Chapter 60 (edited)

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Adrian and Aiden were being very secretive about dinner this evening; all I knew was it was going to be a family affair.  I wasn't concerned, more intrigued and curious, wondering what they could possibly be up to.  I had left bouncy curls in my hair, smoky eyes, nude lip gloss, mascara, a little blush , powder and eyeliner, liking the outcome I grabbed my dress off the hanger and slipped it on.  Boy it was tight and hugged each curve perfectly; I spritzed on my perfume and slid my heels onto my naked feet and walked out into the bedroom hoping the twins would be here already. 

 As I stepped into our room I bit my lower lip and swallowed hard; both of them were in the middle of changing their dress shirts, belts hanging off their narrow waists, pants unzipped and unbuttoned, naked from the waist.  I just stood there drinking in their magnificent bodies, letting my eyes roam all over them and then Aiden caught me gawking. 

 "Like what you see precious?" he asked huskily. 

 I tried to look sexy as I walked over to him, running my hands up his naked chest slowly and answered "Fuck yes."  His voice throaty. 

 "Hmm, you have a very dirty mouth, Ms. Sinclair."  I licked my lips, loving that his eyes were on my mouth the whole time. 

 "What ever will you do about it?" I asked, enjoying the game.  

Adrian had walked up behind me at this point and I could feel his naked chest against my bare shoulder and said "I know exactly what I want to do with your mouth" he said pressing his crotch against my backside.  He was hard; hard like I love him to be.  

Aiden was now doing the same thing and when he pushed into me I let out a little yelp and finding my words I said "It would seem you're both very hard pressed to get your point across about my dirty mouth" I teased with my words as I stepped out from between them, grabbed my clutch and walked downstairs giving them a great view of my behind.  They both cursed and groaned; my job here was done.

I had seen Angelo when I first came down and he asked me to join him in his study for a pre-dinner drink.  He poured us both a scotch, held up his glass and said Salute.  

"How are you doing Chelsea?" he asked.  I let the amber liquid swirl in my glass and finally answered him. 

 "I'm fine really.  I just hate the way I overreacted and it caused a whole chain reaction that otherwise could have been avoided.  I know it's leftover anxiety that I have from my relationship with Christian, but Angelo I promise you I try everyday to rid myself of a piece of baggage that asshole left me with.  I don't want it spilling over anymore into the life that I'm building with your sons.  They are too good to have to deal with that mess."  

He smiled at me and said "My dear you are the bravest, strongest, kindest, most loving person, besides my wife, that I've ever known.  Anyone can tell just by observation how you feel about my boys; but having said that, don't try and deal with things on your own.  We are your family and we help carry things for each other when we find that our strength is waning.  Never try to do it alone."  His words were wise and true.  I hugged him, telling him so; he just laughed and took me by the hand and led me back to the front entrance way.

I watched as two of the sexiest men I'd ever seen descended the stairs.  Their hair was drying naturally but still had that sexy mussed up look; they were wearing black fitted dress pants with grey fitted button down dress shirts and they smelled heavenly.  I wasn't sure how I was going to keep my hands off them tonight; they looked good enough to eat.  

"Wow" I breathed as they both walked up on either side of me and both gave me kisses on my cheek; my knees felt weak.  

"Well" Angelo asked.  "Shall we?"  We walked out and climbed into the open door of the car and Duffy drove us to dinner.

Broken SoulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora