Their bond has grown tremendously, but its grown off fear, the fear of losing one another. The fear that one day they will wake up and the other one will be gone.

In a way it was my fault, I left them stranded with empty words and even emptier promises. Mani herself said that I would forget her, she cried to me and told me herself I would forget her. And the fuck up that I am, I did exactly that. I could have handled the threat situation differently, but I didn't know any better; I didn't have my big brother to lead me in the right direction.

I fucked up....

But it won't happen again, trust me...

"Shit!" I hissed sticking my burning fingers in my mouth, then shaking it out.

"Awww fuck, dat' shit hurt!"

While pondering in my thoughts I ended up burning my hand pretty bad on the stove.

I took in a sharp breath between my clenched teeth and jumped around the kitchen hoping that would ease the pain.

"Let me help." I heard her soft voice coming from behind me, making my heart rate increase at an alarming pace while I ceased my 'attack'.

"How da' hell you gone be sexy as fuck and I can't even see yo' ass?" I thought to myself.

I heard her faint bare feet making their way to me until her small hands wrapped around my own and guided me to the sink.

I watched the side of her face as she turned the nozzle on and slowly placed my hand under the cool water that flowed from the faucet.

"Is it too cold?" She questioned looking up at me with those eyes of a goddess.

I simply shook my head, never looking away from her face. The words that I wanted to say seemed to be caught in my throat at the moment.

Letting out a laugh that only I could hear, I smiled to myself and thought.

Silly me. I must have forgotten the affects my queen had on me. If she wanted me to bow down and kiss her feet til my lips fell off I would gladly do just that. I must have forgotten how she made my heart swell up to the point of near explosion- to the point that I could have sworn my rib cage was cracking from the intensity. She made it so hard for someone to look away from her. Even if you hated the ground she walked on you still wouldn't be able to look away, you just couldn't. Most people envy beauty such as hers.

That's why she has so many haters surrounding her, them bitches wanna be her and them niggas want her...but she's mine of course.

Magnificent is what she is.....truly magnificent.

"Keep it right thea' so it won't blister up."

I nodded my head and continued to stare at her.

"Nah' how da' hell she got a nigga whipped and I ain't even hit yet?" I thought to myself again.

She walked over to the pot of food that I was in the middle of preparing and smiled as she stirred it around.

"Yungin's Nawlins' Rotel,"She paused letting out a small chuckle," Ya' know ya' use ta' cook dis' fa' meh' all da' time when we was younga'."

Don't Forget About Me| August Alsina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now