Chapter 26 (edited)

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I just barely got into the ladies room before I fell completely apart.  I hadn't noticed that Sylvia had walked in but when I finally looked up I saw her standing there with a very compassionate expression on her face.  

"My nephews and brother sent me in here to check on you" she said gently.  I nodded grabbing some toilet paper from the nearby stall.  

"I'm sorry it's just when Angelo said how proud of me he was and referred to me as his daughter I just lost it.  My mother and father disowned me when they found out what I had gone through in my marriage and didn't just get up and walk away.  I haven't had someone be 'proud of me' in a very long time.  It was just overwhelming.  I will get myself together and join them in Angelo's office.  Please, will you tell them I'm alright?" I asked.  

Sylvia came forward and encompassed me in a loving, warm hug.  "I can see why my nephews are quite taken with you.  Everything they have said about you is true.  I know we will see each other at family gatherings in the future" she said warmly.  I thanked her for her kindness and she left me to clean myself up.

(Sylvia's POV)

Sylvia walked back into Angelo's office where the three men were waiting anxiously.  Sylvia put her hand up and said "She's fine.  She was just overwhelmed when Angelo told her that he was proud of her.  It just dredged up the fact that her parents couldn't give two shits about her and left her to fend for her self.  

Brother, your words touched her and it meant a lot to her, truly.  Adrian, Aiden it's just like you boys said, she's not used to being treated well and it's just going to take some getting used to. 

 She is getting herself together and I suggest that no one make a big deal about what happened.  Instead I will get some glasses and we'll open a bottle of champagne and celebrate.  What do you say?" Sylvia asked of her family.  The men nodded their agreement and patiently waited for Chelsea.

(Chelsea's POV)

I managed to get some eye drops in and that handled the redness; then I carefully blotted under my eyes, replaced my eyeliner, powder, blush, lip gloss and then added mascara back to the lower lashes.  

I popped in a breath mint and brushed my hair; I was ready as I would ever be so I took a deep breath, grabbed my purse and satchel and headed back to Angelo's office. 

 Sylvia was waiting with her beautiful smile and she asked me if I was okay before we went in.  "I am.  Your family have been just wonderful to me and I'm very appreciative.  Shall we?" I asked her smiling as she took my arm and led the way.  

We walked in to smiles and Angelo holding a bottle of champagne and five flutes; I put my purse and work bag down on the couch and walked over to where everyone was standing.    We watched as Angelo popped the cork and we all cheered as the amber liquid was poured into the glasses.  

The elder Silvano held up his glass to make a toast "To a very lucrative, beneficial and exciting adventure!  Salute!"  We all said salute, clinked our glasses and drank champagne.  Angelo stepped out to Sylvia's desk and left me in the room with Adrian and Aiden.

Aiden stepped to me first, put his arm around my waist and kissed me; God it was a great kiss! 

 "Congratulations" he breathed. 

 I looked into his beautiful eyes and said "Thank you."  

Then Adrian took my glass, sat it on his dad's desk and pulled me to him, fisting my hair in his hands, planted a very passionate kiss on my lips.  "You were amazing in there" he said proudly. 

 I just beamed.  "I just can't believe it's really happening" I said sitting on the corner of Angelo's desk.  "I have wanted this for a long time but just never felt like the right people came along...that is until I met the Silvano's and everything changed."  

Both Adrian and Aiden gave me that thigh-clinching, panty-dropping smile that I had come to know and love and I reciprocated with one of my own.  We talked a little longer until Angelo came back in and asked if I was ready for a tour of Silvano and Sons. 

 "Adrian and I have another meeting, off site, to attend but Aiden will be giving you the tour" he said and then pulling me to him he said kindly "I'm happy about this union Chelsea.  It's going to be so beneficial for you, your company and mine and I'm so glad all of us working together could make it happen" then he kissed me on both cheeks.  

He and Adrian started to leave when Adrian walked back to me and kissed me again and said he would see me later.  I smiled and said absolutely.

"Well come on" Aiden said grinning.  "We'll stop by my office so you can leave your purse and bag and then we'll start the tour."  He grasped my hand and we walked to the elevator, stepped in and he pressed '60'. 

 "Wow!" I said.  "How many floors does this building have?" I asked.  

"60" said Aiden.  His office was on the top floor!  

"Is your office the only one on this floor?" I asked.  He nodded. 

 "We have ten empty offices on this floor.  Now that we have acquired your company they will be filled soon" he answered.  He opened the door to his office and let me step in first, then he closed and locked the door and took my bag and purse and sat them down on the floor near the couch. 

 He stepped towards me and I knew what was coming next; I wanted  and needed it.  His kiss was sensual, as was his touch; he ran his fingertips up and down the outsides of my arms causing me to shudder from his touch.  As he continued to kiss me I felt his hands go around to the back of my dress and slowly he moved the zipper downward until it reached just above my behind; he slid it down and off my shoulders only to find me completely naked under my dress with only my heels on.  

Sliding his hands down to cup my behind he gently lifted me off the floor and laid me on his couch; then he stood up and started undressing, my heart was about to beat out of my chest with anticipation of his body on mine.  He knelt down on the couch between my knees and I watched him guide his length into me until he filled me completely. 

 "You look so beautiful like this" he whispered as he lowered his body to mine, he kissed me and started slowly moving in and out of me.  This was the compassionate, caring and loving Aiden that Adrian had described to me. 

 "Aiden" I called out breathlessly; his hips grinding into me, my orgasm building. 

 "Yes baby" he sighed.  "Say my name" he pleaded.  

I stretched my hands above my head, eyes closed and breathed "Aiden, my Aiden" as he moaned in pleasure. We had stayed like this for a while not sure how either of us kept from coming but it felt wonderful; this achingly, slow pace of his as we enjoyed and worshiped each others bodies. 

 Aiden had laid his body completely on mine, his mouth facing my ear so I could hear every breath he took when he gritted out "Baby I'm about to come."  

His words pushed me over as I hissed out "Yes!  Take me with you!"  

"Ahhh, Chelsea!  Fuck!" he said through clinched teeth finding his release as I groaned out his name over and over against his shoulder until I was spent.  

We laid there for a moment, enjoying the closeness when Aiden looked at me and said "I need to say something."

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