Chapter 28 (edited)

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By the time Aiden had finished the tour and we made it back to Angelo's office he and Adrian were back from their meetings.  

Angelo had gone down to Legal and said he'd be back in a bit so I took the opportunity to try and placate Adrian after I teased the hell out of him.  He tried to look put out with me but I stood in front of him, my hands folded behind my back and looking up at him through my long lashes I said in my best innocent voice "How angry are you with me right now, Mr. Silvano?"  

He closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them they were dark and hooded.  He leaned over and whispered "You have no idea, kitten."  That was the first time he'd called me kitten.  

I moved my hand to his chest and walked my fingers up it until I reached his lips and then ran my thumb across them until he pulled me to his chest and crashed his mouth to mine.  He ravaged my lips good; they were red, swollen and tingly when he finished.

  I never broke eye contact with him nor he with me and then I finally said "I really liked that." 

 He was about to answer when his father walked back in.  He smiled at us and that smile reached his eyes and of course I blushed the color of a tomato.  "Chelsea, all of the documents have been signed, they are notarized and all we need to do is figure out when you want to make the announcement" he said pleased. 

 I thought for a moment, back in business mode again, grabbing my calendar I searched through my notes for a moment and then replied.  "The end of the 3rd quarter is next Friday.  How about Monday?" 

 He clapped his hands and said "Excellent!  We will make joint announcements.  All Silvano upper management, the boys and I will come to Sinclair next Monday and we will have a joint company wide meeting.  Yes?" he asked.  I nodded yes.

It was four o'clock already.  I couldn't believe that this had taken all day but I was happy with the results and I couldn't wait to tell Monique.  I walked over to Angelo and embraced him; he was quickly becoming a father figure to me and I knew that should I ever need that fatherly advice I finally had someone to go to.  

"Angelo, thank you for everything.  I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my company will be in good hands with you and your team here.  I can call you anytime, no?" I asked smiling at the older man.

  "I would be offended if you didn't" he said hugging me. 

 "Until we meet again" I said walking towards the door.  Adrian had helped me into my coat as Aiden held my work bag and purse.  I slipped my purse inside my work bag and put the straps up over my shoulder and gripped Adrian's hand as Aiden held the door open.

  I stopped at Sylvia's desk and received a hug from her.  "I'm glad to have finally met you Chelsea.  I will see you soon, okay?" 

 "I'm glad to have met you as well Sylvia and yes you will see me soon" I added smiling at her.  Our ride in the elevator was quiet until we stepped outside and got the car.  I turned to Aiden and said "I'm glad I got to spend some time with you today; it was exactly what I needed." 

 I leaned in to kiss him on the cheek and then whispered "I really do love you, you know."  

He sighed and laid his forehead against mine and then returned the kiss and said to me "Ti amo anch'io (I love you too)."  

Then I turned to Adrian and said "I would like to spend some time with you when you're free." 

 He looked all too pleased.  He kissed my cheek and said "I will make the time" he promised.  I got into the car and he shut the door and I headed home.

(Twins POV)

The brothers stood there a moment when Aiden told Adrian about their exchange of words earlier.  "Well don't keep me in suspense" he said.  "What did she say?"

  "Her exact words were 'Aiden, I'm in love with you too but I want to take this slow.  We still have a lot to learn about each other' and then she went on to say that she doesn't know my birth date, my favorite color, what I like to do for down time, etc. and I totally agreed with her."  

Adrian scratched his chin thoughtfully for a moment and then said "Did she mention me in that conversation?"  Aiden nodded. 

 "She said she was in love with both of us."  Adrian let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding in.

  "Would you be upset if I went and saw her tonight?" he asked of his brother.  

Aiden put his arm around his brother and said "Of course not.  I got to spend time with her this afternoon and you didn't.  Besides, it's my turn with the old man tonight, so go call her and make plans."  

Adrian really loved his brother a lot; he had a huge heart and always thought of others.  Adrian smiled and took out his phone.

(Chelsea's POV)

Chelsea had laid her head against the seat, closed her eyes and thought back through the events of the day when her phone started vibrating.  She quickly took it out of her was Adrian! 

 "Hey there mi amante (my lover)" I answered.  He chuckled.  

"You are getting very good at my language" he said.  I laughed.

  "What's up?" I asked.  

"Aiden is spending the evening with our father and I really want to come and spend the evening with you.  Would that be possible?" he asked hoping she would say yes.  

"I would love to see you tonight.  What time were you thinking?" I asked.  I could hear the smile in his voice and that my response had pleased him. 

 "Well, I wanted to give you time to get home and rest, take a bath or shower and maybe take a little nap.  Is seven-thirty or eight o'clock too early?" 

 "Eight sounds perfect" I said.  "Eight it is then" he said.  "Oh and kitten?" 

 "Yes?" I replied.  "Your ass is mine" his voice all sexy caveman now.  

"Yes it is" I answered him and then hung up.

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