Chapter 83 (edited)

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I had Monique, Ana and Stella's help, when the four of us weren't working, to plan this ceremony.  I had already gone before the judge and after hearing my story about finding the loves of my life, what I'd gone through with Christian and Casey, he was more than willing to sign my petition.  

He said that if I could survive what I did and find love again, who was he to stand in the way of a name change.  I had also spoken with the attorney about the adoption process; we'd met with him two other times but I wanted to talk to him by myself.  

I told him that I was really wanting to adopt twins; two boys, two girls, or a boy and girl, it didn't matter to me.  He said that he would keep checking with the agencies he worked with and he would reach out to other attorneys as well.  

I couldn't believe that we were a week away from our ceremony; Monique had worked with Ana to get the archway reserved and was very specific in the flowers to be put around it, Stella had taken care of the cake, her niece was a decorator, so as a gift to us she was doing the cake.  

I had Ana, Monique and Stella standing up with me and the twins had Alberto, Alfredo and Duffy standing up with them.  Angelo was going to walk me down the aisle.  We had sent out the invitations already and almost everyone had RSVP'd except for Brett and Chloe; I had not spoken with Brett since our last conversation. 

 Chloe had reached out a couple of times and while she wasn't sure about my lifestyle choice she was supportive and said they would be there if she had to drag him.  I wanted simple for the bridesmaid dresses and simple for my dress; it wasn't as easy as it sounds to find 'simple' so I was still looking and I also was not fully sold on getting a white dress again, so I was looking at other colors.

"Okay" I told the girls (Ana, Monique, Stella and Sylvia).  "This is the last shop and if I don't find something in here I will just wear something from my closet.  It shouldn't be this hard."  I was getting tired of looking and I was actually starting to pout a bit about it when Sylvia called out and asked us to come here.  

She pulled a garment bag off the rack, showed me the picture and encouraged me to try it on.  It was pink, the material was soft and elegant looking, the bodice was folded, accordion style while crisscrossing into a V, it was off-the shoulder and had classy rosy flowering at the shoulders.  I was game so I went into the dressing room and tried it on.  I gasped when I saw my reflection; this was it! 

 "Come on, Chels!" Monique whined.  

"We want to see!" added Stella.  I pushed the dressing room door open slowly and walked out. 

 "Cosi' bello (so beautiful)" said Aunt Sylvia.

  "Wow!" said Stella and Monique. 

 "Damn girl!" said Ana.  I giggled; this was it.  Hallelujah!  I was done looking! 

 "I don't want a veil, I would just like maybe flowers in my hair and since we will be outside I don't want to wear heels so I thought maybe some sexy silver sandals.  What do you girls think?" I asked.  This is really happening I thought to myself as I paid for my dress.  When we were done we stopped at a little cafe to have some coffee, relax and talk about the wedding.

I finally got home, exhausted but happy as could be.  Angelo, Adrian and Aiden had flown to Sicily with Alberto and Alfredo; they'd been gone a week and I was lonely as hell.  They weren't sure when they would be coming back as it was family business they were attending to.  Since I'd taken a shower earlier that morning I drew a bath and sunk into the deliciously warm water and turned on the jets, sighing at how good it felt for my limbs to be massaged.

  The twins kept floating in and out of my mind, our ceremony, the 'honeymoon' which they wouldn't tell me where we were going; it was a surprise.  Knowing them it would be more than I could imagine.  After shaving and washing my body I was ready to get out; I toweled off, found a pair of Adrian's boxers and pulled out one of Aiden's tank shirts, dressed and walked down to the kitchen to see Aunt Syl.  

I walked into the kitchen to see Sylvia fixing a bowl of Toscana soup and some bread sticks; it smelled so good.

  "Would you like a bowl, Chelsea?" she asked.  I nodded as she ladled up some in a bowl and brought it over to the table. 

 "God this smells so good" I said as I sniffed the air.  I grabbed a bottle of white wine, grabbed two glasses and poured us some to have with our dinner. 

 "I didn't realize how hungry I was until I started smelling this" Sylvia commented. 

 "Me either" I said.

  "Are you excited about the ceremony?" she asked. 

 "I would be ready to do it tomorrow" I said smiling at her.  "You have been the missing piece to this family, Chelsea" she said sweetly. 

 "You know Angelo and Marco both say you remind them of Mia."  I put my spoon down and stared at her, her words piercing my heart.  

"Really?" I asked.  She nodded.  

"She was a beautiful soul; sweet, kind and loving.  Her family meant everything to her.  You are the same way.  The way you love my nephews, how you love and treat Angelo, you're mischievous like Marco and you have my temper when it comes to fighting for our family.  And, as one woman to another, you are going to make a fantastic mother" as she finished I reached over and squeezed her hand, telling her thank you.  

Sylvia and I cleaned up after dinner and went our separate ways to bed; settling in to my place I grabbed my book to start reading.  I was missing Adrian and Aiden so much so that I had the attention span of a gnat.  I grabbed my phone and dialed Adrian's number; he didn't answer so I dialed Aiden's number. 

 "Hey baby" he answered.

  "I miss you so much.  When will you be home?" I asked.  He told me day after tomorrow.  At least I would start my weekend with them home.  

"Tell Adrian I love him please and I love you and miss you very much.  Hurry home.  Our bed is very empty and so are my arms" I told him softly.  

"We love you too, precious and we will see you soon, okay?" he kissed me through the phone and we said good night.  I wasn't in the mood for reading so I settled down and tried to fall asleep. 

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