Chapter 58 (edited)

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I woke up to an empty bed but I was okay with this because I knew the guys had been there, I remembered telling them I loved them last night; I could smell their body wash, shampoo and cologne.  I had promised them that I would take one more day off, to rest, and then tomorrow I was back to work.  I got up and rinsed out my mouth, put my hair in a high ponytail and pulled out my pj set which consisted of a grey shirt that said Sill Gorgeous in the morning and the shorts were pink and had lipstick tubes all over them; I had hoped that I could catch them still here.  My day always started better with a kiss and hug from them.  

I could smell something delicious, besides the coffee, and I could hear laughing.  

"Good morning Silvanos" I said as I walked into the kitchen. 

 Adrian and Aiden both stood up, kissed me on the cheeks and said at the same time "Good morning gorgeous."  They'd seen my shirt!  

"How did you sleep?" asked Adrian.  

I paused for a moment and then said "I actually slept incredibly well, slept right through as a matter of fact."  I knew it was because of them.  

"How did you guys sleep?" I asked. 

 "Well once you quit snoring I slept really well" said Aiden, he was jacking with me and got a blueberry to the face for his troubles; we just grinned at each other.  

"All right children" Angelo scolded.  "We don't throw food at the table."  He was smiling while pretending to chastise us.  He was so glad his family was back together and whole once again.

Everyone but me and the twins got up, said their goodbyes and went off to work.  "Anyone want more coffee?" I asked getting up but was pulled back by Adrian and yanked into his lap; his mouth found mine and I received that signature 'Adrian' kiss that left my lips red and swollen. 

 "I love you" he breathed against my mouth, then let me up, swatted my behind and got up.  He told Aiden he'd wait for him in their father's study. 

 Aiden scooted his chair back and motioned me to sit on his lap only when I tried to he pulled me to where I was straddling him; his erection growing underneath me.  I felt his hands go up my night shirt, finding my nipples he began teasing them while kissing me very passionately.  

"God you're insatiable" I breathed against his mouth.  His response was to roll his hips into me pressing his cock into me.  

I groaned and said "Aid if you don't quit you will be extremely late for work and then Adrian will want to spank my ass and then you both will be late."  This caused Aiden to chuckle and release me, unfortunately.  I was enjoying my position on his lap.  

"I love you Chels.  We'll see you this evening, okay?  By the way, dress up.  We're taking you to dinner" he said smiling.  I smiled back, said I love you back and walked out of the kitchen with him.

Adrian was leaning against the wall, on his phone, when we walked in.  He looked at his phone and then said smirking "I thought maybe you guys were getting it on in the kitchen."  I playfully smacked his shoulder and then snaked my arms around his neck, pulling him to me, I kissed him again and told him I loved him.  He smiled and planted another quick one on my head and walked out; Aiden received another kiss from me as well. 

 I watched my boyfriends go off to work and then wandered back upstairs trying to figure out what to do with myself the rest of the day.  Aiden said they were taking me to dinner this evening so I could go ahead and find something to wear.  I finally found a black sexy, toga looking cocktail dress, mid thigh length, with sequins around the cuff of the one sleeve and then around the shoulder and neck area, pair that with black heels and I could definitely bring sexy back!

After getting my outfit picked out, I decided to crawl back in bed and try picking back up on my book.  I had been reading for a while when my phone rang.  It was Brett! 

 "Hey stranger!" I said.  

"Sis, what's going on?" he asked sounding serious. 

 "What do you mean?" I asked confused. 

 "I heard you had a car accident.  Are you okay?" he said.  Damn it!  I forgot with Chloe working at the ER he was bound to find out about it.  

"Yes, I'm fine Brett, really.  Just some cuts and bruises.  They kept me overnight because I had a concussion.  My car's totaled but I'm okay" I told him. 

 "What happened?" he kept pushing.  I sighed. 

 "I was sitting at an intersection, my light turned green, I started to go and I got T-boned from the passenger's side.  My car was pushed into a light pole, they cut me out, took me to the hospital and I'm fine" I said, reiterating the word fine.  I heard him exhale. 

 "Chels why were you driving in the first place?  You know it's dangerous" he said very much irritated with me now.  

"Brett I appreciate that you are worried and concerned about me but I refuse to give up driving.  That's the first accident I've ever had.  Period.  Please don't be mad at me but I really don't need a parent; a brother I could use, but not a parent" I said a little miffed.  

"Alright sis, alright.  So, other than that, how have you been?" he asked, his mood changing to the Brett I know.  

"I'm actually doing wonderful.  I'm dating now" I said smiling.  "Really?" he asked.  "That's wonderful!  Who is it?  Is he good to you?  How long have you been seeing him?"  Good grief! 

 "First off, I'm dating two people, they're brothers, second they treat me like a queen and thirdly we've been seeing each other since I sold the company.  Brett, I'm dating Adrian and Aiden Silvano."

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