Chapter 92 (edited)

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It was Saturday night already, Andy and Andrea would be going back to the home tomorrow evening.  My heart was breaking at the thought but I didn't dare let them see it.  Andy already had his bath and now it was Andrea's turn; she was in the bath and we were singing as I washed her hair. 

 "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.  You make me happy when skies are gray.  You'll never know dear how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away."  We giggled and then the next thing she said gripped my very soul. 

 "Do you love us, Chelsea?" her sweet little voice asked.  Oh my God I thought.

 "Well, yes. I do" I answered honestly. "Why are you asking this sweetie?" I questioned.

 "Cuz Andy said you do" she said innocently.

 "Did he now?" I asked shampooing her hair.

 "Hm huh" was her response. Wow, was I that much of an open book to them?

 I leaned over whispering in her ear "Well guess what?" I asked her. She giggled because I was tickling her now.

 "What?" she said laughing loudly now.

 "He's right!" She stopped, turned and looked me. 

 "You really do?" her voice awed by my revelation. I nodded and before I knew what was happening she'd wrapped her little arms around my neck and hugged me hard.

After Andrea was dressed I had Adrian and Aiden join us for a dramatic reading of Where The Wild Things Are. 

 "And when he came to the place where the wild things are, they roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible teeth and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws till Max said 'be still.'" 

I watched Andy yawn and saw that Andrea was already out. I gave the book to Aiden and he stuck it back on the shelf while I picked up Andrea, carried her to bed, tucked her in and kissed her little head; I walked back over to Andy, pulled the sheet up to his little chest and kissed his head. 

 "I love you, Chelsea" he yawned.

 I ruffled his hair and responded "I love you too, big guy."

I walked back to our room slowly, with Adrian and Aiden in tow, knowing they were watching me I went into the bathroom and started the shower. I was lost in so many thoughts I never heard them come in much less shut and lock the door but as soon as Aiden walked up to me and touched my arm I lost it; whirling around I threw my arms around his neck and sobbed.

 I could feel Adrian come in behind me and lay his head on my shoulder; they let me get everything out and when I was able I leaned back against the counter top and wiped my eyes.

 "It's amazing the emotions those two tiny little creatures can put me through" I said smirking and sniffing at the same time. 

 "You're a natural Chels" Adrian remarked. Aiden nodded.

 "It's like you were made to be a mom" he said sounding proud. 

 I stood up, began taking my pants off and then my shirt and said "But right now I want to be your wife" my voice thick with desire for my husbands; I reached around and unhooked my bra, let it drop and then slipped off my panties.

I walked over to Aiden and removed his shirt, placing kisses on his chest; his aroused state very apparent.  I moved over to where Adrian stood and pulled his shirt off, tossed it on the floor and placed kisses oh his chest, his erection straining against his shorts.  

I walked towards the shower, turned around and asked "What are you waiting for?" and stepped in.  Soon we were engaged in a heavy petting season, our breaths ragged and uneven, when Aiden broke the silence. 

 "Adrian, I want to watch you fuck her" he husked.  Without saying anything Adrian stepped to me, pulled my arms around his neck and lifted me up, using the wall for extra support I felt him reach between us, grabbing his erection he slid into me.

  I gasped as he filled me; it didn't matter how many times I'd had him inside me it always took a moment to adjust to his size.  I heard him moan against the side of my neck. 

 "Are you okay for me to move?" he asked. 

 "Yes" I moaned back; and he started to move, slowly at first but then he picked up his pace.  I loved how the water sounded when our bodies collided.  I watched with desire as Aiden pleasured himself; it was erotic.  Adrian ground his hips into mine causing me cry out; suddenly he pulled almost all the way out and slammed into me. 

 "Christ!" I gasped as he did it again and then he took up his punishing pace again.

  "Fuck, Adrian" I cried out.  

"I'm going to come!"  I watched Aiden throw his head back and release first, then Adrian and I together.

I was standing at the mirror brushing my hair when Adrian came up behind me and put his arms around my waist.

  "Are you sure I wasn't too rough?" he asked concerned. 

 I turned to him and said "I like rough with you, so no, you weren't too rough."  He kissed me and I kissed him back; Aiden had gone to check on the kids, at my insistence, because even though our little session was only about fifteen minutes I was worried they might have woken up and called out for one of us. 

 He came back in and said they were fast asleep but to ease my angst he said he'd left their door cracked and had left ours the same way.  

"I love you" I said kissing his lips gently; he returned the kiss and said "I love you too."  I remember looking at the clock when we climbed in bed, it was only nine-thirty; I could get used to going to bed this early!  

I woke with a start; what was that?  Then I heard it again; it was Andrea!  I bolted from bed with the twins on my heels and burst into the kid's room.  Poor little Andrea was thrashing around in bed, she was having a bad dream.  Andy was already by her bed when  I scooped her up, rocked her gently as I stroked her soft hair and told her it was okay, I had her and it was only a bad dream.  

Andy told us it happens quite a bit and it's usually about her being left somewhere by herself.  "I'm scared, mommy" she cried out, still asleep.  I froze at her words, my heart cracking wide open. 

 "I'm right here baby.  I got you" I told her gently.  I knew she'd said that word in her sleep and God only knew if she would remember saying it but I didn't care;  I took that one little moment, carefully wrapped it up and tucked it away inside my heart. 

 I laid her back down softly, as she had calmed down and was back fully asleep, pulled the covers up, kissed her and said "Sleep, angel, sleep."  Adrian and Aiden tucked Andy back in and said he was fine and had already gone back to sleep.  

I've never prayed so hard in all my life and I never asked for anything, but this moment I was asking.  I wanted those children to be ours, to be apart of our family.

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