Chapter 17 (edited)

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My twins were still sleeping and how I managed to get untangled from them and out of bed without waking them was a miracle. I grabbed Aiden's shirt off the floor, went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, washed my face and put my hair up in a messy bun and headed downstairs to fix us some breakfast.

I grabbed my phone on the way down to call Monique and tell her I was playing hooky today. I couldn't help it, I just didn't feel like going into work today. I had never felt like that and I knew it was the boys' fault but smiling to myself it was a good quandary to be in.

I made fresh orange juice and put it back in the fridge to get cold and then I started making pancakes from scratch, some bacon, fresh fruit and to top it all off my homemade maple syrup. I started a pot of coffee, Breakfast Blend, in hopes that would rouse the twins and bring their sexy asses downstairs.

The pancakes were ready and I was keeping them warm in the oven and was going to start on the bacon when my phone rang. Goddamn it! It was my mother! I hadn't heard from her in two years. Two fucking years. Why was she calling me now?

I answered the phone and put it on speaker; I didn't care who heard the conversation, I was so over both of my parents. "What do you want Arlene?" I said unemotional. I heard a huff, typical.

"Chelsea Madison I am still your mother and you will be respectful to me!" she said, her voice slightly raised.

I scoffed. "Well mother" I emphasized the noun. "What do you want?"

"Chelsea this rift between us has gone on long enough. We want to see you" my mother answered. I just stared at the phone. Oh my God! Really?

"Mother I am not the one that created this rift, as you call it. You and my father did when you both disowned me two years ago. That was not something I wanted. I needed the both of you and you turned your back on me. Neither of you had the stomach to deal with what I had gone through while I was married to Christian."

She pushed, she was going to get it now; both barrels. "Chelsea don't you think you are overreacting just a tad?" her tone was very condescending.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" I yelled. "Overreacting to what, pray tell? Christian bringing other women into our home and fucking them in our bed, forcing me to watch while he and Casey took turns with them? Huh? Him beating me until I was no longer conscious? Brett coming to my rescue more times than I can mention! His own parents cared more than mine." I had finally finished, my breathing erratic and my chest heaving.

"Chelsea, please..." she started to say.

"No, mother. I will not have this conversation with you again. You and father chose to turn a blind eye and you know what I think caused you to do that? You both felt guilty for setting me up with him and marrying me off to him. You know the day of my wedding Brett tried to talk me out of going through with it. But no, I just had to make my parents proud of me for marrying up and thrusting you guys upwards in your social circle. I'm done Mother. When you and dad decide you really want to know the truth I have a file with every sordid little detail, including pictures and videos, come to me then. I have to go" I said hanging up the phone, cursing myself because I was sure the twins had heard every bit of that conversation.

(Twins POV)

Adrian and Aiden just laid in bed listening to the sickening conversation that took place between Chelsea and her mother. It made both of their stomachs turn to hear how nonchalant her mother was about what she went through.

It also explained how she came to marry that asshole in the first place, her parents had set it up. To hear her talk about Sinclair making her watch while he and his friend fucked other women just made their blood boil.

Aiden went to get out of bed when his brother reached for his arm. "Aiden, just give her a minute. You know she wouldn't want you to see her upset like that. Tread carefully brother" he said softly. Aiden sighed and rubbed his face.

He knew that Adrian was right but he couldn't help but want to gather her into his arms and take everything away that she'd gone through. He picked his underwear up off the floor and slid his dress pants on and walked into the bathroom. Adrian laid there for a bit longer, his mind going back over the past 24 hours.

Chelsea was going to be so good for the both of them, Aiden especially. Aiden was caring, compassionate, gentle and loving when it came to sex; Adrian on the other hand was dominate and liked to fuck hard but he could see Chelsea changing him some of the time and it didn't matter, he would do anything to keep her happy.

Adrian got out of bed finally and pulled on his underwear, pants and dress shirt and walked into the bathroom. Aiden was still standing there at the lavatory leaning down on his hands when Adrian gently slapped him on the back. "It's all good brother. We have her, she's ours, okay? She's also stronger than she thinks. You heard how she spoke to her mother. Now, don't go down there looking like something's wrong. It will make her feel bad."

His brother was the level headed and wise one of the two, Aiden sometimes let his emotions get the best of him and he would fly off at the drop of a hat. They were the best of two personalities and complimented each other well.

"Hey, where's your shirt?" Adrian asked his brother. He smirked and pointed towards downstairs. "I'm thinking our baby girl has it on." Both brothers smiled at each other as they started to walk downstairs and say good morning to their girl.

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