Chapter 55 (edited)

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(Adrian's POV)

I squeezed her hand as she tried to focus the standing figures by her bed. "Adrian? Aiden?" she asked hoarsely. 

"Yeah baby, we're here" I responded as Aiden laid a gentle kiss on her forehead as Chelsea started to cry.

"Adrian I'm so sorry that I thought you cheated on me its just you quit sleeping at home and it seemed like you were putting distance between us and I let my mind run wild with all sorts of things" she sniffed. 

Adrian leaned over her and said "Baby if I'd seen what you did I would have reacted the same way. Let's concentrate on getting you out of here, then we'll talk, okay? But for now, Aid and I are fine and we need you to be too." 

Chelsea nodded, her eyes getting heavy again. "I...just love you guys so much..." and she was out again. Both of us kissed her, left and went to tell dad, Aunt Sylvia and Marco to go in next. 

Monique told us that Duffy had said he would bring her to the house to gather a few of Chelsea's clothes and toiletries; Aiden and I weren't happy about this but we would give her the space she asked for. 

The nurse had told us they upped her pain meds and she would be out the rest of the night but Aid and I weren't going anywhere so we sent everybody home and we stayed in the waiting room the rest of the night.

(Twins POV)

Seven-thirty comes early especially when you just fell asleep a couple of hours ago but thank God for Aunt Sylvia who came in with fresh, hot coffee and homemade breakfast burritos. 

"You're a lifesaver" Aiden said between bites. 

"Yeah, thanks Aunt Syl for the coffee" Adrian threw in there.

 She said no problem and then asked "Have you seen her this morning yet?" she asked, knowing how hard all of this had been on us. We both shook our heads no. 

"Visiting hours are in thirty so we hope to by then" Adrian said.  We finished our breakfast as others started rolling in. We had a pretty lady come up and introduce herself as Stella, Chelsea's assistant. 

We told her that she was in no danger and that she had only stayed overnight because of the concussion. 

"Well good" Stella said. "Now I won't feel bad being mad at her for driving; I've told her so many times not to but she's as stubborn as a horse's ass" she huffed. 

We laughed and told her we knew why Chelsea loved her so much, she's feisty and can go head-to-head with our girlfriend.

Chelsea's on-duty night nurse came out to talk to us before she went home for the day. 

"Good morning" she said cheerfully. "I'm Sandi, Chelsea's night nurse. She had a very good night and we are working on the discharge papers; you all can go visit with her if you want to." 

We all smiled at her and said thank you for the update. Angelo looked at Adrian and Aiden and said 

"Why don't you boys go ahead first." We nodded and headed down the hall to our girl's room. We stepped inside to see her just staring at the ceiling and we could tell the wheels were turning fast. 

 "Hey baby" the twins said together. 

 She smiled slightly and replied "Hey" but the smile didn't quite reach her eyes. 

 "Come on, babe" Aiden said. "Don't overthink things too much" he tucked a small piece of hair behind her ear. 

 Adrian gently squeezed her hand causing a small tear to drop from her eye. "Oh Chelsea" he said softly. "It's all going to be okay. We want you back to your old self and if that means giving you the time you need, so be it." 

 Aiden placed his lips on hers and gave her the sweetest, softest kiss and said "When you're ready." 

 And he walked out leaving Adrian. He placed his forehead to hers and sighed. "We love you, girl" he said, kissing her passionately and then he was gone.

(Chelsea's POV)

It was so weird being back in my apartment, alone, in that huge bed, alone. Yeah but you asked for time my hateful mind kept reminding me. It was going on the second full day and the twins were good to their word; no contact from them. I'd had enough. I wanted to go back home, if it wasn't too late by now. 

 My hand was shaking as I picked up my phone; I hit the button hovering by his name and Adrian picked up before the second ring.

 "Baby?" his beautiful, silky voice caressed my ear. 

 Just the sound of it made me tear up; I sniffed and said "Are we broken beyond repair?" my voice very low. 

 "Chelsea, no power on earth, heaven or below could keep us away from you" he said with conviction. 

 "Adrian, I need you" was all I said. 

 "I'm leaving now" was his reply. I sighed as I hung up the phone and headed upstairs.

I brushed my hair and teeth, took a quick bath and put on my pink silk robe, sans any clothes underneath and headed back down when I heard the key in the lock. I was on the second to last stair when he stepped onto the landing; God he looked tired, sexy, but tired. 

 His hair was tousled and he had faint dark circles under his eyes; he was wearing black basketball shorts, a grey tank shirt and tennis shoes. I loved the way his eyes raked my body; the need in both our eyes. He started to say something but I put my finger on his lips, grabbed his hand and led him upstairs, to bed.

Standing in front of each other, my hands went for his shirt, pulling it off and throwing it on the floor. I stepped to him, snaking my arms around his waist, I drew him closer and laid my head on his chest. Oh he felt like home! 

 We stayed like this for a moment before I moved my head letting my lips drag across his smooth skin, placing an open mouthed kiss on his chest; he shuddered as my lips caressed him. He lifted my chin, our eyes meeting and his were like molten caramel.

 I felt him kicking his shoes off, then socks and finally his shorts; he was commando. I put his hands at the tie holding my robe together and heard his breath hitch when he found me naked underneath; soon it joined his clothing on the floor as we drank in each other's bodies.

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