Chapter 50

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I left Joe and Connor over a month now. Only a few people knew the true reason as to why I left. I've been getting phone calls from Joe, wanting me to go back home but I haven't been able to bring myself to talk to him. It's because of him that I left.

I turned the engine off of my car and got out. I walked round to the boot, opened it and took out my shopping bags before closing it over again. I locked the car and started to walk towards the building entrance.

I smiled at the concierge as I walked into the foyer and over to the private lift that would take me to my apartment on the top floor. I got out the lift and walked to the apartment door. I pushed the handle down and walked in, slamming it over so Roshien knew I was back.

"Hi, Roshien." I called through the oh too silent apartment.

"Did you buy-" She started, coming into the living room.

"No, this is only today’s stuff." I replied, walking past her to put my bags in my room.

I placed my bags down at the foot of my bed.

"Joe called," Roshien announced.

I straightened up and sighed.

"What did you tell him?" I asked as I walked back into the living room. I took my jacket off and sat it on the oversized couch.

"I only told him that you didn't want to see or speak to him." She stated. "Why won't you go back to him?"

"I can’t go back to him. Not after what he did,” I told her. “He can’t do that to me after promising me over and over again that he wouldn't do that. My dad and brothers want him to pay for hurting me.”

"Mia, you could at least talk to him." She said, walking into the kitchen.

I turned and walked in after her. I leaned against the counter and looked at her. "You know what he did to me. You saw the pictures and pictures don't lie!"

"You'll have to talk to him sometime," she sighed while handing me the house phone.

I looked down at the phone in her hand and took it off her. " What am I suppose to say to him? Hi, Joe. Eh, I know you've cheated on me but the only reason why you don't know that I know is because I covered it up. I don't think so, Roshien."

"Not in so many words," she shrugged, walking over to the dining room table and sitting down.

"Well, what then?" I asked, sitting down across from her.

"Just tell him that you know and if he acts stupid about it, that's when you say that you know everything." She said, sipping her coffee.

"It doesn't explain why I got it covered up though."

"Why did you cover it up?" She asked.

"Why do you think? Everyone looks up to me and if I don't make the right decision, they turn against me.”

She nodded and took another sip of her coffee. "Seriously, now. What do you think you have to do?"

“Honestly?" I asked. She nodded. "I need to let go of all this pain that he’s caused me. He's had a long time to tell me and I'm not talking about since I found out what he done. I’m talking about since when he first done it. I’ll go and see him one more time but then that’s it. I’m done.”

"Just as well you said that," she half shouted with a smile on her face and standing up.

"Why? What have you done?" I asked, getting up.

With Me From The Start (With Me - book 1)Where stories live. Discover now