Chapter 8 (edited)

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Monday morning rolled around and I had been thinking about the conversation that I had with Angelo Silvano last Friday evening at the charity event.  

I fingered the card in one hand and had my cell phone in the other; I let out a deep breath and dialed the number on the card.  A strong male voice answered on the second ring.  "Angelo Silvano" was all he said.  "Good morning Mr. Silvano, it's Chelsea Sinclair, sir."  I said. 

 "Ms. Sinclair, how wonderful to hear from you this morning.  Are you well?" he asked.  "I am sir, thank you for asking.  And you?" I responded.  We chatted for a moment and then I cut to the chase.  "Mr. Silvano I would love for you to meet me at my office this morning or whenever is convenient for you.  I believe we have much to discuss."  I was all professional.  

"I like a woman who gets down to business and says what's on her mind.  Let's see" he said pausing a moment.  "It's eight o'clock now, would nine or nine thirty be too early?"  "No sir not at all.  That would be perfect.  Oh and before I go, do you prefer coffee or tea?"  

He chuckled and answered "I love both but I am partial to a good cup of tea."  "Good to know.  I look forward to seeing you at nine o'clock."  We finished our call and hung up.  I had a great feeling about today.

I chose to wear a form fitting classy navy blue dress; the top part was hounds tooth and it was V-necked and two silver zippers on either hip; I paired it with my navy pumps, simple diamond pendant, diamond studs and a diamond and sapphire ring that had belonged to my grandmother.  I wore my hair down and straight, light makeup and my navy Dooney and Bourke purse.  

As I walked out to my car I called Monique to make sure we will had the Compito tea and for her to have it ready; I had also made homemade biscotti last night.  I wanted to woo Mr. Silvano and make him want my company.  Douglas was waiting for me with a smile and a coffee.  "You're a life saver!  Thanks Douglas" I said as I slid in.  "My pleasure Ms. Chelsea" he said shutting my door and off we went to Sinclair.

I was blowing and going as soon as I stepped into my office.  "Monique" I called out.  "Can you come in here please?"  My assistant came in with pad and pen in hand.  "Yes m'am" she said professionally.  "Shut the door please" I asked.  

She got up and did as I asked and then returned to her seat.  "What's up Chelsea?" she asked.  "I'm sure you have heard the rumors that I am wanting to sell the company" I started.  She nodded and I continued.  "I don't want you to worry about your job.  I have had legal draw up a tentative contract in which I stipulate that all Sinclair employees are to retain their current positions and pay.  I have also asked that the company not be dismantled but remain intact.  I will not sell to anyone who refuses to honor this; having said that I am meeting with Angelo Silvano this morning at nine and I have a very good feeling about this meeting" I said smiling now.  

"I've heard nothing but good things about Mr. Silvano" Monique said.  "I know that he was interested in doing business with..." she paused and I picked up.  "It's okay Monique.  You can say his name, Christian.  I know.  I talked to Brett on Sunday and he filled me in on this.  That's why I'm so excited."  Monique snickered and added "Plus it doesn't hurt that his twin sons were birthed by the gods either!"  I just rolled my eyes and smirked at her and told her to prepare for the meeting.

Nine on the dot Monique buzzed me that Angelo Silvano was here and an extra added surprise so were his sons, Adrian and Aiden.  

My stomach lurched for a moment at this news but I was a professional and I could deal with the twins; I just kept going back to the night of the gala and seeing Aiden and how he'd called me 'baby'.  It made me shiver.  Okay Chelsea I said get it together.  

I stood up and came around to the front of my desk and waited for Monique to bring the men into my office.  Angelo looked as handsome as he did Friday night and the twins were fucking hot, dressed in fitted dress pants and matching wine colored button down dress shirts.  I tried very hard not to be affected by these two demigods.  (convo in Italian)  "Angelo welcome!  It's very nice to see you again!" I said holding out my hand.  

Silvano took my hand and kissed the top of it making me blush.  "Chelsea it is very good to see you again my dear.  You are looking as beautiful as you did Friday night" he flattered.  Okay here's where I would blow the twins away.  I went to the one I knew was Aiden and stuck my hand out to him.  "Aiden, it's nice to see you again" I said.  

He smirked and said "I'm Adrian, he's Aiden."  Oh really?  We'll see.  "Aiden, I know it's you because Adrian does not have a small scar above his upper lip" I said feeling quite satisfied with myself.  Adrian slapped him on the shoulder and said "Oh she got you there bro!" he chuckled while Aiden tried to glare at me but his eyes just twinkled instead.

I handed Angelo a cup of steaming tea and a biscotti.  "Angelo, tell me what you think of this" I said to the older Silvano.  "Molto bene! (very good)" he exclaimed.  "This is Compito?" he inquired.  

I nodded.  "I picked some up when I was in Italy eight months ago" I answered.  He bit into the sweet treat I'd put on his plate.  He hummed his approval.  "This is fantastic!  Where did you get these biscotti?"  I smiled and replied "I made them."  

He raised his eyebrow; he was totally impressed.  "Adrian, Aiden you must try one!  Almost as good as your Aunt Elena, but don't tell her I said that!"  We laughed as the twins reached for a cookie, took a bite and both closed their eyes while they chewed.  I clinched my thighs together watching them eat their cookie.  

How in the world could I possibly be turned on watching two men eat a cookie?  God, I needed sex and I needed it bad!  "Now" I said clapping my hands together once "On to business?"  Angelo nodded.

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