Chapter 39 (edited)

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Well it was time; time to hand over my company to Angelo Silvano but I was ready; I was more than ready. 

 I had a whole new life waiting for me out there; my boyfriends, my friends, going to clubs, having girls-night-out, all the things that I had been missing out on and it was within reach.  I looked out at all of the Sinclair employees, stood a little straighter, cleared my throat and walked to the podium.  

"Good morning everyone" I started.  "As you know I have been trying to find a suitable buyer for quite some time that I felt was worthy of a company such as Sinclair and most importantly worthy of you, her employees.  I am happy and proud to say that I have found that worthy person.  Everyone here knows the reputation of Angelo Silvano and I am here to let you know that I have seen the kind of person he is, up close and personal, and not only is he someone that I have done business with but I am also glad to call him friend.  

Mr. Silvano will be taking ownership of Sinclair Industries effective today.  I want you to know that you can trust him, he has your best interest at heart and I also want to assure everyone that you will all stay in your current positions and at your current salary.  I am counting on your professionalism to make this transaction a smooth and seamless one.  

Now without further delay I would like to introduce you to the new owner of Sinclair Industries, Mr. Angelo Silvano."  I stepped back, clapping, took a huge hug from Angelo and watched him step proudly to the podium and wait for the applause to die down.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of Sinclair Industries.  This is a proud moment for me and should be one for you as well.  Under the expert guidance of Chelsea Sinclair, many of us in the business world watched with awe as she, along with you, worked tirelessly to bring this company back to its former glory.  Your hard work and dedication has most definitely paid off.  

I had initially approached Chelsea just to do business with her but after speaking with her at length, she felt it was time for new blood, new ideas and new ownership and she basically made me an offer that I couldn't refuse."  Everyone laughed at his analogy.  

"In all seriousness though, we should all strive to work as hard and be as dedicated as she was where you all and this company were concerned.  She truly ate, lived and slept for you and this company.  As Chelsea stated, you will stay in your current positions and at your current pay; however it is my hope that at the end of this 3rd quarter I will be able to present you all with a pretty nice bonus."  Everyone clapped as he prepared his finish.  

"In conclusion, the only other thing that Chelsea asked of me was that she be allowed to work here at Sinclair as a regular employee, so having said that I would like to introduce you to your new Chief Financial Officer, Chelsea Sinclair!" 

 I walked back up to Angelo and received another hug from him and told him thank you.  "I want to leave you with one last thing.  In speaking with those closest to me at Silvano and Sons, I have decided that the name Sinclair will stand and we will name Silvano along side that name.  After today this company will be known as Sinclair & Silvano Industries." 

 I couldn't believe what I was hearing.  I just looked at him and mouthed are you sure?  He nodded and smiled.  I just shook my head and smiled.  This went better than I could have ever hoped for.

The rest of the day and most of that week went by quicker than I had realized.  Sadly I didn't see the twins, I talked and texted with them plenty but that's what happens when you merge a company, it gets crazy busy plus I had been working with Judy Travers learning what I needed to know about her job; so while I was helping Angelo with some of the aspects of my previous position I was learning a new one as well. 

 I went home blissfully and achingly tired every night but I always went to sleep with a smile on my face and no nightmares in over a week.  Finally Thursday rolled around and I was going to go to Monique's apartment after work to have her help me get ready for our club outing. 

 I had the outfit  but she was going to help me with my hair and makeup.  I was actually looking forward to going out; truth be told I had never gone out.  Christian never took me anywhere; I was the good little wife who always staid home but tonight I was going to let my hair down and have some fun.

Monique had a cool loft apartment, similar to mine but not as big and she had it decorated in shabby chic which totally fit her personality. 

 I had been sad and kind of depressed for the last couple of days because I hadn't seen Adrian or Aiden but my stomach was doing flip flops because I knew that I would be seeing them tonight at their club. 

 The only other thing that was bothering me was, and I know this is still from all the cheating that Christian did on me, was would I see them with other women, would they be flirting with other women, could I trust them?  I knew Monique could tell that my mind was spinning like a top.  

"Chels, you need to just stop" she said. 

 "What?" I asked, knowing very good and well what she was referring to. 

 "Shut your mind off!" she said vehemently.  "Look I've know Adrian and Aiden for a long time and as soon as they became interested in you they stopped seeing other women and from what I've seen they only want you, so let's you get looking hotter than hell!"  I giggled and Monique started to weave her magic.

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