Chapter 76 (edited)

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I had pulled the chair out of the shower and stomped my way under the water.  I was so furious with both of them right now I couldn't see straight.  I was too stubborn to admit it but I knew they were right about my health; I mean right now I could barley keep myself upright and I wasn't going to fight them any longer.  I know from experience if I kept going like this I would drop and then I wouldn't be any good to any one.

  It felt so good letting the hot water flow over my tired and aching body but what felt even better was washing my hair.  I didn't take long knowing I would get at least an audience of one if I wasn't out in an acceptable amount of time.  I carefully dried off, the dark bruises tender to the touch, used the blow dryer on my hair, moisturized my body and slipped on my pj's, then brushed my teeth and took a pain pill; covered by clothes I looked fine but naked I looked like I had been pummeled. 

 I took a deep breath and let it out and prepared to face the firing squad.  I came out of the bathroom, dirty clothes in hand, and walked right by the twins and into my closet without saying a word; I could feel their eyes following me, which I didn't care, I was mad again.  I didn't give either of them a chance to say anything because I climbed into bed on Adrian's side and got under the covers and closed my eyes.  I could still feel them watching me.  

"What?" I said slightly irritated, my eyes still closed.

  "Nothing sweetness" Adrian quipped. 

 "Yeah right" I muttered.  

"We're just worried about you is all, Chelsea" Aiden said in his sweet voice.  I blew out a breath.

  "I know.  Why do you think I got into bed without a fight?" I said yawning now and snuggling as close to Aiden as I could without hurting him.  

"There's room for one more, Mr. Silvano" I said to Adrian yawning again and in less than a couple of seconds he was in bed next to me.

The need to pee was so overwhelming that I couldn't stay in bed any longer; feeling over on Adrian's side I find it empty; scooting over to the edge, I put my feet down feeling for the floor beneath them.  I was still very tired but made my way into the bathroom, did my business and came back out to check on Aiden. 

 Sometime after I fell asleep he'd gone from sitting up to laying flat on his back; he looked peaceful and didn't seem to be in any pain.  I stood there stroking his hair, loving the feeling of him beneath my fingers; his warm skin felt so good against mine.  I ended up sitting on the edge of the bed just looking at him and when I think about how close I came to losing him, it broke my heart.  I could have been laying here in this bed with only Adrian, planning a funeral.

  While in the hospital waiting for word on Aiden I had a lot of time to think about the three of us and where our relationship was heading.  I wanted to have their name, I knew that now more than anything.  Sighing, I placed a kiss on his cool forehead, stood up and went down to the kitchen to find something to snack on.

The soft glow coming from the kitchen told me that someone was in there; rounding the corner I saw Adrian sitting at the dinning table, head down on his folded arms, sleeping.  

"Poor baby" I said softly.  I stood behind his chair and placed my hands gently on his shoulders and began to massage him. 

 After a couple of minutes I heard a groan escape his mouth as he said "That feels really good."  I leaned over his shoulders slightly, wrapping my arms around his neck, kissing just below his ear. 

 "Did you sleep any?" I asked him as he pulled me around to his lap.  

"I slept about an hour" he answered. 

 After sitting there for a bit I said "Okay, come on" standing I took his hand in mine. 

 "We're going back to bed.  I can't snuggle with Aiden so you're it" I joked. 

 He scoffed and said "Oh I get it.  I'm just a hard, hot body that you want to use for your pleasure."

  I stopped right in front of him, my arms around his waist, looking into his eyes and said "What's wrong with that?"  

He brought his mouth to mine, hovering just above my lips and said "Nothing."  And he kissed me.

I checked on Aiden one more time before crawling back into bed, this time with Adrian. 

 "It hurts to lay on my left side, so can you snuggle up behind me?" I asked.  He didn't answer me but I felt his body move into position and laid his head on my shoulder.  

"This okay?" he mumbled.  I told him it was and it felt good having him so close.  "Sleep baby" he mumbled.  

"Yes sir" I answered back.

I woke up yet again sensing the bed was minus a body; thinking it was Adrian I felt his side of the bed, nope he was still there so I jumped up and walked downstairs and heard someone rustling around in frig; it was Aiden.  

"Hey" I said trying not to startle him.  "Whatcha doin?" I asked. 

 "Hungry" he answered. 

 "Okay" I said.  "You sit, I'll fix.  Deal?"  He nodded.  I figured something light so I worked on an egg white omlette with sauteed veggies.  I was chopping away when he called me to him; I put the knife and went to him.  

"Look at me" he said.  I couldn't, I knew if I did maybe I wouldn't be able to hold it together; so instead I closed the distance between us and put my arms around his neck. 

 "I'm so sorry" I cried.  He patted my back soothingly. 

 "Just let me hold you" he said.  I nodded and sank into the comfort of his arms.

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