Chapter 23 (edited)

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Chelsea was still going over her conversations that she had with both twins this morning and to be honest both of them, in their own way, had set her mind at ease.  It wasn't just a 'thing' to them.  They wanted her and she more than wanted them.  

Monique was waiting for her when she arrived with a coffee and orange cranberry muffin in her hand. 

 "Oh God I love you" I told a smiling Monique. 

 "I know" she deadpanned.  

"I only had some fruit before I left the apartment.  My stomach was telling me all about it on the way in" I told her smiling.  "Okay, did we get everything back from the printers that I need to take with this morning?" I asked my assistant.  She nodded.  

"We have the Due Diligence completed by Christ & Foster, bound, leather, personalized and gorgeous; the dossiers on Jared Martin, Chris Helms, Judy Travers and you, of course; and last but not least the Financials for the last two years along with letters from creditors.  You are going to blow them away!" she said proudly.  

I nodded and said "I hope so.  There is a lot riding on this, Mon.  A lot."  She grabbed my hand and squeezed and I answered in kind.

"Now" she started looking at her watch.  "You have thirty minutes to catch me up on what's been going on in demigod world."  Lord she was too much but I grinned at her and told her anyway. 

 She knew I would; I always confided in her. 

 "They took me to Nishino's for dinner, we had a private booth and we uh...we fooled around some."  She wiggled her eyebrows up and down and I laughed out loud.  

"Okay, next" she pushed.  "We went back to my apartment and before anything got too out of hand I told them everything Monique, everything." I was knitting my eyebrows together just thinking about the memory of that night.  

"They saw the file?" she asked quietly.  I nodded.  

"Yeah, they saw everything except the flash drive...I wasn't ready for that; don't know that I will ever be."  

She laid her hand on mine and asked "What happened after that?"  I sighed.  

"I broke down like an idiot and cried."  She shook her head.  

"You're not an idiot Chels.  Not by a long shot.  How did they react?"  That brought a smile to my face.  

"Aiden pulled me into his arms and just let me cry while Adrian stood behind me and told me not to hold it in but to let it go; and I did.  After that was kind of fuzzy.  Aiden carried me upstairs and put me in my night shirt, put me in bed and they both crawled in on either side of me, wrapped their arms around me and told me to sleep.  It was the best nights sleep I've had in a long time" I said sighing. 

 I filled her in on the rest; breakfast, our shower and the yacht experience and then I told her about the phone calls this morning from both of them.  "Sounds like the three of you have it real bad" she remarked. 

 I looked at her and said "I know I do but I'm scared though.  I fall too hard, too fast and usually get hurt." 

 "Chels, they won't hurt you, trust me" she said this with conviction.

My phone rang but I didn't recognized the number and decided to answer anyway.  "Good morning Ms. Chelsea.  This is Duffy.  The car is waiting downstairs to bring you to Silvano and Sons for your 9:30 meeting" he said all professional. 

 "Good morning to you as well Duffy.  I am ready to go and will be down in a few.  Thank you for the call and I will see you shortly" I responded.  

"Very good m'am" he said and hung up.  I looked at Monique who had my coat, work satchel and purse.  She was so good to me and I was really going to miss being with her every morning.  I put my coat on, tied it around my waist, grabbed my satchel and purse and headed to the elevator. 

 "Wish me luck, mama" I said crossing my fingers.  She held her fingers up and gave me a thumbs up with her other hand.  I took a deep breath and stepped into the elevator.

True to his word Duffy was standing there holding the door open for me; I slid in and he closed the door, hopped in the driver's side and we were off.  My future career and happiness were all in my head and my work satchel; I prayed the whole way there that everything would turn out like I wanted it to. 

 I checked to make sure I had everything and thank God for Monique!  I had made some more biscotti for Angelo and she had stuck the box inside my satchel; I made the traditional ones, some that were chocolate dipped on the end and then my favorite: cranberry and orange.  I really hoped he would enjoy eating them as much as I did making them.  

I looked up and to my surprise we had arrived; Duffy opened my door, asked if I needed assistance with anything.  "No I'm good.  Thank you though.  But if you could just direct me on where to go that would be great" I said smiling at him.  

"Certainly.  Just go in through the main entrance here" he said pointing in front of him.  "Talk to Karen at the main desk, she will sign you in, call for Mr. Silvano's assistance, Sylvia, she will come and get you and take you to him.  Good luck Ms. Chelsea" he said politely.  I nodded, said thank you, and headed towards my future.

Sylvia was a beautiful older woman, olive complexion, dark black hair that she had pulled into an elegant chignon, black pencil skirt, dark green silk blouse and black high heels; she had a smile that matched her looks.  She stuck her hand out to greet me.  

"Chelsea!  I can't tell you how glad I am to finally meet you!  Angelo does nothing these days but talk about you!  You have made quiet the impression on my boss" she said smiling brighter.  "Would you follow me please?  I'm glad you are early.  He was wanting to spend some time with you, just the two of you, before the meeting" she told me. 

 I followed her to an elevator marked 'PRIVATE' and we took that to the 57th floor and walked down a long straight hallway to a door that had a very stylish personalized nameplate that read Angelo X. Silvano.  

"Just knock dear and go on in, he's waiting for you" she told me.  I thanked her, knocked and waited.

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