"Final bell?" I said anxiously, scanning the room for an empty chair.

    "No, just the warning bell. Class starts in a minute." Jungkook said, walking across the room towards one of the empty chairs up front. I awkwardly followed as he sat down.

    "Following me already, are you?" He teased, causing my face to become the lightest shade of pink. I turned around quickly and walked back over to the teacher, who was sitting by her desk. She sat reading over some papers, so I waited, glancing up at Jungkook, who gave me a supportive thumbs up with a goofy face. I raised an eyebrow and Mrs. Ray looked up at me.

    "Yes?" She questioned, and I looked back at her.

    "O-oh, hi Mrs. Ray," I said, "I'm Rona. I'm a new student."

    "Rona," she repeated, looking under a few piles of paper. "Right, welcome. Here," she said, handing me a small stack of papers, each paper with my name scribbled in red pen.

    "I know there's a lot to catch up on since you're here a few months late, but don't worry about it now. We just finished unit 2, so just start off today with us in unit 3."

    "Alright, thanks." I said, trying to put together the pile.

    "Sit wherever there's an open seat. There's a few over there." She said, pointing towards Jungkook's side of the classroom.

    I walked back over to him, who looked up at me as he twirled his pencil around his fingers.
"Open seats are here and there," he said, pointing next to him and a seat near the back. I looked at his smiling face after I sat down in the chair next to him.

    "Don't look so happy about it," I muttered, just as the final bell rung.
    As a few kids shuffled to their seats, Mrs. Ray clapped her hands together to get the class' attention.
    "OK, OK! Everyone, be in your seat by the final bell!" she yelled, the last of the  students scrambling over others to get to their desk.

"So today we'll be starting unit three," she began, as one kid's hand shot into the air. "And no, I haven't graded your tests from last Friday yet. I had a long weekend, gimme a break. And wake up, I know it's Monday." She said as she patted her hand onto a kid's desk who was slowly falling asleep.

"Today'll be polynomials," she said, writing on the board. I saw everyone with a paper on their desk, so I quickly unzipped my backpack. I heard a little pat on my desk and looked up, seeing Jungkook setting a piece of notebook paper on my desk. I mouthed a thanks and began to title the notes.


"An even function," a boy sitting across the room said. "And so the notation would be 'as x goes to infinity, y goes to negative infinity."

"Good job Jack. See? We can all learn from him," Mrs. Ray said loudly. Jack wasn't exactly smiling, but he wasn't shy about being praised either. I head Jungkook let out a grumpy groan.

"That nerd thinks he's so great," he muttered softly, tapping his pencil on the edge of his desk in syncopation with his foot, which lightly tapped the ugly carpeted floor. That probably caused Mrs. Ray to look over our way.

    "Jungkook," she began, tapping the board in the same rhythm as he tapped his pencil, seeming intentional, "how about you do number 6?" Jungkook quickly shuffled his papers and sat up, clearing his throat. "Hmm, yeah," he began, "So the function is odd and symmetrical about the origin..."

    I quickly checked my notes, finding out where he went wrong. He hasn't missed any of this problem yet, I thought, looking back up at him and his papers, which were left blank in front of him.

    And he's doing it all in his head? I wondered, ignoring what he was saying at this point. He suddenly turned away from the teacher and looked down at his desk, and sneaking a glance towards me, looking in alarm. I blinked my eyes a few times and snapped back into reality.

    "And?" Mrs. Ray continued, ushering Jungkook to finish the problem. He cleared his throat and looked back at his paper. I didn't know at which point in the problem he was, so I quickly scribbled the answer onto my paper and shuffled it around to get his attention. When that didn't work, I pushed my paper off my desk.

    "Ah," he breathed, picking up my paper for me and putting it back onto my desk. "Yeah, and as x goes to negative infinity y goes to negative infinity too,"

    "Okay Jungkook, but you've gotta think faster next time," Mrs. Ray said, turning back towards the board. I heard a snicker from across the room, and Jungkook made a low growl, interrupted by an obnoxious dismissal bell. Jungkook gathered his things, making little murmurs to himself.

    "Aye man, no 'E flat, peace!' from you today?" A boy asked Jungkook, patting his back. When getting no response, he tried to turn him around. Jungkook pulled away, and the boy, discouraged, left the room immediately afterwards. I walked out of the room with Jungkook and he let out a giant breath as soon as he stepped out.

    "I'm good now," he said as we walked down the hall. "Thanks for saving me - even if you blanked out for most of it,"

    "Blanked out? Excuse you?" I questioned, making both of us laugh. "So, 'E flat, peace!'? What's that?" I asked.

    "You know the bell? It's actually an E flat." he said, pointing towards the intercoms on the ceilings of the the hallways.    

    "You take a music class?" I asked, surprised. He looked surprised too.

    "Yeah - you mean you don't know about us?" He asked, then answering his own question, "Of course not, you're new in town. I'm so dumb. I'm in a... musical group. I'd like to say we're popular around here."

    "Oh, no wonder you're so confident with yourself," I laughed, politely pointing out his go-lucky ego.

    "No wonder you treat me like a normal person," he said, suddenly stopping. "My class is here, I gotta continue a test from Friday, so I can't linger. Need help getting anywhere?"

    I smiled. He sure wanted to help, but I shook my head and pointed around the corner. "I know where my next class is. Thanks. Good luck on that test."

    "Thanks, have fun in..." Jungkook said, looking over the bent paper to see my next class. I opened it up for him and pointed at the second row in the table.

    "Science. Mrs. Carter." I said. He responded with a little laugh, "Have fun there. It's a blast, especially if you make some friends."

    "A blast?" I wondered out loud, causing him to laugh.

    "I've got a few friends in there second period. Maybe you can try to tell which of those people I hangout with. Use my name if you need to, that'll get you friends."

    "I can get friends without your name, thank you very much," I retorted, but in a friendly way. He laughed as I turned the corner, on my way to class.

I wonder what type of people Jungkook associates with. If they're anything like Jungkook, this could be a great class, or the worst one all day.

Teach Me To Dance (A BTS Fanfiction) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now