Chapter 16

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Stepping inside the bedroom, I looked around the at all the cardboard boxes scattered around.

“What the hell is this?” I ask, looking down at the male body that was lying in amongst the boxes. “Austin? What the hell?”
He quickly got up and looked over at me, "Mia! I tried to get everything sorted for you coming home but it seems like I have failed.”

“Failed miserably, yes. You still haven’t answered my question.”

I fold my arms across my chest and wait for him to reply.

“Did mum and dad not tell you?” I shake my head. “Not even Joe?”

“Does it look like someone's told me?” I respond sternly.

“Mum and dad told Joe that I was moving in here to keep an eye on you in light of what's happened.” I scowl. “And you have no idea what's happened as you've been away.”

“Clearly. Explain. Now!"
Austin reaches over to the messy bed and picks up the remote control for the TV that was handing on the wall opposite the bed. Switching it on, he changes the current channel to one of the news channels. I stepped over the mess in the room and stood next to him, my eyes widening at what was being displayed before me.
"Information on Mr Wilson's whereabouts is still unsure at this moment in time. However, reports have come in about him going to finish the job he started before he was sent to jail. If you see this man, please report it to your local police station right away. We don't know how dangerous he can be or get,” The female reporter said.

Austin turned the TV off and I looked over at Joe who stood leaning the door frame at the threshold of the room.

“Did you know about this?” I asked him, worry starting to set in in my voice.

He clears his throat and answers, “I only found out this morning when your parents showed up with Austin.”
I nod. “Austin, what are mum and dad going to do now?”
"They've stepped up everyone's security, mainly your because they know he'll come after you. They have contacted the management company you have and told them about the situation and are relocating them to the UK on a more permanent basis.” He informs me. “Dad has also sent out his own investigators to go and look for him as we speak. There is going to be an unmarked security car sitting outside your house and following your every move.”

“If he is watching me though, he'll notice it's an unmarked car by the numberplate.”

“The car will change every day so it's not noticed,” Joe butts in. “Your dad has also suggested that you get your car changed and leave the private numberplate off it. As a precaution.”
“Brilliant!” I shout sarcastically. “I go away for a few months and all hell breaks loose!”
“Mia, you'll be fine. I won't let anything happen to you,” Joe comforts, walking over and holding me close to him.

“Thank you,” I smiled up at him. “But I'm not going to let him take over my life again. I'm going to go about my life as normal with no worries."
"Is that really the best thing to do?" Austin asked me.
"If she wants to get on with her life and not have to worry about things, that's what she's gonna do." Joe told him.
"Now that's all sorted, can we order something for dinner? I'm hungry.”

“Oh, good idea! I'm a bit tired from unpacking these boxes since this morning. I can go for a Chinese but at the same time, I want a pizza!”

“Pizza sounds lovely right now,” I agree, Joe guiding me out the room with Austin following close behind.

“Pizza it is!” Joe laughed.

With Me From The Start (With Me - book 1)Where stories live. Discover now