Chapter 45 (edited)

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(Chelsea's POV)

"Chelsea..." an eerily familiar voice said. "You can't hide from me. I know all of your hiding places. I know you loved it when I touched you and kissed you and fucked you. You screamed for more, my little whore; my dirty, filthy, naughty little whore. You said you didn't like it when we made you watch; you said you didn't like it when we touched you; but you lied. YOU BITCH! YOU LIED!" screamed the voice in my head.

 "Oh God! Please don't touch me anymore! I don't like it! Please Christian, don't let him touch me again! I promise I'll be good, I'll do anything you say! Please Christian, it hurts!" I could hear myself screaming and begging for it to stop but I was deep inside myself, trying to claw my way back to where I could see the light but it was like hands were coming out of thin air, reaching for me and trying to pull me back in. I was so tired of fighting I wanted to just give in and let them have me, but something made me continue to fight.

(Twins' POV)

Aiden and Adrian bolted upright when they heard Chelsea screaming. Aiden flipped on the light and there was Chelsea, clawing at the covers, thrashing around and begging for Christian to make it stop, that it hurt and it broke his heart hearing her begging that piece of shit for anything. 

 Adrian had climbed on top of her, pinning her legs down and then grabbing her arms and was gently talking with her trying to get her to hear him. After what seemed like a lifetime, she started to calm down and it looked like she was being able to follow his voice enough that she was coming out of it and finally her eyes flew open and wildly searched the room until they fell on Adrian; she blinked quickly several times as if trying to focus and when she realized where she was, she let out a heart wrenching sob and began weeping as Adrian climbed off of her and folded her into his chest while Aiden laid down behind her; they were both holding her close, bathing her in the comforting sound of their voices. 

 It made their hearts clinch listening to her cry and refer to herself as broken, over and over. Finally after an hour and a half of this, she wore herself out and fell asleep again but her body continued to shake so the twins kept her close.

Every time Adrian would move Chelsea would whimper and her hands would tighten around his tee shirt.  Aiden moved closer to her, caressing her thigh gently with his hand and placing kisses on the back of her shoulder.  

"Jesus this whole situation just fucking pisses me off" Aiden said through gritted teeth. 

 "I know, brother, I know" Adrian answered.  

"You know she's going to feel guilty as hell over all this and we're going to have to fight her tooth and nail to get her over this."  Aiden nodded and said he knew this.

Chelsea groaned and rolled over to face Aiden, curling up into him she nuzzled her face against his neck and continued to sleep deeply. 

 "Adrian, you awake?" Aiden asked softly.

 "Yeah" his brother answered. 

 "Should we be concerned that she's sleeping so much?" he asked worried. 

 "Aid, she had a lot to drink, her crying breakdown and the medication, all that combined she's exhausted. I'm thinking she needs it" Adrian said wisely.

Aiden and Adrian took turns laying with Chelsea; one took a shower while the other stayed with her and then the other one would take a shower. She looked like an innocent little girl curled up in their big bed; her hair covering her face, the gentle rising of her chest with each breath and the way she clasped her hands together. 

 Adrian told Aiden to go eat and then he would go after him; Aiden said okay, got up and stretched, kissed her cheek and walked out the door. Adrian was sitting in bed, his back against the headboard, on his lap top, when Chelsea rolled over, rubbed her eyes and opened them slowly to see a very concerned Adrian looking down at her. 

 "Hey" she said, her voice hoarse with sleep. 

 Adrian closed his computer, put it on the bedside table, turned back to her and said "Hey baby. How you feeling?" 

 She groaned as she sat up, stretched and said "Like I got hit by a truck." He held his arms open for her and she didn't hesitate to move into them.

"Adrian?" she called to him. 

 "Hmm?" he answered. "I'm so sorry your family got dragged into this but I'm so thankful that I have you guys to lean on and help me get through it" she said, sincerity in her words. 

 He was quite taken aback by what she had said so, in acknowledgement, he leaned over and kissed her forehead. "We'll always be here, baby. Always" his words calmed her. "Why don't you brush your teeth and wash your face while I draw you a bath, okay?" he said. 

 She nodded, got up and walked into the bathroom. He heard the water running and then her electric toothbrush, so he got up and walked into the bathroom to start the tub; while the water was running he took her hair down, grabbed her brush and gently brushed her hair. It felt wonderful. 

 He walked over and poured some bubble bath into the water; it was milk and honey and the fragrance filled the whole room. Adrian walked over and pulled her leggings and panties down and then pulled her shirt over her head, leaving her naked and beautiful. 

 He brought her into his body, his hands sliding behind her cupping her ass while his mouth crashed onto her's, his kiss leaving her breathless. "I love you, Chelsea Sinclair" he breathed as he kissed her again before helping her into the water.

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