Chapter 65 (edited)

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A taxi dropped us off at the club around eight o'clock and it was packed; that was good for the twins. We walked in as Cain, the bouncer, acknowledged us and let us in and we made our way to the bar. 

"Six shots of Patron, limes and salt please" I ordered. They were playing some good stuff tonight and with a little liquor in us we would be lose enough to dance our asses off and I was looking forward to it. I had tried not to think about the last time I was in here and you know what? It didn't matter, it wasn't going to ruin my night. 

"To getting laid tonight?" Ana asked holding up her shot. We slammed back our shots, sucked lime and licked the salt and making faces the entire time. 

"Why do we insist on ingesting that vile liquid?" Monique asked squishing her nose. 

I laughed at her while Ana said "Because we love the end result, that's why."

 And then we did the other shot and were ready for the dance floor. The DJ started playing Lady Gaga So Happy I Could Die and I screamed saying this was my song as we found our place on the floor and let the music and beat wash over us.

(Twins POV)

"It would seem that our fiance is having a very good time" Adrian smirked to Aiden as they watched Chelsea dance with Monique and Ana. 

"Damn she looks so sexy in that dress and look at how she's moving! Christ!" Aiden moaned. She looked fine as hell in leather and lace and those boots, holy hell! Adrian could imagine those resting up on his shoulders as he slammed into her; damn his cock was getting hard.

 "Aid, did you see her boots?" Adrian asked his brother. He kept trying to see but with all the people it was almost impossible and then he caught a glimpse of them. 

"Fuck!" he cried. "Leather and Lace? Seems your influence over her is starting to come out" he teased. Pretty soon they were joined by Monique's boyfriend, Stellan. The men shook hands and then he asked if they'd seen Monique. 

They pointed in the direction of the floor and said "See the dark black haired Amazon in the red dress?" they asked. He nodded and then he saw Monique behind her and then Chelsea.

Monique half yelled over the music and told Ana and Chelsea that they had an audience. They turned around and looked up at the VIP area and saw Stellan, Adrian and Aiden watching them. 

Just a moment later a very tall good looking man came up to Ana and started dancing with her so she was preoccupied with him and just as our song was over the DJ started to play another one and said it was dedicated to Prince who had just recently passed away; he played When Doves Cry; I really liked this song, it was good to dance too.

 I watched Monique motion for Stellan to come join her on the dance floor and that left me looking up at my fine men; I stuck out my finger indicating for them both to come down. Soon I was surrounded by Adrian and Aiden, we were dirty dancing and had garnered quite a bit of attention from other dancers.

 I didn't care, they were mine and I could dance with them however I wanted to but it was starting to get a little more crowded when Adrian suggested that we all go upstairs to the lounge, so the seven of us headed up.

The couches up there in the VIP area were huge, plush and very comfortable and a deep crimson in color and the fabric was crushed velvet, very erotic actually. I was sitting on Aiden's lap while Adrian was taking care of some rowdy club goers downstairs to which Aiden said it didn't happen a lot when I expressed concern. 

I was feeling very good from the tequila shots plus we had a couple of more since we came up to the lounge; I was getting turned on from sitting in Aiden's lap due to his erection poking me in my behind. I turned to the side, leaning forward I placed my mouth against his ear and started to nibble on it, then licked it softly and moved my lips to his neck; God he smelled so good, so masculine, so Aiden.

 I don't know what got into me but I moved the collar of his shirt and sucked hard enough on him that I tasted a little blood in my mouth; this caused him to groan into my shoulder. 

"Precious, if you don't stop I will take you right here and I don't care who sees" he threatened. 

I grabbed his hand and whispered "Quickie" and pulled him up and down the hall to our room. I told him to unfasten his pants and pull out his cock; he did this. I then told him to sit down on the bed and when he did this I backed up to him, pulled up my dress, slipped my panties off and lowered myself onto him. He placed his hands on either side of my hips and helped me move up and down on him. 

"Shit baby!" he gritted. "You feel so damn good" he exclaimed.

 "You like how it feels?" I huffed.

 "Yes" he groaned. 

"You feel how wet I am?" I panted.

 "God yes" he said, his breath ragged. 

"You do that to me baby. You make me so wet" I said clinching around him and crying out his name as he found his release at the same time.

 "Damn Chelsea!" he cried as he came. When he was done I could feel him lean into my back. I gingerly stood up and walked into the bathroom to clean up, then walked back out to gather my panties and slipped those back on and then Aiden went into the bathroom next. I waited on him and when he finished I walked over to him, wrapped my arms around him and kissed him hard. 

"I love you, you know" I said emotionally. 

"I love you too baby" he said returning the kiss. We left our room heading back out to where we'd left our guests and I saw Adrian over by the bar talking to the bartender. I told Aiden where I was going and he kissed me and told me to go on. I walked up next to Adrian and slid my arm around his waist; he draped his arm around my shoulder as he continued to talk to his barman. When they were finished I had his complete attention.

 "I'm feeling a little jealous" he joked. I smiled and placed my hand on the side of his face and caressed his rough skin. 

"I like this" I said referring to the stubble. 

"You do?" he sounded surprised.

 "Yes, it's rough like you and you know how I like rough. Kiss me Adrian, the way you always do" I begged. 

He fisted both his hands in my hair and crashed his mouth to mine, this action leaving my lips red and swollen. "Like that?" he breathed. I nodded as I closed the distance between us, grabbing his crotch and rubbing. 

"It seems kissing me like that does the same thing to you that it does to me" I said kissing his neck. 

"Hmm" he hummed. I moved his shirt aside and gave him the same mark as Aiden but on the opposite side. 

"Come with me baby. I need to take care of you" I said taking his hand leading him from the bar. I led him back to our room where we started to kiss and make out; it was getting hot and heavy as I reached to undo his belt and pants, taking care of those I worked on unbuttoning his shirt and once it was open I pushed his pants down enough to release his hard on. I pushed him down on the edge of the bed and dropped to my knees, wrapped my lips around him and brought him to release as I pleasured myself. 

"Damn baby" he panted when we were done. 

"You never cease to amaze me." I kissed him and told him I loved pleasuring him; after kissing me back we cleaned up and headed back to the lounge. It was a better night than I'd hoped for.

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