Chapter 53 (edited)

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It had been four weeks since Detective Chance's last meeting with us. We'd had emails and phone calls but the bottom line was Casey had just disappeared into thin air and his wife Bella was being a solid gold bitch every time she was questioned. But that wasn't what was worrying me at this moment. Things were tense between Adrian and Aiden; I couldn't put my finger on it but every time I would try to ask about it they told me not to worry about it and then they would glare daggers at each other. 

This was not right; they were as close as two siblings should be. It was Thursday night and I knew that Adrian would be at Pleasures and since he and Aiden were fighting he would not go there. I had also noticed earlier in the week that it was only Aiden and I in bed; I didn't know where Adrian was sleeping but I figured it was at the club and that bothered me; he wasn't even trying to talk to me.

 I felt like part of my heart and soul was empty from the distance he'd put between us. I asked Monique to meet me there; Aiden would be with Angelo tonight so I knew I could get out of the house unnoticed. I'd had Douglas bring my car over about two weeks ago and even though I knew I shouldn't be driving I had to; I needed something fast and powerful underneath me.

I had chosen a short plain fitted red lace cocktail dress with lace sleeves and red lace heels, dark, smoky eyes and my diamond bracelet that the twins had given me to wear at the club. It was about a quarter to nine when Monique met me there and we went inside; something made me hold on to my purse and not put it into one of the lockers. 

We went through the VIP bouncer and headed up the stairs and about the time we got to the top, I saw Adrian come out of our room, his feet bare, black leather pants unbuttoned and his black shirt on but completely unbuttoned and following him out! Bella! My heart felt like it was going to explode from hurt and sorrow and pain. She saw me first and smirked. I grabbed Monique's arm as my breath hitched. I had already started running back downstairs when she yelled out my name causing Adrian to whip around.

I couldn't see through the tears as I fought with my key faub to unlock the stupid door on my stupid car but finally it unlocked and I threw my purse inside, started the car, revved the engine and peeled out leaving smoke and rubber behind as I fishtailed out of the long parking lot and onto the main drag. 

I saw Monique and Adrian running after me but the damage was done. Bella was right. They didn't want me; they had already tired of me and that's why Adrian wasn't in our bed anymore. He'd gone back to Bella. Racking sobs shook my body as I wept out loud; what did it matter anyway there was no one to hear me. 

The light had been green for several seconds when the car behind me honked and I started to move forward; I never saw the car coming from the right as it T-boned my car driving it sideways and pushing it into a light pole. I passed out as airbags deployed all around me.

(Monique's POV)

Monique beat Adrian in the chest with her fists. "Goddamn you Adrian!" she yelled at him. "How could you?" she said as she continued her barrage. "If something happens to her while she's driving I will never forgive you" she hissed. 

And then she turned her anger to Chelsea. "God-fucking-damn her! She knows better than to get behind the wheel!" 

Adrian spun her around. "What do you mean she's not supposed to drive?" he looked panicked now. 

"One of the lovely beatings she got from Christian left her with a detached retina and legally blind. She shouldn't drive but she loves her car and sometimes she drives it to blow off steam. She never goes very far but tonight she drove from your house and she's fucked up; not a good combination" she said as their attention and the attention of club goers was drawn to the fire trucks, police car and ambulances racing up the street. 

Oh dear God! You don't think? Both of them looked fearful as they both grabbed their cell phones and started to call her. Adrian ran back inside when it went straight to voicemail. He got upstairs and got his boots on, buttoned his shirt and tucked it in; by the time he was ready Duffy was waiting outside for him. He left the door open for Monique. 

"Look" he shouted. "Be pissed at me later but get the hell in!" She shot him a dirty look but got in and Duffy took off before the door was closed.

Traffic was stopped or coming to a stop and moved very slowly as they approached the intersection and that's when Monique saw her fears were realized...Chelsea's car was sandwiched between a pick up truck and a light pole.

 "Oh my God! Chelsea!" she screamed out as Duffy pulled the car over and Adrian did his best to grab Monique's arm but she was too quick. He jumped out and followed her up to the police car blocking off the accident scene. 

"Excuse me!" she yelled at the cop. He came over. 

"Yes m'am?" he asked. "That's my best friend's car!" she cried out. "Can you tell me anything?" she begged. He said just a moment and went and grabbed another officer. 

"Ma'am you need to calm down and answer a few questions" he instructed as Adrian finally made his way to where they were standing. "Now, you say that's your best friend's car?" he asked. Monique nodded. 

"Her name is Chelsea Sinclair and she is wearing a red dress. She had just left the club back there" she said pointing back towards Pleasures

"Officer" said Adrian authoritatively. "Ms. Sinclair is also my girlfriend" he said tersely. He asked us to wait a minute while we assumed he was getting an update from the fire department. He walked back to us, looking grim. Monique grabbed Adrian's hand for stability. 

"Okay folks, good news is she has been in and out of consciousness but the bad news is they are having to try and cut her out of the vehicle. They have the jaws of life and the fire department is working on it right now. Unfortunately all you can do is wait. I'm sorry" he said walking off. Monique heard Adrian on the phone talking to Angelo who was passing his information on to the rest of the family; and then they waited.

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