Chapter 78 (edited)

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After everything that happened Angelo had postponed the family yacht outing, which was perfectly understandable and I was disappointed, to say the least, but I wanted Aiden feeling 100% and it wouldn't be the same with him feeling less than that.  

I hated, however, having to go back to work.  Stella was still on leave from her wounds suffered at the hands of Casey but after talking and visiting with her she was still hell on wheels and promised she would be back soon, telling me not to get used to anyone else taking her place.  That's my girl! 

 Aiden was getting better everyday and I knew I had to let go and allow him to do things for himself; however, getting them to agree letting me go back to work was a different story.  There was no more threat to my safety but they were concerned about me still being tired; I assured them that I would take it easy and even work half days until I was built back up physically, they agreed to this.  

It was taking a bit of time for my bruising to go away and I still was taking showers and dressing alone in the bathroom so I didn't fall under the scrutinizing stares of the twins.  They were still a tad bit angry at me for keeping my injuries from them but I knew they would get over it.  I had picked out somewhat loose fitting clothes keeping the material from digging into my still sensitive skin.  

I chose a cute pair of baggy grey dress pants, the legs were wide and loose as well and the waist was slung a little lower than most of my other pants or jeans; the blouse was navy blue, with ruffles around the neck and flowed down the middle and short poofy sleeves; my shoes were open-toed sandals with a four inch heel and jeweled strip that went down the middle of the top of my foot, paring that with some pretty marcasite drop earrings and a thick bangle bracelet.  I wasn't sure what to do with my hair so I opted for a partial up-do which turned out great and light makeup.

Adrian was going to work from home today and promised to keep Aiden in line; hearing him say that made me smile and think about how dominating he was causing my body to shiver.  We hadn't made love in quite a while, given everything that had gone on, but it didn't stop me from craving their touches, how good their mouths felt on me and how wonderful it felt being taken by them both.  I shuddered at the memories which garnered a look from them both.  

"You okay, Chels?" Aiden asked, knitting his brows as he looked at me. 

 "Perfect" was my response.

 "You certainly are" flirted Adrian.  "Especially in those pants" he added winking at me.  I just scoffed and rolled my eyes at him.  His normal caramel-chocolate looking orbs became a little dark and a little dangerous looking.  "Did you really just roll your eyes at me?" he asked slowly folding his paper and laying it aside. 

 I felt bold; not sure if it was stupidity or sexual frustration, but I stood my ground.  He rose from his chair and walked towards me and before I had a chance to move he'd clasped my hands at my side and pulled me to his chest. 

 "Careful, kitten" he warned, his threat delicious sounding.  "I really want to make your beautiful ass pink" he finished.  My body was betraying me and he knew I was turned on and horny but I didn't care as I leaned forward, slowly licked down the side of his chin and stopped at his mouth; my eyes tracing the contour of his beautiful lips. 

 "I want you to" I breathed and then kissed him like I'd been wanting to for days.  

Aiden just sat there, watching it all unfold and finally said "I need to take a cold shower now" he smirked.  

Adrian and Aiden both walked me to the door but I turned to Aiden first.  

"Please don't over do it today.  I know you are feeling better but promise me you will stay either in bed or on the couch.  Don't bounce around" I said smoothing down his tee shirt in the front; the sensation of my palms on his chest felt good.  He leaned into me and kissed me. 

 "I really have missed that" I said wistfully as he pecked my cheek.  

"Don't worry, precious, there's more where that came from" he said grinning at me.  I was totally sure of that. 

 "Make sure he behaves, please" I whispered in Adrian's ear as I hugged him.  

"I will" he assured me as his hands wandered down my back cupping my behind and squeezing.  He hummed appreciatively.  

"Your ass is just so..." he didn't finish but I knew. 

 "Kiss me you beast" I breathed; and he did.  He left me breathless, panting and wanting more.

The ride to work was quiet and I filled my thoughts with silent reflection.  I had come very far in my personal life, looking back.  I wasn't the same, weak little girl that had married Christian Sinclair; I was a strong and independent thinking woman, one who wasn't afraid to stand her ground and stick up for herself. 

 I had proven that when I faced off with Casey; funny I hadn't thought of him or Christian until just now; I was getting better and was being able to let go and that in itself made me feel powerful.  I couldn't help but stop for a moment and think of Christian's parents; they were good people and I don't for a second blame them for how their son acted, I mean look at how Brett had turned out.  Nothing like Christian; it had to be the drugs and alcohol that had so altered him.  I shook my head and turned thoughts to Chloe and Brett.

  I needed to reach out to both of them and let them know what had happened, although it's possible they already knew.  

"Have a good day, Ms. Chelsea" Duffy said, holding my door open. 

 "Thanks, Duffy.  You too" I responded as I walked towards the front doors of Sinclair Industries.

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