Chapter 10 (edited)

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(Aiden's POV)

True to what her assistant had said I found Chelsea standing at the window just staring out at the city.  I took a moment to study her.  My brother and I were 6'2" and with her heels she was probably about 5'10", she had beautiful legs, a nice ass, natural hips, beautiful, shapely arms, beautiful, natural breasts, lips that me and Adrian wanted to bite, a cute nose and beautiful but sad gray eyes.  

We were bound and determined to break her out of her sad shell; she needed to be happy for once.  I could only imagine what she looked and sounded like when she really laughed; a carefree laugh.  I had a never ending supply of sympathy for women that had endured abuse and I never once held any judgement on them for why they would stay.  It wasn't my place to judge.  

She was beautiful, broken and damaged but Adrian and I wanted the chance to heal her, show her how good love could be at the hands of someone that loved you back.

"Your assistant said I could find you here" I said softly.  She slowly turned around and smiled at me.  God that smile; it did things to me.  I wanted to grab her and pull her into my arms, kiss her and love her.  I needed to get control of myself.  We didn't want to scare her away; she was still fragile and it was going to take time to get her where we wanted her, where she would be receptive to our lifestyle.  

She tucked her hair behind her ear and said "Yeah, sorry.  Sometimes this view helps put everything in perspective for me and helps me clear my head.  It's not a place you want to be sometimes" she said trying to add some levity.  I nodded and smiled.  "My father is ready for you to come back and discuss your agreement."  She took a deep breath.  "Well I don't know if I should be jumping up and down or scared right now."  

I grabbed her hand and rubbed her knuckles.  "Don't be scared" I said soothingly.  "It's all good, I promise you" I said smiling.  I didn't know how to explain it, but I felt like I put her at ease.  She squeezed my hand back and said let's go.  We walked back in silence to to her office.

Angelo and Adrian were waiting for us when we walked back in.  She took her seat behind the desk as Angelo started to speak.  "Chelsea, I accept your proposal.  I have notated a few changes on this agreement and if you agree with them, have your legal department draw up an official contract and we will sign this and get things moving."  

He slid the paper across her desk; she grabbed it and looked at the changes.  She agreed with all of them except for his selling price.  She looked up at him, her eyes wide.  "Angelo, this isn't right" she said showing him the figure he'd written in.  

"Why?" he asked.  "Are you wanting more?"  she shook her head.  "No, it's not that.  It's too much!" she said vehemently.  He chuckled.  "That's a first" he said.  She was still in shock.  He was offering her $200 million for Sinclair!  Her legal and finance department assured her that their net worth was around $100 million.  

"Seriously Angelo this is way too much.  I can't in good conscious allow you to pay this price.  The company is not worth that right now.  Maybe in the future but at this time, no" she couldn't allow this.  She was not greedy.  

The older man studied her for a moment.  "You are so different from anyone I have ever done business with" he said.  "You tell me then, what you think your company is worth."  She took a piece of paper and wrote the dollar amount she was given from finance, folded it and slid it back over to him.  

He picked it up, unfolded, looked at it and took his pen and wrote something down and slid it back over to her.  "That's my final say, my dear" he said smiling at her.  He was bound and determined to pay her one hundred fifty million for her company.  She would take the extra $500k and give her two hundred employees a small bonus.  

She smiled brightly, stood up and put her hand out.  "Okay" she said.  "I accept!"  Angelo clapped his hands, took hers, kissed it and left her with these words.  "Chelsea, you should be proud of what you have done here.  Get this to your legal department and have them let my legal department know when they are ready to go and we'll sign this and have a celebration!"  She said most definitely as he walked out.  She noticed the twins didn't move yet and wondered what this was all about.

Adrian spoke first.  "Chelsea, come to dinner with us.  Tonight."  She looked from him to Aiden and then back to Adrian.  They seemed sincere; gone was the playfulness that had been there earlier.  God did she really want to do this?  Yes...yes she did!  But, she didn't want to seem too eager so she threw this out at them.  

"Won't your wives or girlfriends get upset at you going out to dinner with a single woman?"  Adrian laughed while Aiden smirked.  Finally Aiden said "Sweetheart we neither have girlfriends or wives.  We haven't found the right woman yet" he said.  She had noticed right away he said woman, as in singular, not women, as in one woman for each of them.  

She was a little shocked wondering if that statement meant what she thought it did or if she was reading something into it that wasn't there.  What the hell.  "I would love to have dinner with you both" she said smiling.  Their faces lit up.  

"When, where and what time?" she asked.  

Adrian answered "Tonight, Nishino's, seven o'clock."  she nodded as he took her hand and placed an open mouth kiss on top of her hand and Aiden bent down and placed a gentle peck on her cheek.  "Until tonight baby" he murmured and walked out.  

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