Most importantly though, she taught me to never lose yourself; never forget who you are and what your dreams in life are. She taught me that even greatness can be tarnished and thrown away, but sometimes you have to push pass that. Even though my mother was a strung out drug addict, she had the wisdom of an old forgotten soul who had seen every inch of the world and had over a million stories to share. She showed me the ropes without even being there to do it. When I needed something I fought for it, and when Kali needed something I fought ten times harder for it.

I said all that to say, I thanked God for them because they taught me how to survive when you have nothing. Nothing but an ounce of hope and a small piece of happiness to hold on to.

That is until those two tall, silly, dramatic monstrosities came along..... they gave us a little more to hold on to.

"Mani?" August called breaking from my thoughts.

Clearing my throat I turned towards him,"Yes?"

"Wea' ya' went ta', we been callin' you fa' a good three minutes." He spoke in a concerned tone.

"She was daydreamin' as usual." Kali chuckled sliding out of the hospital bed.

"Was not!" I yelled.

"Was too!"

"Was not!"

"Was too!"

"Was no-,"

"Was shut da' hell up and get ready ta' go." August butted in.

Not responding to his smart remark, I handed Kali her clothes and shoes so she could change out of that dreadful hospital gown.

She grabbed her clothes and went into the bathroom leaving me and August alone, in silence.

"I got a surprise fa' you." He spoke slyly with a smirk creeping across his gorgeous face.

"What surprise?"

"I can't tell you, but it is gone make you stop hatin' me'."

I sighed heavily as I averted my gaze to the ground,"August I don't hate you. I could neva' hate you. I juss- I'm juss', I'm a bit hurt and I need you ta' unda'stand how deep dis' shit goes. You left me with a wound dat' has been open fa' five years and even though you say you didn't mean to, it still hurts."

He peered deeply into my eyes as he cocked his head to the side.

"Well what I got planned gone take all'at away, it won't even leave a scar it's gone be healed so good." He smiled pulling me into a hug.

"I hope so." I sighed against his chest.

"Goalsss!" Kali sung walking out of the bathroom fully dressed and heading towards the door.

"Dat' lil girl is sum'n else."

"Who you tellin'." I mumbled following her lead out of the room.

We all walked out of the hospital and looked around the parking lot to see where the hell we had parked, that is until I heard someone calling my name.

"Is dat' Chris?" I asked walking side by side with August.

"Yea, I called 'em up since he goin' on tour tomma' and I won't be able ta' join."

"And why won't you?" I queried looking over at him with a cocked eyebrow.

"Because our trip is mo' important than dat'."

He left me standing there as he joined Kali and our friends in the parking lot. I can't stay mad forever and with a man like august I won't be able to, but I can't just allow my anger to take over the good feelings that he's been making me feel either. I have to let this hurt go and just accept it for what it is. Yes he forgot us, but at least he's trying to make up for it. The important thing is, I got my crazy baby daddy back.

Don't Forget About Me| August Alsina StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz