Chapter 38 (edited)

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The weekend went much too fast for my liking but on the flip side the twins did ask me to stay until Monday morning, they said that I could ride in with them to Silvano and Sons and then we would go together to Sinclair for the big announcement. 

 I chose a crimson sleeveless and ruffled blouse that tied at the waist, a fitted pencil skirt that was a cream color, cream peep-toed heels, my ruby and diamond earrings and matching bracelet.  I left my hair straight and opted for my trademark light makeup but instead of nude lip gloss I chose a crimson shade to match my blouse.  

Aiden had left a note on the lavatory saying that he and Adrian were already downstairs in the kitchen so I gathered and folded all my clothes from the weekend, my toiletries and makeup and put it all in my suitcase and walked downstairs.  It was going to be difficult going home to an empty apartment this evening but I did have Thursday night to look forward to with Monique!

I was greeted at the bottom of the stairs by Duffy who said he was there to take my suitcase to the car.  I told him thank you and walked to the kitchen to find Angelo, Adrian and Aiden. 

 "Good morning gentlemen" I said brightly.  Angelo just stared and smiled while the twins sat there with their mouths open.  I just shook my head and laughed.  They were too cute.  

"Boys take a picture, it will last longer" I joked with them.  Adrian scoffed while Aiden got up and gave me a pretty good kiss. 

 "You look absolutely breathtaking" he said.  I told him thank you and went to get some coffee when Adrian started to say something and I stopped him.  

"Uh Mr. Silvano I will not be answering any questions until I get my morning kiss" I singsonged.  The corner of his mouth turned up as he got up slowly, came around the table and stood in front of me; he lifted my chin so our eyes could meet and pressed his lips to mine.  

"Satisfied?" he mumbled. 

 I nodded, sighed and said "Completely.  Thank you."  

Angelo chuckled and then said "Ms. Sinclair you look divine this morning."  

"Why thank you Angelo and I must say the Silvano men leave me breathless" I said winking at them.  

"Seriously though, how are you feeling about this morning?" Adrian asked.  I thought for a minute and then answered truthfully.  

"It's bittersweet.  Sinclair Industries has been my baby, my lifeline for the past two years.  I know she's going to a good home but after today I will just be a regular person and that's kind of scary."

Angelo looked at me tenderly and said "Chelsea, my dear, you will never just be a regular person to me.  You have accomplished a great deal, in a short time and I hope that you are proud of yourself as we all are."  

Instead of breaking down at his endearment I just smiled and said "You know what?  I am pretty proud of myself.  I'm also excited to see where you guys are going to take the company next.  I also thought there was more growth to be had it was just trying to find my way there and with you guys at the helm that new growth can be expanded on and who knows where the company will go from there?  But I for one am glad that I will be there and get to see it happen."  We talked some more and then Angelo said it was time to get going.

Adrian helped me slip on my cream leather jacket, held the door open for me and I slid in next to Aiden; Angelo sat across from us busy on his phone and was engrossed in what he was doing.  I grabbed my phone and called Monique.  

"Good morning boss" she said all Mary Sunshine.  

"Good morning to you too Monique.  I just wanted to make sure that the auditorium is ready and that the company-wide email regarding this conference at ten went out" I said all business.  

"Yes m'am.  The email went out Friday afternoon and I just sent a reminder one right before you called.  The auditorium is ready and waiting" she answered.  

"Okay thanks.  I will see you around nine-thirty then and Monique?" I said.  

"Yes?" she replied. 

 "Thanks for everything.  I couldn't have done it without you" I said slightly emotional.  She went on to tell me that she couldn't have asked for a better boss and hoped the next one could fill my shoes.  I laughed and told her good bye.

"Everything is good to go" I told Angelo.  He smiled and said his trademark 'wonderful' and went back to his phone.  I was checking my emails when I came across one from Judy Travers my Chief Financial Officer, this wasn't good.  

"Oh no" I said as I was reading her email.  

"What's wrong?" Aiden asked.  

"It's a resignation email from my CFO, Judy Travers.  She said she had been trying to find the right time to talk to me about retiring and there was no good time like the present.  She and her husband want to move to the west coast to be closer to their son and his family.  She said that she will stay until we find a suitable replacement for her.  Damn I hate to lose her.  She was honest and great at her job."  I just sighed, leaned back and pinched the bridge of my nose. 

 "Chelsea" I heard Angelo's voice call out.  "Why don't you take the position?"  My eyes flew open and I looked at him, then Adrian and then Aiden.  

"It wouldn't be near the pressure and responsibility as being the CEO and President, plus you already know the position and you know the company.  What do you say?" he asked smiling.  

"Is that what you want Angelo?  I was happy to be someone's assistant or whatever, but CFO?  Really?"  I wanted a truthful answer and he gave it to me. 

 "There's no one I trust more."  It was settled then, I would be the new CFO of Sinclair Industries!

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