Chapter 50 (edited)

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The rest of our date went well; I had already forgotten about Bella but I could tell the twins had not.  They both still seemed very tense about the confrontation that happened earlier between her and I. 

 I was ready to get home, get comfy and plop down with my guys and watch a movie.  Trying to lighten the mood on the way home I asked what they were in the mood for, movie wise. 

 "Feels like a Sci-Fi kind of night.  What do you think Aiden?" his twin asked.  

"Sure.  Sounds good.  Chels?" he asked me.  

"I'm down.  Resident Evil?  I think Milla is really hot and I love her Alice character" I said excitedly.  

Adrian chuckled and said "You are too cute when you get excited.  Like a little girl at Christmas!"  I laughed out at his observation; I couldn't help it.  Despite everything I'd been through, somehow I managed to remain happy.  

"I happen to know you love it when I'm excited" I said trying to get across my double entendre and both of them totally picked up on it.  

Adrian kind of growled, which coming from him is a total turn on, he turned to me and said "And don't forget who gets you that way, kitten."  A delicious tingle went through me at that point.  My response was to grab both their hands and squeeze; I laid my head on Adrian's shoulder and sank deep into my own thoughts the rest of the way home.

"We need to go and see dad for a minute, so go change and meet us in the movie room" instructed Aiden.  I nodded and said okay as I went up the stairs to our room.  As soon as I started to take off my boots my phone buzzed; pulling it from my pocket I looked at the caller ID, it was Monique. 

 "Hey mama" I said.  "What's going on?"  Right away she sounded off. 

 "Remember that night we went to Pleasures?" she asked.  

"Yes" I responded. 

 "I met someone.  He's a great guy; a corporate law attorney.  Anyway, I'm staying with him right now" she said.  

"Mon, what's going on?" I asked concerned now.  

"Casey Livingston has been in contact with me" she said.  

"What the hell Monique?  When?" I asked, now mad and scared for her.

  "The night after we'd been at the club.  I don't even know how he got my number" she said sounding scared.  

I gave her Detective Chance's cell phone and told her to call him right away and then told her what had been happening with me.  "And that's why I have basically moved in with the twins" I finished.  

"Well shit" she said, always the eloquent one with words.  "Keep me updated and in the loop" she said.  I told her to do the same.  I needed to let Angelo and the twins know.  

This was a strange and weird development.  Why would he reach out to her?  Unless it was because she was connected to me and then that thought made my mind just race out of control.  Would anyone associated with me be in danger now?

I didn't bother to change yet as I flew down the stairs to Angelo's office.  I heard voices so I gently knocked on the door; Adrian opened the door, took one look at my expression and said "What's happened?"

  I walked in and told the men about the conversation I had with Monique.  Angelo ran his hand through his slightly graying hair.    "Is she safe?" he asked me.  I told them that she was staying with her boyfriend, a lawyer, and gave them the name she'd given me.  I knew they would do a background check on him to make sure he was safe for her to be around. 

 "I think all that cocaine he was doing finally fried his brain.  I mean he always acted off but there's just something about what's going on now that makes me think he's really unstable" I said putting it out there.  The men just stared at me. 

 "Look, Christian acted the same way.  One minute everything was great, he was a loving husband and things were really good between us; then he'd lock himself in his study, for hours, come out and it was like dealing with Jekyll and Hyde.  You never knew which man was going to walk through that door" I concluded.  I also told them that I had given Monique the detective's cell number and suggested she call him sooner rather than later.  They concurred.

"Do you guys still want to watch a movie?" I asked as I started to leave.  They nodded, so I said I was going to get comfy and I would see them soon.  I walked slowly back upstairs, just thinking about Monique.  Her, Brett, Chloe and now the Silvano's were the closet thing to family I had and I would be damned to hell if I was going to let Casey do anything to hurt them. 

 If he tried to get to them while hurting me, he'd better kill me or I would kill him in the process.  I had no qualms about ending him if it came down to my family or him; I would always chose my family. 

 I pulled out a lime green cami set; the top was thin strapped, lime green in color with a cute bluish heart applique' on the front, the shorts were the same color as the heart.  Happy that I was finally out of my jeans and comfy I went down to the kitchen, fixed popcorn and grabbed some bottled waters and headed to the movie room.  Wow!  It was just wall-to-wall shelves full of movies!  They were even categorized.  I found the sci-fi section and after a bit put my hands on the first Resident Evil, put it in the DVD player and waited for the twins.  

They appeared about fifteen minutes later, changed and in grey sweat pants and black tee shirts.  Adrian sat down on the couch and I put my head in his lap, Aiden sat at the opposite end and I laid my feet in his lap, turning on my side to face the TV.  Neither of them said anything about the conversation earlier and that was fine by me. 

 "Damn baby.  How are we supposed to concentrate with your boobs and ass hanging out everywhere?" asked Aiden playfully as he caressed my behind.  I laughed and said I had faith that they could demonstrate self control and with that Adrian pushed play and we immersed ourselves in the movie; after an hour and forty minutes we were all beat and decided against the sequel, saving it for another night. 

 We walked upstairs, brushed our teeth, kissed and crawled into bed, the three of us falling right to sleep in each others arms.

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