Chapter 6

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I walked in to the dining room after I had gotten off of the phone to Anna and she didn't sound happy when I told her the truth as to where I actually was.
I took a seat next to Joe and he put his arm over the back of the chair, giving me a kiss on the side of the head as a way of trying to comfort me. I smiled at him before looking down at my hands clasped on my lap.

A loud knock on the front door broke the silence and tension the fell over us. There was running down the stairs, the front door opening, muffled arguing and then Chloe walked in to the dining room followed closely by Anna. Anna shot me a look that said confirmed everything I was thinking, I was in major trouble.

She took a seat across from me on the other side of the table, next to Joe's parents and his sister.

I looked at her as she sat staring at me, only telling me, “Amelia, you're in big trouble.”
"First thing's first, when and how did you meet Mia?" Charlie asked Joe.
"At the charity night I went to with the school. I saw Mia walk out of the hotel towards the garden. I went out to see how she was." He looked at me and smiled. "Everything sorta progressed on from there."
"Have you two slept together yet?" Chloe asked bluntly.
"CHLOE!" Joe's mum shouted at her.
Charlie shakes his head and continues. "On a more serious note, why keep it a secret? Don't your family have a right to know when you're dating someone?"
"I couldn't have anyone know that I was dating someone because of who I am and who my family are. Anna knows what I'm talking about.” I look over at Anna who nods slightly in agreement. “As soon as the media find out that I'm seeing someone, they'll love it. It will make them a hell of a lot of money. I want a private life and they sure ain't giving me one."
Anna clears her throat before starting to speak. "Mia, you could have told us and we would have sorted it. We could have gotten a court order out against the press saying any thing about you until you were 21."
"What about after that? It would all just come out the day I turn 21!" I explain, my voice starting to rise in tone.
"You've just made it harder," she stated clearly.
"I just want to keep my private life private."
"If I promise to help you keep your private life, private, will you stop sneaking around with him?" She sighs and points to Joe.
I looked at Joe and nodded my head slowly.
"That still doesn't answer any questions that I have. What exactly is it that your sister does and what does your family do?" Charlie asked Anna.
Anna looked at Charlie, unimpressed that he didn't know who our family was. "Our father built his company up from nothing. He is the founder of SH Industries – a company that is worth hundreds of millions, maybe even a few billion pounds. Mia, just like the rest of us, model and help our mother to create clothes for her fashion line.”

She takes a deep breathe and continues. “If you haven't heard of our father, maybe you would have heard of our mother. For all I know, you may have even been into one of her shops and own something with her name on it. I don't know. But for you to not know who we are, that worries me a little.”

Charlie's face wore a sudden blank expression as he tried hard to register what Anna just told him.

“I hope that has answered your questions,” she finishes. “Now, Mia, we have to get going. Mum wants us to fly out to Paris tonight for our photo shoot tomorrow."
I nod and get up from the chair, following Anna's lead in walking out the house.

I got as far to the front door when I felt someone grab my hand. I stop and look round to see Joe looking at me.
"Don't leave just like this," He pleaded.
I smiled, "I have my work and you have yours."
I gave him a light kiss on the lips and let go of his hand.
"I love you," I said to him.
"I love you too."

With Me From The Start (With Me - book 1)Where stories live. Discover now