Chapter 47 (edited)

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Even with it being the middle of January, almost February, Angelo kept it pretty warm in the estate so I elected for some blue jean shorts and a cute little white V-necked tee shirt that said C'EST LA VIE on the front of it and some white socks; I was going makeup free today and left my hair in a messy bun.  

I still had one ugly thing that I needed to do, one last demon that needed exorcising and then I would feel completely free of keeping anything from Adrian and Aiden; but I refused to bring it up in the bathroom or our bedroom, I would do this in Angelo's study.  I had already made it clear to Adrian that I would not talk about Christian in any of the places that I was intimate with them, I would not taint those sacred places with my fucked up past. 

 I walked out of the bathroom in time to see my boys shirtless and what a yummy sight it was.  They were both wearing black sweat pants and bare feet; God they were gorgeous!  "You really shouldn't walk around in that state of undress" I said jokingly.  "It's not fair" I ended, trying my best pouty face.  

They both smirked at me as they put on tight white tee shirts.  Good Lord!  "That's not much better" I remarked.  "All that does is tease me" I huffed.  They grinned and all that made me want to do was drop my shorts and panties.

I turned the conversation serious for a moment.  "There's one last thing that I need to show you guys; it's not something that I want to do but it has to be done.  I do not want to do it here though.  Does Angelo have a laptop in his study?  Also, I couldn't bear it if anyone else saw what I'm going to show you, so I don't want anyone else knowing what's going on in there."  

I know what my expression must have looked like, I could feel it running all through my body, but I had to do this; for me, for them.  I wouldn't have anything else getting in between us and happiness.  I went to my side of the dresser, pulled out my police file and grabbed the flash drive, replaced the folder and shut the drawer.  Grabbing my IPod and headphones I followed the twins out of our bedroom and down to Angelo's study.

It seemed the three of us were the only ones in the house at that moment.  I kept forgetting it was Friday afternoon, actually it was almost three now.  Adrian sat up the computer on Angelo's desk and waited for me.  My hand shook as I plugged in the flash drive and as soon as the computer had acknowledged the software, I opened the file.  

There were 275 AVIs on that flash drive.  "Please don't subject yourself to all of these; I just want you to watch the one marked '250' and the one marked '275'.  All of the ones prior to the 250 are just of Christian, Casey and other women; 250 through 274 are the ones where they started making me watch and 275 was from the night Christian died.  Well, I'll leave you to it" I said putting my earbuds in my ears so I couldn't hear the audio; I didn't want to relive that again. 

 I slowly walked over to a chair and sat down, watching and waiting for their expressions; that would be the heartbreaking part of all of this; watching the pained looks on their faces.

I could tell by the way they tensed up that they had seen Christian hit me several times because I didn't want to watch, threatening me of what would happen if I didn't open my eyes and keep them open.  That file was thirty minutes long; it also featured him and Casey doing cocaine on the female they had brought with them. 

 After a while I watched Adrian reach for the mouse so I knew they were done with that one and now on to the night that ended my living nightmare.  I saw Aiden mouth fuck a couple of times and imagine it was at the part where Christian was berating me for not feeling well and then I could tell by they way they jumped they had reached the part where he had backhanded me into the wall, my blood being slung onto the paint.  

After a while, I saw Adrian jerk the flash drive out of the computer and slammed the lid down and stalked from Angelo's study.  It hurt my heart watching him leave like that but I didn't try and go after him; he had to deal with it in his own way and then he would talk to me later.  

Aiden came over and bent down on his knees in front of me, his hands on my thighs; I pulled my earbuds out and brought my gaze to his.  "I'm so sorry you had to endure that.  It's unforgivable what they both put you through" he said sliding me to the end of the chair towards him; he fisted his fingers throughout my put up hair and crashed his mouth to mine.  I let myself surrender to his kiss because I knew it wasn't given out of sympathy or pity but out of love and I knew, at least where Aiden was concerned, that we two could move past this.  

Adrian was my concern now.  "Thank you" I whispered as Aiden pulled back from our kiss.  "Where would he go?" I asked Aiden. 

 "There is a small clearing, just passed the gazebo.  He goes there sometimes to think" said.  I nodded, kissed him again and headed upstairs to grab a sweatshirt and my tennis shoes.  I slipped quietly through the back door and headed towards where Aiden had directed me and when I got close I could hear crying.  

My heart broke as I watched Adrian, my strong and dominant man, with his head on his knees crying, for me.  I walked up to him, immediately went onto my knees in front of him and gently lifted his head so our eyes would make contact; using my thumbs I brushed the tears away and placed gentle kisses on his face and said "Please don't cry for her; she doesn't exist anymore.  I do; the girl in those videos died the night I went to dinner with you and Aiden; when you both made me see that I was beautiful and lovely and wanted.  You both taught me that love does exist outside of books and movies.  Please baby, don't cry for her any more" I said before taking him into my arms, kissing him passionately and leaving him breathless for me.

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