I always thought that I would meet my prince charming and he would cherish me and my temple, but instead my body was taken advantage of by the man that helped create it.

"You know I love you right?" He asked.

I stayed quiet and just stared straight ahead at the bottom of the door frame.

That only earned me a kick to the right side of my rib cage making me cough up blood.

"Answer my fucking question!"

I quickly nodded my head as the tears slipped out of my eyes and traveled down to the wooden floor.

"I can't hear you, speak up!"


"I had to do this baby girl, I had to get you ready for the world, it's so cold out there."

I seen his lips moving but I tuned him out and returned to the sanity inside of my head. Normally my head is clear, but as of now, it was swarming with thoughts and questions that I don't have an answer to.

Thoughts such as; did I deserve this?

Is this even real?

Did my father really do this?

Is my innocence truly gone, has my body truly just been 'taken' like this?

I wanted to run, I wanted to run as far as I could...even though I couldn't move.

Don't Forget About Me| August Alsina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now