Chapter 24 (edited)

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Right after I knocked I heard Angelo's rich voice ring out "Come in Chelsea" I smiled at the reply, grabbed the knob, turned it and walked in.  

He was standing, like the gentleman he is, at the front of his desk waiting for me.  I walked straight up to him, we hugged and kissed each other on both cheeks and he asked if he could take my coat.  I untied it, slid it off and handed it to him and watched him hang it on a nearby coat rack.  

"You have an absolutely stunning office" I remarked.  He motioned for me to sit and instead of him sitting behind his desk he sat in the other chair next to me.  

"Thank you my dear.  Sylvia helped me redecorate some years ago and I must say it was her finest work" he said proudly.  I pointed to the bass behind his desk.  

"Do you play?" I asked.  He shook his head no and said "My wife was the musically inclined one in our family; for such a little thing she handled it with grace and style" he said, he face showing emotions as he remembered her.  To steer the conversation to something better I pulled out the fancy box of treats that I made for him. 

 "I come bearing gifts" I said smiling as I handed it to him.  

He closed his eyes and then said "Please tell me that it's more biscotti?"  

"It is" I answered.  "But not just the ones you had at my office; I made some hazelnut chocolate dipped ones and orange-cranberry also."  

He clapped his hands and said "Meraviglioso (wonderful)!" and opened the box and smelled them.  "Ah...I can't wait to have one.  Will you have one with me and some coffee?" he asked.  I nodded and he called for Sylvia.

While we waited for his assistant to bring coffee we started to chat.  "My dear, you look at happier than the last time I saw you.  Would it be safe in assuming that my sons are responsible for this wonderful change?"  

I was shocked by his directness but had come to expect it from him just as he expected me to be direct and honest with him.  

"Angelo, I care deeply for your sons.  They have been a Godsend and we have become...close" I said.  

A smile spread over his face and this made me smile as well.  He leaned forward and said "May I tell you something?"  I nodded.  "I am a twin also.  You will meet my brother Marco in our meeting; he is my COO.  I also want to tell you that Adrian and Aiden's mother was also his partner; in other words my brother and I belonged to her, exclusively."  

All of a sudden it hit home what he was referring to.  They had a relationship just like I had with his sons.  My whole body relaxed and for some reason I wasn't worried about anything.  I studied him a moment before I responded. 

 "So you are aware of the relationship that is forming between your sons and me and you are okay with it?"

He laugh tinkled out and it made me smile.  "Aware?  My child I encouraged them.  When I saw how they reacted with you the night of the charity gala we spoke at length about you.  I have known for sometime about their interest in you but given your history I also encouraged them to take it slow.  I didn't want you being overwhelmed by our lifestyle.  

But after hearing about your dinner with them the other night, your openness with them and your trip yesterday I knew they had made the right choice.  You have made them both incredibly happy.  I know this is their story to tell but I want you to know that they had been engaged to a woman named Bella, years ago. 

 They were going to have a commitment/wedding ceremony where Aiden would be her husband on paper but she would have a sole relationship with both of my sons.  She was caught the night before the ceremony, with another man, and it came to light that this had been going on for some time.  Adrian was hurt but he got over it and her; Aiden on the other hand did not and until you, I thought he might never look at another woman ever again.  You are what they need, my dear, and dare say you need?"

I was shocked by what he'd just shared with me.  It made a lot of sense and explained why Aiden acted like he did with her.  It was all coming together.  

"Angelo, your boys mean the world to me.  In just a short time they have showered me with affection and attention, treating me like I've never been treated and letting me know that this is how you treat a woman.  They have both swept me off my feet and I have fallen hard for them.  Actually I can't imagine my life without them now; it would be so boring!" I said emotionally.  

He patted my hand and said "I happen to know they feel the same way about you as well.  I'm just going to go ahead and say welcome to the family because I don't ever see you going anywhere" he stood up and opened his arms.  

I gratefully accepted the hug and then he asked if I was ready for our meeting. 

 "I came ready" I said patting my satchel.  He held his arm out, I linked mine with his and we walked towards his board room.

There were six people sitting around the table already when we walked in.  The first people I saw were the twins.  My God they looked so good!  Both in fitted grey Armani suits, purple dress shirts, silver ties and beautiful silver cuff links.  They both almost killed me with their smiles as we walked by.  

Angelo pulled out a lone chair that was at the head of the table and asked me to sit down and then he took the head chair.  

"Good morning everyone" he started.  The greeting was returned.  "As you all know, I have been looking for quite some time now into working with another company and had at one time looked at Sinclair Industries but decided to hold off for a while.  

For the past two years everyone around this table has been watching the dramatic change that Sinclair has gone through and I would like to introduce you to the driving force behind that change, Chelsea Sinclair; she is the CEO and President at this time and as you all know she approached me and asked me to buy Sinclair from her.  I agreed and that's why we have called this meeting today.  I will now give you over to Chelsea.  My dear, the floor is yours" Angelo said.

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