into the dining room?" Charlie said, looking at Joe now.
"Mia can't stay. Her big sister is coming to pick her up," Joe told them.
"Does she know about the too of you?" Charlie questioned. I shake my head. "Well, I think we should invite her here to talk about this. Is that not a good idea?"
I looked at Charlie. "I'll just phone her and tell her where to come."
"Mia, you don't have to." Joe said to me as I pulled my phone back out and began calling my sister.
"Your dad's right. We have to sort this out now," I told him.
"Okay.” He kissed the side of my head and let me go.
I watched him walk into the dining room along with his mum and dad as I held the phone to my ear. This really ain't going to go down well at all.

With Me From The Start (With Me - book 1)Where stories live. Discover now