Chapter 46 (edited)

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Adrian said he loved me.  I love you Chelsea Sinclair played over and over as we stood there kissing; the relief that flooded through my body felt like a weight being lifted.  I was engulfed in Adrian's strong arms when I mumbled against his chest and asked where Aiden was.  

"We took shifts with you, watching over you and staying close to you; I sent him to eat" was his answer.  

I looked up at Adrian, my chin now resting on his muscled chest, and said "I need him too."  That's all I said; Adrian knew exactly what I meant and he told me to sit down and relax and he would get him up here.  

I asked him to grab my hair tie from the lavatory on his way out so I could put my hair up; getting it put up, I sank down into the deliciously fragrant, soothing and warm water.  I let out a sigh as I leaned my head back against the huge tub, my mind going back over last evening's events and determining that I would not let Casey Livingston control and run my life like Christian had; it wasn't going to happen.  

I made my resolve; after everything that I had been through and wasn't a patient in a mental ward somewhere, told me that I was definitely stronger than I thought; no more breakdowns, of any kind.  I was going to be Zena, Warrior Princess; Casey Livingston could go to hell.

I felt a soft and tender kiss on my cheek and I knew who it was, Aiden.  I turned my head slightly to see the same concerned eyes that I had seen through Adrian a short time ago.  

"Hi" I said looking over his tired face, knowing it was my fault he looked like that, that both of them looked tired and worn out.  

"Hi back" he said, softly stroking my hair. 

 "Well, I know it smells girly in here, but both of you could use some relaxation, so in you go" I said pointing to the water.  They both shed their clothes in a matter of seconds and submerged their tired bodies in the hot water. 

 "Ow, good grief this is hot" complained Aiden.  

"My ass is going to be red" replied Adrian.  I chuckled a little as the irony of what he said hit me, then I received that signature smirk of his knowing he had realized why I chuckled.  

 "Okay you" I said pointing at Aiden "Sit here" I indicated for him to sit between my legs, his back facing my front.  "And you" I said to Adrian "Behind me."  

Both men laughed and said "Bossy little thing."

Aiden's shoulder muscles were extremely tense as I started massaging him gently.  "Wow baby, do you carry that much weight all the time?" I asked him. 

 "Pretty much" he mumbled as I moved my hands down his beautiful back.  "Shit babe, that feels so good" he said.  I worked on him for about five minutes or so and pulled him back into me and ran my hands down his arms to his fingers and started massaging those and working my way up his arms until he said he felt boneless.  My work on him was done.  

I looked back at Adrian and said "Okay pretty boy, you're next."  I winked at him and he scoffed at my description but moved his gorgeous ass and sat where Aiden had, while Aiden moved behind me.  "Jesus Adrian!  I could bounce a quarter off your shoulders!" I said as I worked his shoulder muscles.  

He just mumbled something that I didn't quite catch as he let his head slowly fall forward, my hands working their way down his back as I had done with Aiden earlier; then I pulled him back into me so I could massage his hands, forearms and biceps.  It was very quiet and serene and I loved how carefree and stress free the atmosphere seemed to be at that moment.

Adrian was the first one to move, as he turned around to face me he grabbed my foot and started to gently massage and rub the top, sides and bottom.  Lord that felt so amazing!  I could feel Aiden gently kneading my shoulders while kissing my damp skin and that sent all kinds of pleasurable feelings through my body. 

 I sighed heavily and said "A girl could sure get used to this." I said my eyes closed while I smiled.

  Aiden put his lips to my ear and said sweetly "You should get used to this.  We want to pamper you and spoil you and take care of you, if you will let us."  My heart just melted. 

 I tilted my head to look back at him and said "I promise I will let you only if you let me do the same.  It means a lot to me knowing that I have two very special someones that I can take care of and that need me just as I need them."  I reached my hand around his neck and pulled him to my mouth so I could kiss him and kiss him good, showing him that I truly needed him then I slid forward and kissed Adrian the exact same way.  

I loved having sex with them, making love to them, but it was moments like this that I needed more than the act of sex; sex was a bi-product of these moments.  I needed Adrian against my body so I asked him to move back between my legs so I could feel his skin against mine.  

Aiden bent down, nipped my ear playfully and said "I love you Chels."  My eyes stung with tears; both of them had said it to me this morning, not in response to me saying it first.  

"I really love you both, more than words can say.  You guys are my everything."

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