Chapter 15

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2007 - 20 years old

Telling my dad what my mum did was quite easy but he agreed with her. He said that it couldn't hurt me to go and talk to the management company as it might help me get back to how I was before. I was shocked that he agreed for me to go but I think his decision may have came after my mum told him before I had the chance to.

I travelled to New York with my mum two weeks after my dad agreed for me to go and they company offered me a contract there and then. It basically stated that they would help me get back into modelling and if I wanted to do so, I could go on into acting before being given the chance to work on my own clothing line. Most of which my mum was happy with but some of it had her disagreeing frantically.

But, because my mum didn't want me to so some of the things that contract stated I could do once I came of official age, I signed it with a big smile on my face. When I handed the contract back over to them, I was automatically whisked off to do a photo shoot. I was sceptic at first because that was the first time I had been in front of a camera since the accident but everything came back to me so naturally.

A lot of work came in for me to do by the time I was due to go back home which put my returning home on hold. I stayed in New York when my mum returned to the UK and checked out of the hotel and into the apartment my family had bought months previous. Telling Joe was hard as we only planned to be away from each other for no more than a couple of days.

All of that was six months ago and I was now back home in the UK, on my way back to the house I shared with Joe in Cheshire. I'm so excited I get to see him as it's been so long since we had seen each other in person.

With every 360 turn of the car wheels, I knew I was closer to being with Joe. Being able to hold him, kiss him, feel his warmth and wake up every morning with him lying next to me. Up until now, I had almost forgotten what the road to my house looked like, or even what the feeling of 'home' was like!

The car came to a stop outside my house and I looked out the car window when the front door opened and Joe appeared with a smile on his face. I quickly got out the car, slamming the door closed and ran over to Joe who stood waiting for me with his arms open and big smile on his face.
“I've missed you so much!” Joe expressed as I hugged him as tightly as I could.

“I've missed you too,” I smiled, breathing in his freshly showered scent. “Six months is far too long to go without seeing each other.”

“Far, far too long.”

I pulled back and rest my hands on his shoulders and looked up at him as he smiled down to me. His right hand left its place on my hip and moved to stroke the side of my cheek. I knew what was coming next and I was right. His head bent down and he kissed me. Need and passion filled the kiss, just like I remembered.

“How was the high-life in New York?” He asked after breaking the kiss moments later.

“It was good. I was kept busy which is the whole reason as to why I stayed,” I answered. “Missed you so much though. Wish you could have at least come to see me.”

“I would have but I had my own work here,” He sighed. He let me go and held my hand, pulling me into the house. “Some of you family members have been round to see me while you were away.”

I let go of his hand and slipped my jacket off. “Why? Have you done something I should know about?”

“No, why would you think like that?” There was a rumbling noise coming from upstairs in one of the spare bedrooms and I looked at Joe. I raised my eyebrows. “Mia, it's not what you think?”

“And what do I think?” I move past him and start running up the stairs.

“Mia, stop. Let me explain!” He shouts after me.

I didn't listen to him and was already walking along the short hallway towards the spare bedroom the rumbling noise came from. I gripped the door handle and opened the door.

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